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Examples for Azure App Configuration JavaScript Provider

These examples show how to use the JavaScript Provider for Azure App Configuration in some common scenarios.


The examples are compatible with LTS versions of Node.js.

You need an Azure subscription and the following Azure resources to run the examples:

The examples retrieve credentials to access your App Configuration store from environment variables. Alternatively, edit the source code to include the appropriate credentials. See each individual example for details on which environment variables/credentials it requires to function.

Add a key-value

Add the following key-value to the App Configuration store and leave Label and Content Type with their default values. For more information about how to add key-values to a store using the Azure portal or the CLI, go to Create a key-value.

Key Value
app.settings.message Hello World!

Setup & Run

To run the examples using the published version of the package:

  1. Install the dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  2. There are two ways to run the examples using correct credentials:

    • Edit the file .env.template, adding the access keys to your App Configuration store. and rename the file from .env.template to just .env. The examples will read this file automatically.

    • Alternatively, you can set the environment variables to the access keys to your App Configuration store. In this case, setting up the .env file is not required.

      npx cross-env APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING="<appconfig connection string>" 
  3. Run the examples:

    node helloworld.mjs

    You should see the following output:

    Message from Azure App Configuration: Hello World!