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Releases: Azure/Azure-Media-Services-Explorer


09 Jun 10:46
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, process, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

A general description is available here and there is a recent blog post on live encoding and Explorer.

This update brings the following features and improvements :

  • Support for the new Dynamic Manifest Filters (using the REST API)
    • User can create asset filters and global filters
    • A filter can be selected when launching Azure Media Player from Explorer
    • Global filters are managed through a new tab
    • Asset filter can be managed in the asset information box
    • In asset information, Locators tab, a filter can be selected and URLs are updated accordingly
  • Adds support for upcoming release of Azure Media Encoder Standard
  • Updated to use Azure Media Services and Extensions SDKs v3.3.0.0
  • Bug fixes


09 Jun 10:06
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, process, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

A general description is available here and there is a recent blog post on live encoding and Explorer.

This update brings the following features and improvements :

  • Support for the new Dynamic Manifest Filters (using the REST API)
    • User can create asset filters and global filters
    • A filter can be selected when launching Azure Media Player from Explorer
    • Global filters are managed through a new tab
    • Asset filter can be managed in the asset information box
    • In asset information, Locators tab, a filter can be selected and URLs are updated accordingly
  • Adds support for upcoming release of Azure Media Encoder Standard
  • bug fixes


28 May 14:47
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, process, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

A description is available on

This update brings the following features and improvements :

  • Better support for High DPI screens / large text. In some configurations (like the Surface Pro 3), channels and programs in the Live tab were not visible. Project targets .NET Framework 4.5.2.
  • Added filtering & search for Channels and Programs
  • The storage attach feature supports importing an Azure subscription file
  • Notifications in the task bar for long duration operations like transfers, jobs, channel start & reset
  • New XML save option in AME Advanced mode
  • New menu option to display the parent job (if any) for a selected asset

Live Encoding is now in Public Preview! Check the blog post from Anil Murching


14 May 13:25
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, process, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features :

  • Hyperlapse for Azure Media Services, currently in free Public Preview. This new processor convert first-person videos into time-lapse videos with video stabilization. For more information see
  • Update to Live Encoding, currently in Private Preview. The encoding preset is displayed when a live channel is created. The Ad and Slate Control UI has been improved (stream preview and slate preview can be resized, more information is given in the slate preview area). The slate image is verified for compliancy (aspect ratio, size, etc) before uploading it to Azure Media Services.
  • Update to Azure Media Encoder UI: description of each preset is now provided.
  • Progress bars are only displayed for effective jobs.


30 Apr 20:53
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features :

  • Support for Live Encoding, currently in Preview. For more information see
    Encoding can be setup when creating a new channel.
    A new Ad and Slate control UI has been added to insert ads and slate on a live channel. It is possible to control several channels at the same time as the dialog is not modal.
  • Updated UI for Azure Media Indexer : added support for Spanish language and new configuration options. See
  • Generic processor has been replaced by Multiple processors UI. With this dialog, it is possible to create a job with 5 tasks max. For example, this can be used to create a single job that does indexing, thumbnails generation and encoding of a video file. Then this job can be saved as a Job Template to be used later by the user or by the WatchFolder mecanism.
  • New UI to launch an on-premises encoder. There is a new option to launch an on-premises encoder in order to push a live stream to a channel. The command line for ffmpeg or VLC is automatically generated. Wirecast, Adobe Media Encoder and Azure Media Capture are also listed.
  • Update to Watch Folder . It is now possible, for each file uploaded with WatchFolder, to process it with a job template, publish it and send an email when the workflow is completed.
  • Use the new Media Services and Extensions SDKs
  • Bug fixes and improvements


18 Mar 14:04
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features :

  • Support for Azure CDN activation/deactivation on a Streaming Endpoint. For more information on Media Services and Azure CDN integration, see
  • New asset copy feature (cloud to cloud). This works for VOD and live archives. Asset(s) can be copied to another Media Services account, including to an account in another Datacenter, to the default storage or to any attached storage. Merging the assets is proposed as an option in the dialog box.
    This feature can be used to replicate the content for backup, high availability or storage migration scenarios.
  • Locator management improvement: the expiration date is displayed in the asset grid, and it is possible to sort the assets based on the expiration date. This allows the user to see and extend the locators which expired or will expire soon.
  • Support for Media Services in Azure Government datacenters as a new option in the login dialog box. Announcement:
  • Updated to use Media Services SDK
  • Bug fixes and improvements


05 Mar 18:55
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features :


19 Feb 23:49
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features and bug fixes:

  • Multiple options for the content key authorization policy. It is now possible to add several options in the content key authorization policy when configuring dynamic encryption. This can be used to support both SWT and JWT tokens for the same key delivery, or deliver a custom PlayReady license based on the claims in the token.
  • New UI for test token. When requesting a test token, the end user can select an option of the key authorization Policy, and set the start/end date/time of the test token to generate.
  • Update to Azure Media Player support
  • Update to static PlayReady packager
  • bug fixes and several other improvements


06 Feb 15:32
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features and bug fixes:

  • Adds support for Azure Media Player with token support
  • New Dynamic Encryption "Wizard"
    • New PlayReady keys input dialog box
    • Adds support for JWT tokens (with symmetric and assymmetric X509 keys)
  • A way to remove/delete CENC/AES keys on a asset
  • more information on tokens in asset info dialog box
  • Remove the encryption of user settings as it causes issues on some PC
  • bug fixes


26 Jan 13:49
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Azure Media Services Explorer is a tool for Windows that does upload, download, encode, package, and stream assets and live channels with Azure Media Services. Source code is also provided.

Full description is available on

This update brings the following features and bug fixes:

  • user settings and credentials are now encrypted on disk using RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider
  • new tab for storage accounts. Used space information is displayed (if storage metrics have been activated on the storage)
  • Added relative date options in the PlayReady Template dialog box
  • Added a splash window when connecting to the Media Services account. Minor UI update for the grids
  • Task and jobs prices displayed in the Job information dialog box
  • code updates and bug fixes