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Publish to Azure Storage

After generating markdown from Azure templates using you may want to publish these files for consumption. A simple approach is to publish the files directly to Azure Blob Storage.

!!! Abstract This topic covers using a pipeline to publish markdown generated by PSDocs for Azure to blob storage.

=== "GitHub Actions"

Extend your GitHub Actions workflow `.github/workflows/publish-docs.yaml` created previously by completing the following steps:

- Add a new step to upload files to storage.

- name: 'Copy files to Azure Storage'
  uses: bacongobbler/azure-blob-storage-upload@v1.1.1
    connection_string: ${{ secrets.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
    container_name: docs
    source_dir: 'out/docs/*'

- Create an [encrypted secret][1] `STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SECRET` for the action to use.
  The secret value is a connection string with permissions to uploads files to the storage account.

The [bacongobbler/azure-blob-storage-upload][2] action is used to upload the markdown files to the `docs` blob storage container.

??? Example

    name: Publish docs
        branches: [ main ]
        name: Publish
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        - uses: actions/checkout@v2

        # Generate markdown files using PSDocs
        # Scan for Azure template file recursively in the templates/ directory
        # Then generate a docs using a standard naming convention. i.e. <name>_<version>.md
        - name: Generate docs
          run: |
            Install-Module -Name 'PSDocs.Azure' -Repository PSGallery -Force;
            Get-AzDocTemplateFile -Path templates/ | ForEach-Object {
              Invoke-PSDocument -Module PSDocs.Azure -OutputPath out/docs/ -InputObject $_.TemplateFile -Convention 'Azure.NameByParentPath';
          shell: pwsh

        - name: 'Copy files to Azure Storage'
          uses: bacongobbler/azure-blob-storage-upload@v1.1.1
            connection_string: ${{ secrets.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
            container_name: docs
            source_dir: 'out/docs/*'

=== "Azure Pipelines"

Extend your Azure DevOps YAML pipeline `.azure-pipelines/publish-docs.yaml` created previously by completing the following steps:

- Add a new step to upload files to storage.

- task: AzureFileCopy@4
  displayName: 'Copy files to Azure Storage'
    SourcePath: 'out/docs/*'
    azureSubscription: '<enter>'
    Destination: 'AzureBlob'
    storage: '<enter>'
    ContainerName: 'docs'

- Set `azureSubscription` and `storage` inputs with the name of your Azure service connection and storage account.

The [AzureFileCopy][3] task is used to upload the markdown files to the `docs` blob storage container.

??? Example

    - job: 'Publish'
      displayName: 'Generate ARM template docs'
        vmImage: 'windows-2019'

      # Generate markdown files using PSDocs
      # Scan for Azure template file recursively in the templates/ directory
      # Then generate a docs using a standard naming convention. i.e. <name>_<version>.md
      - powershell: |
          Install-Module -Name 'PSDocs.Azure' -Repository PSGallery -Force;
          Get-AzDocTemplateFile -Path templates/ | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-PSDocument -Module PSDocs.Azure -OutputPath out/docs/ -InputObject $_.TemplateFile -Convention 'Azure.NameByParentPath';
        displayName: 'Generate docs'

      - task: AzureFileCopy@4
        displayName: 'Copy files to Azure Storage'
          SourcePath: 'out/docs/*'
          azureSubscription: '<enter>'
          Destination: 'AzureBlob'
          storage: '<enter>'
          ContainerName: 'docs'