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Integrate Azure Container Registry and Project Teleport with Azure Kubernetes Service (preview)

Project Teleport allows container hosts to access pre-expanded layers within an Azure Container Registry (ACR) that is in the same region as the container host. Using pre-expanded layers removes the time for compute and memory to decompress layers that are already available within the Azure network. Removing this decompression also reduces the time to create the instance of the running container.

Using Project Teleport with ACR and AKS is in private preview. See Enable Project Teleport on an ACR for access.

AKS preview features are available on a self-service, opt-in basis. Previews are provided "as is" and "as available," and they're excluded from the service-level agreements and limited warranty. AKS previews are partially covered by customer support on a best-effort basis. As such, these features aren't meant for production use. AKS preview features aren't available in Azure Government or Azure China 21Vianet clouds. For more information, see the following support articles:

ACR Preview features are available on a self-service, opt-in basis. Previews are provided "as is" and "as available," and they're excluded from the service-level agreements and limited warranty. ACR previews are partially covered by customer support on a best-effort basis. As such, these features aren't meant for production use. ACR preview features aren't available in Azure Government or Azure China 21Vianet clouds.


  • Ensure you have the Azure CLI, version 2.13.0 or greater installed.
  • Ensure you have the aks-preview CLI extension 0.4.73 or greater installed.
  • Ensure you have Project Teleport enabled on your ACR.
  • Ensure you have the AKS EnableACRTeleport feature flag under Microsoft.ContainerService enabled.

Preview Limitations

  • AKS node pools must use Kubernetes 1.19.7 or greater.
  • AKS node pools must use containerd as the container runtime. AKS clusters with node pools using Kubernetes before 1.19.0 use Moby as the container runtime.
  • Each ACR used must have Project Teleport enabled.
  • Each ACR must use the Premium Tier.
  • ACR and AKS must be in the same region. See Project Teleport supported regions.
    This is less of a limitation, rather a design constraint. It's always a best practice to have the content required for deployment to be within the same region. Project Teleport depends on this best practice to mount layers within an Azure network regional boundary.
  • Linux containers on AKS clusters are supported. Windows support is not yet available.
  • Enabling Project Teleport on an existing registry will not convert images already in the registry. To expand existing content, pull and push the image to trigger expansion.
    In a future release, enabling Project Teleport on a repository will convert the images. This work is not yet complete.
  • ACR Geo-replicated registries are not currently supported on Project Teleport enabled registries.
  • Private Links are not currently supported on Project Teleport enabled registries.

Enable Project Teleport on an ACR

Create a premium instance of Azure Container Registry in one of the Project Teleport supported regions.

Sign up for ACR Project Teleport using the signup form, providing the resource ID of a Premium Tier ACR instance. Once Project Teleport is enabled, you'll receive an confirmation email.

Set environment variables

Configure variables unique to your environment.


Confirming an ACR repository is set to expand

Once you receive a confirmation email, push an image to a new repository. You may also use az acr import to copy an image from another registry.

To confirm an ACR repository has been configured for teleport expansion, use the following command, replacing $ACR and <namespace/image> with your acr and image name.

az acr import \
  --source \
  --name $ACR \
  --image azure-vote-front:v1

az acr import \
  --source \
  --name $ACR \
  --image redis:6.0.8

az acr repository show -n ${ACR} -o jsonc \
  --repository azure-vote-front

The following example output shows "teleportEnabled": true, verifying Project Teleport is enabled on your ACR.

  "changeableAttributes": {
    "deleteEnabled": true,
    "listEnabled": true,
    "readEnabled": true,
    "teleportEnabled": true,
    "writeEnabled": true

Confirming an image has been expanded

At this point in the Teleport preview, check image expansion using the script. As the script uses a /mount api, basic auth is required. An ACR Token is created and saved as environment variable.

Note: Assure is set to execute: sudo chmod +x

export ACR_USER=teleport-token
export ACR_PWD=$(az acr token create \
  --name teleport-token \
  --registry $ACR \
  --scope-map _repositories_pull \
  --query credentials.passwords[0].value -o tsv)

./ ${ACR} <namespace/repo> <tag>
# example: ./ myacr azure-vote-front v1

Install aks-preview CLI extension

To use Project Teleport with ACR and AKS, you need version 0.4.73, or greater, of the aks-preview CLI extension. Install the aks-preview Azure CLI extension using the az extension add command, or install any available updates using the az extension update command:

# Check the current Azure CLI version
az version

# Check the current aks-preview extension version
az extension list

# Install the aks-preview extension
az extension add --name aks-preview

# Update the extension to make sure you have the latest version installed
az extension update --name aks-preview

Register the AKS EnableACRTeleport preview feature

To use Teleport with ACR and AKS, you must enable the EnableACRTeleport feature flag on your subscription. This feature flag provisions the teleportd client to AKS nodes.

Register the AKS EnableACRTeleport feature flag using the az feature register command as shown in the following example:

az feature register \
  --namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" \
  --name "EnableACRTeleport"

It may take 15 minutes or more to complete registration. You can check on the registration status using the az feature list command:

az feature list \
  --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.ContainerService/EnableACRTeleport')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}" \
  -o table

When ready, refresh the registration of the Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider using the az provider register command:

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

Create a new AKS cluster with Teleport enabled

To use Teleport with ACR and AKS on a new cluster, create a new AKS cluster and specify your ACR with Project Teleport enabled as well as the EnableACRTeleport=true custom header.

# Create the AKS Cluster, attached to ACR, with Project Teleport Enabled
az aks create \
    --generate-ssh-keys \
    -g ${AKS_RG} \
    -n ${AKS} \
    --attach-acr $ACR \
    --kubernetes-version ${K8S_VERSION} \
    -l $LOCATION \
    --aks-custom-headers EnableACRTeleport=true

az aks get-credentials \
    -g ${AKS_RG} \
    -n ${AKS}

Add a Project Teleport enabled node pool to an existing AKS cluster

To use Project Teleport on an existing AKS cluster, add a node pool to your cluster and set the EnableACRTeleport=true custom header.

az aks nodepool add \
  --name teleportpool \
  --cluster-name ${AKS} \
  --resource-group ${AKS_RG} \
  --kubernetes-version ${K8S_VERSION} \
  --aks-custom-headers EnableACRTeleport=true

If your AKS cluster doesn't have access to your Project Teleport enabled ACR, attach it.

az aks update \
  -n ${AKS} \
  -g ${AKS_RG} \
  --attach-acr ${ACR}

Verify your cluster has Project Teleport enabled

When your cluster has a node pool with Project Teleport enabled, any nodes in that node pool have the label. You can target this label with a node selector when running pods on your cluster to have specific applications take advantage of Project Teleport.

To show the labels on your nodes, get the credentials for your cluster and use kubectl to show your nodes.

az aks get-credentials -g ${AKS_RG} -n ${AKS}
kubectl get nodes

Use kubectl to get the details of a specific node. Confirm the label appears in the node details. Note: the full name of the nodepool is not required. Only enough of the name to be unique is required.

kubectl describe node aks-nodepool1

The following example output shows the label in the node details.

$ kubectl describe node aks-nodepool1-00000000-vmss000000
Name:               aks-nodepool1-00000000-vmss000000
Roles:              agent
Labels:             agentpool=nodepool1

Next steps

For more information about pushing an image into your ACR, see Push your first image to a private container registry using the Docker CLI.

For more information about importing images into your ACR, see Import container images to a container registry.