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Interactive Browser Credential

The InteractiveBrowserCredential uses Authorization Code Flow, which uses Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) both on the browser and on Node.js. Under the hood it uses @azure/msal-node for Node.js and @azure/msal-browser in browsers.

InteractiveBrowserCredential can be used both in Node and in browsers. For each case, there are some important considerations that must be taken.

For Node.js

For Node.js, if a clientId is provided, the Azure Active Directory application will need to be configured to have a "Mobile and desktop applications" redirect endpoint. Follow our guide on setting up Redirect URIs for Desktop apps that calls to web APIs.

When using InteractiveBrowserCredential on Node, you may specify a clientId and tenantId, but otherwise we try to authenticate using a public client that's available for all Azure accounts and the default tenant of your account. For Node, this credential uses a web server to fulfill the redirection. This web server tries to use the port 80 by default. A redirectUri can be provided to determine the proper redirection URI with the adequate port, as follows:

const credential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential({
  // You may provide a client ID if you have an application configured.
  clientId: "my-client-id",
  // You may provide a tenant ID based on the resource you are trying to access.
  tenantId: "my-tenant-id",
  // You may provide a redirectUri based on the redirectUri configured in your AAD application:
  redirectUri: "http://localhost:8080/"

For browsers

Follow the instructions for creating and configuring an Azure Active Directory application to authenticate a single-page application to correctly mark your redirect URI as enabled for CORS.

When using InteractiveBrowserCredential in the browser, you will be required to pass a clientId in the constructor parameters, such as:

const credential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential({
  // You MUST provide a client ID if you have an application configured.
  clientId: "my-client-id",
  // You may provide a tenant ID based on the resource you are trying to access.
  tenantId: "my-tenant-id",
  // You may provide a redirectUri based on the redirectUri configured in your AAD application:
  redirectUri: "http://localhost:8080/"

Azure Active Directory enterprise applications configured with redirect URIs for Web environments are no longer supported by the Authorization Code Flow. You will have to configure your AAD application to use Single Page Application redirect URis (type spa).

CORS error

If you attempt to use the Authorization Code Flow and you get an error similar to this one:

access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Then you need to visit your app registration and update the redirect URI you're using to the type spa (for "single page application").

Sample code

You can see a sample project that uses InteractiveBrowserCredential here: link to the sample project.