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Learn how to setup your GitHub repository to automatically test Bicep deployments.

Test a Bicep deployment with GitHub Actions

Bicep supports using a parameter file to deploy a module to Azure.

!!! Abstract Learn how to setup your GitHub repository to automatically test Bicep deployments referenced using .bicepparam files.

Before you begin

This quickstart assumes you have already:

  1. Installed Git locally and created a GitHub account. For more information, see Setup Git and Signing up for a new GitHub account.
  2. Created a GitHub repository and cloned it locally. For more information, see Create a repo and Clone a repo.
  3. Installed an editor or IDE locally to edit your repository files. For more information, see Visual Studio Code.

Add a sample Bicep deployment

If you don't already have a Bicep deployment in your repository, add a sample deployment.

  1. In the root of your repository, create a new folder called deployments.
  2. In the deployments folder, create a new file called dev.bicepparam.
  3. In the deployments folder, create a new file called main.bicep.

??? Example "Example parameter file"

```bicep title="deployments/dev.bicepparam"
using 'main.bicep'

param environment = 'dev'
param name = 'kv-example-001'
param defaultAction = 'Deny'
param workspaceId = '/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/rg-test/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/workspace-001'

??? Example "Example deployment module"

```bicep title="deployments/main.bicep"
targetScope = 'resourceGroup'

param name string
param location string = resourceGroup().location

param defaultAction string = 'Deny'
param environment string
param workspaceId string = ''

resource vault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2023-02-01' = {
  name: name
  location: location
  properties: {
    sku: {
      family: 'A'
      name: 'standard'
    tenantId: tenant().tenantId
    enableSoftDelete: true
    enablePurgeProtection: true
    enableRbacAuthorization: true
    networkAcls: {
      defaultAction: defaultAction
  tags: {
    env: environment

@sys.description('Configure auditing for Key Vault.')
resource logs 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = if (!empty(workspaceId)) {
  name: 'service'
  scope: vault
  properties: {
    workspaceId: workspaceId
    logs: [
        category: 'AuditEvent'
        enabled: true

You can also find a copy of these files in the quickstart sample repository.

Create an options file

PSRule can be configured using a default YAML options file called ps-rule.yaml. Many of configuration options you are likely to want to use can be set using this file. Options in this file will automatically be detected by other PSRule commands and tools.

  1. Create a new branch in your repository for your changes. For more information, see Creating a branch.
  2. In the root of your repository, create a new file called ps-rule.yaml.
  3. Update the file with the following contents and save.
# PSRule configuration

# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:

# Require a minimum version of PSRule for Azure.
  PSRule.Rules.Azure: '>=1.34.0' # (1)

# Automatically use rules for Azure.
  - PSRule.Rules.Azure # (2)

# Ignore all files except .bicepparam files.
  - '**' # (3)
  - '!**/*.bicepparam' # (4)
1. Set the minimum required version of PSRule for Azure to use. This does not install the required version, but will fail if the version is not available. Across a team and CI/CD pipeline, this can help ensure a consistent version of PSRule is used. 2. Automatically use the rules in PSRule for Azure for each run. 3. Ignore all files by default. PSRule will not try to analyze ignored files. 4. Add an exception for `.bicepparam` files.

Create a workflow

GitHub Actions are configured using a YAML file called a workflow. A workflow is made up of one or more jobs and steps.

  1. In the root of your repository, create a new folder called .github/workflows.
  2. In the .github/workflows folder, create a new file called analysis.yaml.
  3. Update the file with the following contents and save.
# Analyze repository with PSRule

# For PSRule documentation see:

# For action details see:

name: Analyze repository

# Run analysis for main or PRs against main
    - main
    - main

    name: Analyze repository
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Run PSRule analysis
      uses: microsoft/ps-rule@v2.9.0 # (1)
        modules: PSRule.Rules.Azure # (2)
1. Reference the PSRule action. You can find the latest version of the action on the [GitHub Marketplace][14]. 2. Automatically download and use PSRule for Azure during analysis.

Commit and push changes

  1. Commit and push the changes to your repository. For more information, see Committing changes to your project.
  2. Create a pull request to merge the changes into the main branch in GitHub. For more information, see Creating a pull request.
  3. Navigate to the Actions tab in your repository to check the status of the workflow.

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