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Module Name: Az.Support
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schema: 2.0.0



Creates a support ticket.


CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet (Default)

New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerFirstName <String> -CustomerLastName <String>
 -PreferredContactMethod <ContactMethod> -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress <String>
 [-AdditionalEmailAddress <String[]>] [-CustomerPhoneNumber <String>] -CustomerPreferredTimeZone <String>
 -CustomerCountry <String> -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage <String> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob] [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
 [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerContactDetail <PSContactProfile> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob] [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
 [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerContactDetail <PSContactProfile> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 -TechnicalTicketResourceId <String> [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob]
 [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerContactDetail <PSContactProfile> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 -QuotaTicketDetail <PSQuotaTicketDetail> [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob]
 [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerFirstName <String> -CustomerLastName <String>
 -PreferredContactMethod <ContactMethod> -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress <String>
 [-AdditionalEmailAddress <String[]>] [-CustomerPhoneNumber <String>] -CustomerPreferredTimeZone <String>
 -CustomerCountry <String> -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage <String> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 -TechnicalTicketResourceId <String> [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob]
 [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


New-AzSupportTicket -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -ProblemClassificationId <String>
 -Severity <Severity> -CustomerFirstName <String> -CustomerLastName <String>
 -PreferredContactMethod <ContactMethod> -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress <String>
 [-AdditionalEmailAddress <String[]>] [-CustomerPhoneNumber <String>] -CustomerPreferredTimeZone <String>
 -CustomerCountry <String> -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage <String> [-ProblemStartTime <DateTime>]
 -QuotaTicketDetail <PSQuotaTicketDetail> [-CSPHomeTenantId <String>] [-Require24X7Response] [-AsJob]
 [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


This cmdlet can be used to create a support ticket for Billing, Subscription Management, Quota or Technical issues. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification cmdlets to identify the Azure service and it's corresponding problem classifications respectively for which you want to request support. You must specify the following parameters:

• Title
• Description
• Severity level
• ProblemClassificationId
• CustomerContactDetail (or individual customer contact parameters)

You can use New-AzSupportContactProfileObject helper cmdlet to create CustomerContactDetail object.

Cloud Solution Providers can create a support ticket for their customer's subscriptions by logging into their customer's tenant and specifying their home tenant id using CSPHomeTenantId parameter.

For technical tickets:

To specify the resource name, specify the ARM resource ID of the resource by using TechnicalTicketResourceId parameter. See an example below.

For quota tickets:

To request for quota increase for Compute VM Cores, Batch, SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse, provide additional details under QuotaTicketDetail object. QuotaTicketDetail object consists of 3 properties as described below. For detailed documentation, please click here.

• QuotaChangeRequestSubType

    This is required for certain quota types when there is a sub type that you are requesting quota increase for. Example: Batch, SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse have a sub type.

• QuotaChangeRequestVersion

    This is required and indicates the version of the quota change request payload.

• QuotaChangeRequests

    This is required and is a list of PSQuotaChangeRequest objects. PSQuotaChangeRequest object has 2 required properties.

    ○ Region

        This is the Azure location or region for which you are requesting quota increase. This is the Location property of Get-AzLocation cmdlet.
    ○ Payload

        This is where you specify the new limits for the selected quota type.

For detailed documentation on how to construct Payload for various quota types, please click here


Example 1: Create a Billing or Subscription Management support ticket. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Billing or Subscription Management problem classification for which you want to request support

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{billing_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{problemClassification_guid}" -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------ ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Billing            Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 2: Create a technical support ticket for Virtual Machine for Windows resource. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Virtual Machine for Windows problem classification for which you want to request support

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{vm_windows_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{problemClassification_guid}" -TechnicalTicketResourceId "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/testRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/testVM" -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName              Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------              ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Virtual Machine running Windows Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 3: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Virtual Machine Cores for a specific VM family. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Compute VM Cores problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{cores_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"VMFamily`":`"Dv2 Series`",`"NewLimit`":350}"}, @{Region = "eastus"; Payload = "{`"VMFamily`":`"Dv2 Series`",`"NewLimit`":516}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 4: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Low-priority cores for a Batch account. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Batch problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{batch_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Account" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"AccountName`":`"test`",`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"LowPriority`"}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 5: Create a quota support ticket to increase VM cores quota for a specific VM Family for a Batch account. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Batch problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{batch_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Account" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"AccountName`":`"test`",`"VMFamily`":`"standardA0_A7Family`",`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"Dedicated`"}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 6: Create a quota support ticket to increase Pools quota for a Batch account. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Batch problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{batch_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Account" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"AccountName`":`"test`",`"NewLimit`":120,`"Type`":`"Pools`"}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 7: Create a quota support ticket to increase active Jobs and job schedules quota for a Batch account. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Batch problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{batch_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Account" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"AccountName`":`"test`",`"NewLimit`":120,`"Type`":`"Jobs`"}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 8: Create a quota support ticket to increase number of Batch accounts for a subscription. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Batch problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{batch_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Subscription" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":120,`"Type`":`"Account`"}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 9: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for DTUs for SQL Database. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota SQL Database problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{sql_database_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "DTUs" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"ServerName`":`"testserver`",`"NewLimit`":54000}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 10: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Servers for SQL Database. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota SQL Database problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{sql_database_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Servers" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":200}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 11: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for DTUs for SQL Data Warehouse. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota SQL Date Warehouse problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{sql_datawarehouse_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "DTUs" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"ServerName`":`"testserver`",`"NewLimit`":54000}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 12: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Servers for SQL Data Warehouse. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota SQL Data Warehouse problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{sql_datawarehouse_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "Servers" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":200}"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 13: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Low-priority cores for Machine Learning service. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Machine Learning service problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{machine_learning_service_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "BatchAml" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"LowPriority`" }"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 14: Create a quota support ticket to increase VM cores quota for a specific VM Family for Machine Learning service. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota Machine Learning service problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{machine_learning_service_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "BatchAml" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"VMFamily`":`"standardDFamily`",`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"Dedicated`" }"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 15: Create a quota support ticket to increase quota for Azure SQL Managed Instance. Use Get-AzSupportService and Get-AzSupportProblemClassification to retrieve correct GUIDs for Quota SQL Managed Instance service problem classification.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{quota_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{sql_managed_instance_problemClassification_guid}" -QuotaTicketDetail @{QuotaChangeRequestVersion = "1.0" ; QuotaChangeRequestSubType = "SQLMI" ; QuotaChangeRequests = (@{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"vCore`" }"}, @{Region = "westus"; Payload = "{`"NewLimit`":200,`"Type`":`"Subnet`" }"})} -CustomerContactDetail @{FirstName = "first" ; LastName = "last" ; PreferredTimeZone = "pacific standard time" ; PreferredSupportLanguage = "en-us" ; Country = "USA" ; PreferredContactMethod = "Email" ; PrimaryEmailAddress = ""}
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName                       Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------                       ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Service and subscription limits (quotas) Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 16: Create a support ticket by specifying individual customer contact parameters instead of CustomerContactDetail object.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{billing_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{problemClassification_guid}" -CustomerFirstName "first" -CustomerLastName "last" -CustomerPreferredTimeZone "pacific standard time" -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage "en-us" -CustomerCountry "USA" -PreferredContactMethod "Email" -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress ""
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------ ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Billing            Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 17: Create a support ticket with request for 24 x 7 response from Azure.

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "critical" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{billing_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{problemClassification_guid}" -CustomerFirstName "first" -CustomerLastName "last" -CustomerPreferredTimeZone "pacific standard time" -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage "en-us" -CustomerCountry "USA" -PreferredContactMethod "Email" -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress "" -Require24X7Response
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------ ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Critical  Billing            Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM

Example 18: Create a support ticket on behalf of your customer if you are a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP). CSP should first login into their tenant, and then login into customer's tenant as shown in the example below. They must then use -CSPHomeTenantId parameter to specify their home tenant id at the time of creating a support ticket.


Connect-AzAccount -TenantId "customer_tenant_id"

New-AzSupportTicket -Name "test1" -Title "Test" -Description "Test" -Severity "minimal" -ProblemClassificationId "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{billing_service_guid}/problemClassifications/{problemClassification_guid}" -CustomerFirstName "first" -CustomerLastName "last" -CustomerPreferredTimeZone "pacific standard time" -CustomerPreferredSupportLanguage "en-us" -CustomerCountry "USA" -PreferredContactMethod "Email" -CustomerPrimaryEmailAddress "" -CSPHomeTenantId "csp_home_tenant_id"
Name  Title SupportTicketId Severity ServiceDisplayName Status CreatedDate
----  ----- --------------- -------- ------------------ ------ -----------
test1 Test  150010521000317 Minimal  Billing            Open   2/5/2020 1:33:53 AM



Additional email addresses. Email addresses listed here will be copied on any correspondence about the support ticket.

Type: System.String[]
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Run cmdlet in the background.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This is the home tenant id of the Cloud Solution Provider user trying to create a support ticket for their customer.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer contact details associated with SupportTicket resource.

Type: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Support.Models.PSContactProfile
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactObjectParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactObjectParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactObjectParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer country. This must be a valid ISO Alpha-3 country code (ISO 3166).

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer first name.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer last name.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer phone number. This is required if preferred contact method is phone.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Peferred language of the custom. This must be a valid language-contry code for one of the supported languages listed here

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer preferred time zone. This must be a valid System.TimeZoneInfo.Id value.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Customer primary email address.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The credentials, account, tenant, and subscription used for communication with Azure.

Type: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: AzContext, AzureRmContext, AzureCredential

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Detailed description of the question or issue.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Name of support ticket that this cmdlet creates.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Preferred contact method.

Type: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Support.Models.ContactMethod
Parameter Sets: CreateSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet
Accepted values: Email, Phone

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Each Azure service has its own set of issue category called problem classification that corresponds to the type of problem you're experiencing. This parameter is the ARM resource id of ProblemClassification resource.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Date and time when the problem started.

Type: System.DateTime
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Additional details for a Quota support ticket.

Type: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Support.Models.PSQuotaTicketDetail
Parameter Sets: CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactObjectParameterSet, CreateQuotaSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Indicates if this support ticket requires a 24x7 response from Azure.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Severity of the support ticket. This indicates the urgency of the case, which in turn determines the response time according to the service level agreement of the technical support plan you have with Azure.

Type: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Support.Models.Severity
Parameter Sets: (All)
Accepted values: Minimal, Moderate, Critical, HighestCriticalImpact

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This is the resource id of the Azure service resource (For example: A virtual machine resource or an HDInsight resource) for which the support ticket is created.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactObjectParameterSet, CreateTechnicalSupportTicketWithContactDetailParameterSet

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Title of support ticket.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: cf

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: wi

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.



