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Compute aggregations over a search index
Compute aggregations such as mean over a search index using a query.

Compute aggregations over a search index

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In this sample, create a simple search index and upload random data to it. This sample illustrates how aggregations can be computed from the random data, and how the data can be filtered using a query.


In contrast with other tutorials, this one uses an index with randomly generated data. No preliminary service or index setup is required.


  1. Clone or download this sample repository.
  2. Extract contents if the download is a zip file. Make sure the files are read-write.

Run the sample

  1. Open a solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Modify appsettings.json to use your search service URI and admin API key. The URI is a full URL in the format of https://<service-name> The admin API key is an alphanumeric string that you can obtain from the portal, PowerShell, or CLI.

      "searchServiceUrl": "<YOUR-SEARCH-SERVICE-URI>",
      "adminKey": "<YOUR-SEARCH-SERVICE-API-KEY>"
  3. Press F5 to compile and run the project.

Next steps

You can learn more about Azure AI Search on the official documentation site.