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187 lines (120 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (120 loc) · 12.5 KB

Contribute Code or Provide Feedback

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.

For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

If you would like to become an active contributor to this project please follow the instructions provided in Microsoft Azure Projects Contribution Guidelines.

The Azure Storage development team uses Visual Studio Code. However, any preferred IDE or other toolset should be usable.


  • Node.js valid LTS versions (>=8.16.0)
  • Browsers like Chrome, Edge or Firefox
  • Clone the source code from GitHub



The only step to configure testing is to set the appropriate environment variables. Create environment variables as per below.


TEST_MODE can be "record" or "live" or "playback"

  • record - to test against the service while recording the HTTP requests and responses
  • playback - to test against the saved recordings without hitting the live service
  • live - to test against the service directly without recording

The default TEST_MODE is playback. Explicitly set the TEST_MODE for live and record modes.

Example - export TEST_MODE=record or set TEST_MODE=record

  • If the TEST_MODE is "record" or "live", please follow the the table below and set the environment variables accordingly. No need to set them for playback.

    Environment variables Description Required/Not
    ACCOUNT_NAME Name of your storage account. Required
    ACCOUNT_KEY Can be obtained from the Azure portal. Go to the Access Keys tab under the Settings section of your storage account in the portal and note down the key. Required
    ACCOUNT_SAS Can be obtained from the Azure portal. Go to the Shared access signature tab under the Settings section of your storage account in the portal. Generate SAS by enabling permissions, setting exiry dates, etc. You can also generate SAS from tools like Azure Storage Explorer.
    A SAS starts with "?". And if you are using Windows CMD, you may need quotes to escape special characters like this - set "ACCOUNT_SAS=<YOUR_SAS>"
    Required to run the browser tests
    ACCOUNT_TOKEN Preferred way is to get a Token through Azure CLI.
    - az login
    - az account get-access-token --resource ""
    For more info - refer Azure CLI - get-access-token
    Not required (Some of the tests will be skipped if this variable is not defined)
    STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING Can be obtained from the Azure portal. Go to the Access Keys tab under the Settings section of your storage account in the portal and note down the connection string. Required
    ENCRYPTION_SCOPE_1 An encryption scope created under your storage account. The two encryption scopes need to be different. Can be created using the SRP API. Not required (Some of the tests will be skipped if this variable is not defined)
    ENCRYPTION_SCOPE_2 Another encryption scope created under your storage account. The two encryption scopes need to be different. Can be created using the SRP API. Not required (Some of the tests will be skipped if this variable is not defined)

The environment variable TEST_MODE controls how the tests are running.

  • If TEST_MODE = "record",
    • Tests hit the live-service
    • Nock/Nise are leveraged for recording the request-responses for future use
    • If recordings are already present, forces re-recording
  • Else If TEST_MODE = "live",
    • Tests hit the live-service, we don't record the requests/responses
  • Else If TEST_MODE = "playback" (or if the TEST_MODE is not set or set to an invalid value),
    • Existing recordings are played back as responses to the HTTP requests in the tests

Please refer to the guidelines on Record and Playback for more details.

Emulator Tests

  • Expected environment variable to run tests with the emulator Azurite - Extension for VS Code
    • STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" (or UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=http://myProxyUri)


You need to set up CORS rules for your storage account if you need to develop for browsers. Go to Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer, find your storage account, create new CORS rules for blob/queue/file/table service(s).

For example, you can create following CORS settings for debugging. But please customize the settings carefully according to your requirements in production environment.

  • Allowed origins: *
  • Allowed headers: *
  • Exposed headers: *
  • Maximum age (seconds): 86400


This project is based on TypeScript. Build with:

npm install
npm run build


To actually run tests in Node.js:

npm install
npm run build
npm run test:node

Run tests in Browsers. After installed Chrome, the default testing browser:

npm install
npm run build
npm run test:browser

Browser testing is based on Karma, you can change default testing browser by modifying karma.conf.js file.

Record & Playback

By default, above test commands run the tests in playback mode i.e using the existing request/response recordings instead of making the request to Azure Storage accounts. To run the tests against live Azure Storage accounts, set the environment value TEST_MODE to live before running the test commands. export TEST_MODE=live

To add or update recordings for the tests, set the TEST_MODE to record before running the test commands. export TEST_MODE=record

Playback mode is for offline mock test, which doesn't require a storage account, it's quick but less coverage:

export TEST_MODE=playback

Record tests for next playback. Recording is necessary after adding or updating test cases:

export TEST_MODE=record

Live tests by setting TEST_MODE environment variable:

export TEST_MODE=live

Testing Features

As you develop a feature, you'll need to write tests to ensure quality. You should also run existing tests related to your change to address any unexpected breaks in both Node.js and Browsers.

Unit Tests

New env variable for recordings - TEST_MODE [Supposed to be added in the .env file to be able to do record and playback]

  • If TEST_MODE = "record",

    • Tests hit the live-service
    • We record the request-responses for future use by leveraging
    • If recordings are already present, forces re-recording
  • Else If TEST_MODE = "playback",

    • Existing recordings(present in the /recordings folder) are used to verify the tests
  • Else If TEST_MODE = "live",

    • Tests hit the live-service, we don't record the requests/responses
npm install
npm run test

npm run test would run the the tests in both node and the browser.

Link - Guidelines for record and playback - @azure-tools/test-recorder

Pull Requests


The following are the minimum requirements for any pull request that must be met before contributions can be accepted.

  • Make sure you've signed the CLA before you start working on any change.

  • Discuss any proposed contribution with the team via a GitHub issue before starting development.

  • Code must be professional quality

    • No style issues
    • You should strive to mimic the style with which we have written the library
    • Clean, well-commented, well-designed code
    • Try to limit the number of commits for a feature to 1-2. If you end up having too many we may ask you to squash your changes into fewer commits.
  • needs to be updated describing the new change

  • Thoroughly test your feature

Branching Policy

Changes should be based on the dev branch. Do not submit pull requests against master as master is considered publicly released code. Each breaking change should be recorded in

Review Process

We expect all guidelines to be met before accepting a pull request. As such, we will work with you to address issues we find by leaving comments in your code. Please understand that it may take a few iterations before the code is accepted as we maintain high standards on code quality. Once we feel comfortable with a contribution, we will validate the change and accept the pull request.

Thank you for any contributions! Please let the team know if you have any questions or concerns about our contribution policy.