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Announcing New Module 'Az'

In August 2018 we released a new module, 'Az' which combines the functionality of the AzureRM and AzureRM.Netcore modules. Az runs on both PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core. 'Az' ensures that the PowerShell and PowerShell Core cmdlets for managing Azure resources will always be in sync and up to date. In addition, Az will simplify and regularize the naming of Azure cmdlets, and the organization of Azure modules. Az is intended as a replacement for the AzureRM.Netcore and AzureRM modules.

Az currently ships in Cloud Shell, and can be found on the PowerShell Gallery here

Az is a new module, and reorganizing and simplifying cmdlet names involves breaking changes, so we have added features to Az to make it easier to transition to the simplified, normalized names in your existing scripts.

New Features

  • PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core support in the same module
  • PowerShell Core Edition and PowerShell Desktop Edition cmdlets always in sync and up to date with latest Azure capabilities
  • Shortened and normalized cmdlet names - all cmdlets use the noun prefix 'Az'
  • Normalized module organization - data plane and management plane cmdlets in the same module for each service
  • Enhanced authentication for Netcore
    • Self-renewing Service Principal Authentication
    • Service Principal Certificate Authentication (in the future)
  • Enable/Disable-AzureRmAlias cmdlets to manage compatibility with scripts based on AzureRM

Supported Platforms

  • PowerShell 5.1 with .Net Framework 4.7.2 or later [Windows only]
  • PowerShell Core 6.0 - Windows, Linux, macOS
  • PowerShell Core 6.1 - Windows, Linux, macOS


  • Initial Release - August 2018
  • Az at functional parity with AzureRM - November 2018
  • Last version of AzureRM with new Azure features - December 2018

AzureRM Module Support

AzureRM will continue to be supported, and important bugs will be fixed, but new development and new Azure capabilities will be shipped only in Az starting December 2018.

Authentication Changes

Migrating From AzureRM

To make it easier for existing scripts to migrate from AzureRM to Az, we have provided cmdlets to create aliases that map the cmdlet names in AzureRM into the appropriate cmdlets in Az. When the aliases are enabled, any script that uses AzureRM cmdlet names should run against Az without modification.

Note: Connect-AzAccount aka Connect-AzureRmAccount no longer supports $pscredential. See Authentication Changes for more

PS C:\> Enable-AzureRmAlias

will enable AzureRM aliases in the Az module for the current PowerShell session. For your convenience, we have added a Scope parameter that will automatically set up the AzureRM aliases in Az for every PowerShell session:

PC C:\> Enable-AzureRmAlias -Scope CurrentUser

Sets up AzureRM cmdlet name aliases in the Az module for all sessions started by the current user, while

PS C:\> Enable-AzureRmAlias -Scope LocalMachine

sets up AzureRM cmdlet aliases in the Az module for all sessions started on this machine for any user. You can turn aliases off similarly using the Disable-AzureRmAlias cmdlet

PS C:\> Disable-AzureRmAlias

Turns off aliases in the current session. The Scope parameter allows you to remove the aliases for PowerShell sessions started by the current user

PS C:\> Disable-AzureRmAlias -Scope CurrentUser

or for all PowerShell sessions:

PS C:\> Disable-AzureRmAlias -Scope LocalMachine

Module Name Changes

For scripts that import modules directly, or use #Requires statements to specify required modules, references to AzureRM.* will need to be changed to the appropriate Az module. A current list of AzureRM modules and their Az equivalents are listed below. Note that this list is subject to change as module names in Az are updated through November 2018.

AzureRM Module Name Az Module Name
AzureRM Az
Azure.AnalysisServices Az.AnalysisServices
Azure.Storage Az.Storage
AzureRM.Aks Az.Aks
AzureRM.AnalysisServices Az.AnalysisServices
AzureRM.ApiManagement Az.ApiManagement
AzureRM.ApplicationInsights Az.ApplicationInsights*
AzureRM.Automation Az.Automation
AzureRM.Backup Az.Backup***
AzureRM.Batch Az.Batch
AzureRM.Billing Az.Billing
AzureRM.Cdn Az.Cdn
AzureRM.CognitiveServices Az.CognitiveServices
AzureRM.Compute Az.Compute
AzureRM.Compute.ManagedService Az.Compute.ManagedService***
AzureRM.Consumption Az.Consumption*
AzureRM.ContainerInstance Az.ContainerInstance*
AzureRM.ContainerRegistry Az.ContainerRegistry*
AzureRM.DataFactories Az.DataFactory
AzureRM.DataFactoryV2 Az.DataFactory
AzureRM.DataLakeAnalytics Az.DataLakeAnalytics
AzureRM.DataLakeStore Az.DataLakeStore
AzureRM.DataMigration Az.DataMigration
AzureRM.DeviceProvisioningServices Az.DeviceProvisioningServices*
AzureRM.DevSpaces Az.DevSpaces
AzureRM.DevTestLabs Az.DevTestLabs
AzureRM.Dns Az.Dns
AzureRM.EventGrid Az.EventGrid
AzureRM.EventHub Az.EventHub
AzureRM.HDInsight Az.HDInsight**
AzureRM.Insights Az.Insights*
AzureRM.IotHub Az.IoTHub
AzureRM.KeyVault Az.KeyVault
AzureRM.LogicApp Az.LogicApp***
AzureRM.MachineLearning Az.MachineLearning
AzureRM.MachineLearningCompute Az.MachineLearningCompute*
AzureRM.ManagedServiceIdentity Az.ManagedServiceIdentity*
AzureRM.ManagementPartner Az.ManagementPartner*
AzureRM.Maps Az.Maps
AzureRM.MarketplaceOrdering Az.MarketplaceOrdering*
AzureRM.Media Az.Media
AzureRM.Network Az.Network*
AzureRM.NotificationHubs Az.NotificationHubs*
AzureRM.OperationalInsights Az.OperationalIsights
AzureRM.PolicyInsights Az.PolicyInsights*
AzureRM.PowerBIEmbedded Az.PowerBIEmbedded*
AzureRM.Profile Az.Profile*
AzureRM.RecoveryServices Az.RecoveryServices**
AzureRM.RecoveryServices.Backup Az.RecoveryServices**
AzureRM.RecoveryServices.SiteRecovery Az.RecoveryServices**
AzureRM.RedisCache Az.RedisCache**
AzureRM.Relay Az.Relay*
AzureRM.Reservations Az.Reservations*
AzureRM.Resources Az. Resources
AzureRM.Scheduler Az.Scheduler***
AzureRM.Search Az.Search
AzureRM.Security Az.Security*
AzureRM.ServiceBus Az.ServiceBus
AzureRM.ServiceFabric Az.ServiceFabric**
AzureRM.SignalR Az.SignalR
AzureRM.Sql Az.Sql
AzureRM.Storage Az.Storage
AzureRM.StorageSync Az.StorageSync
AzureRM.StreamAnalytics Az.StreamAnalytics
AzureRM.Subscription Az.Subscription*
AzureRM.Tags Az.Tags*
AzureRM.TrafficManager Az.TrafficManager*
AzureRM.UsageAggregates Az.UsageAggregates
AzureRM.Websites Az.Websites

* Module name may change for 1.0

** Module not yet available

*** Module may not appear in 1.0

Installing Az and AzureRM Side-by-Side - Discouraged

It is discouraged for AzureRM and Az to be installed on the same machine, but there may be limited circumstances where this is needed for certain older scripts.

If you need to have both modules installed:

  • Do not use the Enable-AzureRmAlias cmdlet with -Scope CurrentUser or LocalMachine

  • When installing Az on a machine with AzureRM previously installed, you must specify AllowClobber in the Install-Module cmdlet invocation.

    PS C:\> Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber
  • You cannot load Az and AzureRM modules in the same PowerShell session, but they can be used in seperate sessions as follows

    • In AzureRM session: Import-Module AzureRM
    • In Az session: Use cmdlets with Az noun, do not use cmdlets with AzureRm noun