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255 lines (163 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

255 lines (163 loc) · 10.7 KB

Hash file contents and metadata and then store on chain when a file is added to an Adobe CC account


This logic app hashes file metadata and contents and then stores it on chain when a file is added to an Adobe CC account. The app will use a connector to be notified when new files are available.

Specifically –

  • It will look for newly updated files on a periodic basis
  • It obtains the file from Adobe CC
  • Hashes the file contents and some metadata about the file
  • Creates a new contract containing the hashed data and then adds it to the Registry


The pre-requisites for this sample include -

  • An Adobe CC account and permissions to add new files
  • An Azure Blockchain Workbench deployment

Of Note

This sample is designed to work with the File Registry application and File contract.

Create a Function App

This sample uses a Function App to hash the file contents. If you already have a Function App created, then you can skip to the next section.

Navigate to the Azure portal at

Click the + symbol in the upper left corner of the screen to add a new resource.

Search for and select Function App and then click Create.

Create Function App

Choose a name for the Function App, make sure .NET is chosen for the Runtime Stack and then click Create. This Function App will be used during the setup of the Logic App.

Configure Function App

Once the app has been created, open it in the portal and click the + symbol next to Functions to add a new function.

Add new function

Select "HTTP trigger" as the type of function to add.

Choose HTTP trigger

Name the new function "GenericHashFunction".

Name new function

Add the following code to the function. This function will return a SHA256 hash of the content that is passed to it.

#r "Newtonsoft.Json"

using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
    log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

    string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestBody))
        return new BadRequestObjectResult("File content or metadata failed to be hashed.");

    string contentHash = ComputeSha256Hash(requestBody);
    return (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult(contentHash);

public static string ComputeSha256Hash(string rawData)  
    // Create a SHA256   
    using (SHA256 sha256Hash = SHA256.Create())  
        // ComputeHash - returns byte array  
        byte[] bytes = sha256Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawData));  

        // Convert byte array to a string   
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();  
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)  
        return builder.ToString();  

Add Code

Save the function. This will be used in our logic app.

Create the Logic App

Click the + symbol in the upper left corner of the screen to add a new resource.

Search for and select Logic App and then click Create.

Create Logic App

Name the logic app "AdobeCCFileHashLogicApp".

Click the Create button.

Configure Logic App

A logic app is initiated by a trigger.

In this scenario, the trigger will be when a file is uploaded to the configured Adobe CC account.

Within the Logic App Designer, select "Blank Logic App".

Blank Logic App

Search for Adobe CC and then select the "When an asset is added" trigger.

Add Adobe CC trigger

When prompted, log in with the Adobe CC account to be used. Once completed, click the Create button.

Configure Adobe CC account

Once you have authenticated the user click + New Step.

Select folder and frequency

Add Hashing Functions

This next step will create hash values for the uploaded file's metadata and content. The first step is to create the hash for the content.

Search for Azure Function and then click "Choose an Azure function".

Add Azure Function

Pick the Azure Function App you created at the start of this sample and then select "GenericHashFunction" that you created earlier.

Create Azure Function

In the Request Body field, add the "Body" dynamic field from the "When an asset is added step". Click the three dots at the top, select "Rename" and name this function "Hash File Content".


Repeat the steps above to add a second call to the Azure Function. This time we will hash the metadata of the asset. This will be a JSON object and should look like the following image. Click the three dots at the top, select "Rename" and name this function "Hash File Metadata".

Function Request Body

The properties above are dynamic content that Azure determines based on the apps and connectors used upstream. You can see an example of the dynamic content available from the Adobe CC connector below.

Dynamic Adobe CC Connector Values

Initialzing the Variables

The contract that we will be using requires two pieces of generated data: a request Id and a process time. This will be created using a variable action. Search for "Variable" and select "Initialize variable"

Set Variable

The name of the first variable is "RequestId" and the type will be "String". When you click on the Value field, the expression editor will appear. Select "Expression" and enter "guid()". This will generate a unique guid for our call to use.

Request Id variable

Add a second variable whose name is "ProcessDateTime" and the type is "String". The expression for this variable is "utcNow()".

Process Date Time variable

Sending the Service Bus Message

The last portion of the logic app will be to create and send a message to the Service Bus Queue for the Azure Blockchain Workbench. Search "Service Bus" and then select "Send Message".

Select Send Message

Select the service bus you wish to connect to, either by selecting on from your current subscription or adding the connection string if it exists in a different location.

Configure Service Bus

The Send Message dialog will allow you to configure the message. For the "Queue/Topic name" select the "activityhub". The Content will contain dynamic data that we have created along the process of the logic app. Enter the following JSON into the field:

    "requestId": "",
    "userChainIdentifier": "0x13ea6fbcaa5a5606f557ee1aeb5ed99f4c571ac6",
    "applicationName": "FileRegistry",
    "workflowName": "File",
    "parameters": [
            "name": "registryAddress",
            "value": "0x7cfc428eda3ead7b35134a58a7930b56f9bd5b43"
        { "name": "fileId", "value": "" },
        { "name": "location", "value": "" },
        { "name": "fileHash", "value": "" },
        { "name": "fileMetadataHash", "value": "" },
        { "name": "contentType", "value": "" },
        { "name": "etag", "value": "" },
        { "name": "processedDateTime", "value": "" }           
    "connectionId": 1,
    "messageSchemaVersion": "1.0.0",
    "messageName": "CreateContractRequest"

Add the dynamic fields from the Parses JSON and Variable sections as show here. Remember that we hashed the content first and the metadata second so use the respective "Body" fields from those steps accordingly.

Configure the message

Once this is complete. Click Save and your logic app is ready to be tested.

Testing the logic app

You can test this functionality by taking the following steps –

  1. Navigate to the overview page of for the logic app in the portal and confirm that it is enabled (if it is not, click on the “disabled” link at the top of the screen to transition the logic app to an enabled state).
  2. Deploy the File Registry and File sample applications in Azure Blockchain Workbench.
  3. Add members to the new application for the roles of Registrar, Registrant, and BlockchainAgent.
  4. Create a new contract instance in the File Registry application. Once deployed, select the new Registry and perform the Open Registry action.
  5. Upload an image file to your Adobe CC account used in the logic app.
  6. The logic app should now be triggered and the code will be executed. Upon successful execution, you should see a File entry in your File workbench application. If you’d like to look at the execution of the logic app, navigate to the logic app in the portal. At the bottom of the screen, you will detail for Runs history


  1. Click on the most recent execution of your logic app in the list.
    This will show details on the trigger and actions executing within the logic app and allow you to validate success or troubleshoot reasons for failure.


  1. Once making changes in your logic app, you can navigate back to this same screen and click “Resubmit” and it will call the current version of your logic app with the values provided by the previous run.

In Review

This sample deployed and configured a logic app that will hash file content and metadata and deploy a smart contract in an Azure Blockchain Workbench application.

This sample is designed to work with the File Registry sample application and contracts but can be easily adapted to other contracts by making changes to Service Bus – Send a Message action at the end of the sample to reflect the specifics of the new contract.