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Quickstart: Transcribe a meeting in JavaScript on Node.js.

This sample demonstrates how to transcribe meetings with the Speech SDK for JavaScript on Node.js. See the accompanying article on the SDK documentation page which describes how to build this sample from scratch in your favourite editor.


Prepare the sample

Note: more detailed step-by-step instructions are available here.

  • Download the sample code to your development PC.
  • Open a command prompt at the quickstart directory, and run npm install to install the dependencies of the quickstart. This will place the Speech SDK library in the node_modules directory.
  • Update the index.js file with your configuration:
    • Replace the string YourSubscriptionKey with your own subscription key.
    • Replace the string YourServiceRegion with the service region of your subscription. For example, replace with westus if you are using the 30-day free trial subscription.
    • Add voice signature data for all participants
    • Replace the string YourAudioFile.wav with a path to a .wav file on your disk (required format: 8-channel).

Run the sample

Execute node index.js from the location where you have downloaded this quickstart.
