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Migrating from @azure/ai-form-recognizer Version 4.0.0 to @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence Version 1.0.0-beta.1

In this first preview of @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence Rest Level Client Library, this package introduces a new design for the Azure AI Document Intelligence service (formerly known as Form Recognizer), targeting service API version "2023-10-31-preview".

To leverage features of the newest Azure AI Document Intelligence service API (version "2023-10-31-preview" and newer), the new SDK is required, and application code must be changed to use the new client. Similarly, the new major version 4 of the client library cannot be used to communicate with versions 2.1 of the service API. To summarize:

  • Version 3 of the @azure/ai-form-recognizer package only supports Form Recognizer service API version 2.1, and will not receive support for newer (date-based) versions of Form Recognizer.
  • Version 4 of the @azure/ai-form-recognizer package supports service API version "2022-08-31" of Form Recognizer.

Note: Form Recognizer has been rebranded to Document Intelligence.

  • Version 1 of the @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence package will receive support for newer (date-based) versions of Azure AI Document Intelligence.

This document provides instructions for updating your application code to the new @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence SDK client library. In this document, the examples provided use TypeScript to provide type information, but all runtime behavior changes naturally apply to plain JavaScript as well.

Partial Migration (Side-by-Side)

To avoid migrating an application all at once, @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence Version 1.0.0-beta.1 may be installed alongside @azure/ai-form-recognizer Version 4.0.0. For instance, add the following to the dependencies field of package.json:

    "dependencies": {
        "@azure/ai-form-recognizer": "^4.0.0",
        "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence": "1.0.0-beta.1"

Then, the two packages may be used side-by-side, and an application may be migrated partially or over time:

import { DocumentAnalysisClient } from "@azure/ai-form-recognizer";
import DocumentIntelligence from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";

Understanding the New Package

In the new @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence package, several types and method signatures have been introduced which would feel newer owing to the redesign as a Rest Level Client package.

  • @azure/ai-form-recognizer package offered DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient classes.
  • The new @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence package offers a createClient method that allows creating a an instance of DocumentIntelligenceClient, which would be the equivalent of the two classes offered through @azure/ai-form-recognizer package.

Migrating from DocumentAnalysisClient to DocumentIntelligence

The previous DocumentAnalysisClient class offered

beginAnalyzeDocument(modelId, document: FormRecognizerRequestBody)
beginAnalyzeDocumentFromUrl(modelId, documentUrl)
beginClassifyDocument(classifierId, document: FormRecognizerRequestBody)
beginClassifyDocumentFromUrl(classifierId, documentUrl)

methods to analyze/classify documents.

Equivalently, the new DocumentIntelligence offers the following instead through the routes:

path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "<model-id>").post({
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: { urlSource: "..." }, // or { base64Source: "..." }

path("/documentClassifiers/{classifierId}:analyze", "<classifier-id>").post({
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: { urlSource: "..." }, // or { base64Source: "..." }

URL Inputs

As in the previous "@azure/ai-form-recognizer" v4.0.0 SDK, to provide a publicly-accessible URL as an input to an analysis operation, use the beginAnalyzeDocumentFromUrl method, which treats the data passed to it as a file's contents. In the new @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence package, the equivalent is to use the path method to call the analyze route and pass the URL as body (shown below).

Previous ("@azure/ai-form-recognizer" v4.0.0):

import { AzureKeyCredential, DocumentAnalysisClient } from "@azure/ai-form-recognizer";

const client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(process.env.FORM_RECOGNIZER_ENDPOINT, new AzureKeyCredential(process.env.FORM_RECOGNIZER_API_KEY); );
const url = "";

const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocumentFromUrl("<model ID>", url);

Current ("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence" v1.0.0-beta.1):

import DocumentIntelligence from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";

const client = DocumentIntelligence(process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_ENDPOINT"], {
  key: process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_API_KEY"],
const url =

const initialResponse = await client.path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "<model ID>").post({
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: { urlSource: url },

if (isUnexpected(initialResponse)) {
  throw initialResponse.body.error;
const poller = await getLongRunningPoller(client, initialResponse);

Base64 Inputs

As in the previous "@azure/ai-form-recognizer" v4.0.0 SDK, to provide a document input to an analysis operation, use the beginAnalyzeDocument method, which treats the data passed to it as a file's contents. In the new @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence package, the equivalent is to use the path method to call the analyze route and pass the base64-encoded contents (string) as body (shown below).

Note: Subject to change in the future previews of this package for better.

Previous ("@azure/ai-form-recognizer" v4.0.0):

const { DocumentAnalysisClient, AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/ai-form-recognizer");
const fs = require("fs");

const client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(endpoint, new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));
const path = "<path to a document>";
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(path);
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument(modelId, readStream);

Current ("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence" v1.0.0-beta.1):

import DocumentIntelligence from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";

const client = DocumentIntelligence(endpoint, { key: apiKey });
const filePath = "<path to a document>";
const base64Source = fs.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: "base64" });
const initialResponse = await client.path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "<model id>").post({
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: { base64Source },

if (isUnexpected(initialResponse)) {
  throw initialResponse.body.error;

const poller = getLongRunningPoller(client, initialResponse, { ...testPollingOptions });

Example with polling

const endpoint = "<cognitive services endpoint>";
const apiKey = "<api key>";
const path = "<path to a document>"; // pdf/jpeg/png/tiff formats

const readStream = fs.createReadStream(path);

const client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(endpoint, new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument("prebuilt-layout", readStream);
const { pages, tables } = await poller.pollUntilDone();
const client = DocumentIntelligence(
  process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_ENDPOINT"] || "<cognitive services endpoint>",
  { key: process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_API_KEY"] || "<api key>" }

const base64Source = fs.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: "base64" });
const initialResponse = await client
  .path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "prebuilt-layout")
    contentType: "application/json",
    body: { base64Source },

if (isUnexpected(initialResponse)) {
  throw initialResponse.body.error;

const poller = await getLongRunningPoller(client, initialResponse);
const analyzeResult = ((await poller.pollUntilDone().body) as AnalyzeResultOperationOutput)

const pages = analyzeResult?.pages;
const tables = analyzeResult?.tables;

Migrating from DocumentModelAdministrationClient to DocumentIntelligence

The DocumentModelAdministrationClient class, was used for all model management operations (creating, reading, listing, and deleting models). The new DocumentIntelligence offers the following instead through the routes:

beginBuildDocumentClassifier(classifierId, [docTypeSources])
beginBuildDocumentModel(modelId, containerUrl, buildMode: "template")
beginBuildDocumentModel(modelId, contentSource, buildMode: "template")
beginComposeDocumentModel(modelId, [componentModelIds])
beginCopyModelTo(sourceModelId, authorization)

Equivalently, the new DocumentIntelligence offers the following instead through the routes:

  body: {
    classifierId: "<classifier-id>",
    docTypes: {
      foo: {
        azureBlobSource: {
          containerUrl: "<container-url>",
  body: {
    buildMode: "template",
    modelId: modelName,
    azureBlobSource: {
      containerUrl: "<container-url>",
  body: {
    componentModels: componentModelIds,
path("/documentClassifiers/{classifierId}", classifierId).delete();
path("/documentModels/{modelId}", modelId).delete();
path("/documentModels/{modelId}:copyTo", sourceModel.modelId).post({
  body: targetAuth.body,
path("/documentClassifiers/{classifierId}", classifierId).get();
path("/documentModels/{modelId}", model.modelId).get();
path("/operations/{operationId}", "<operationId>").get();

All the methods presented above do support options bags to configure the settings

Features Added in the new service API version "2023-10-31-preview"

Markdown content format

Supports output with Markdown content format along with the default plain text. For now, this is only supported for "prebuilt-layout". Markdown content format is deemed a more friendly format for LLM consumption in a chat or automation use scenario.

Service follows the GFM spec (GitHub Flavored Markdown) for the Markdown format. Also introduces a new contentFormat property with value "text" or "markdown" to indicate the result content format.

import DocumentIntelligence from "@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence";
const client = DocumentIntelligence(process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_ENDPOINT"], {
  key: process.env["DOCUMENT_INTELLIGENCE_API_KEY"],

const initialResponse = await client
  .path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "prebuilt-layout")
    contentType: "application/json",
    body: {
    queryParameters: { outputContentFormat: "markdown" }, // <-- new query parameter

Query Fields

When this feature flag is specified, the service will further extract the values of the fields specified via the queryFields query parameter to supplement any existing fields defined by the model as fallback.

await client.path("/documentModels/{modelId}:analyze", "prebuilt-layout").post({
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: { urlSource: "..." },
  queryParameters: {
    features: ["queryFields"],
    queryFields: ["NumberOfGuests", "StoreNumber"],
  }, // <-- new query parameter

Split Options

In the previous API versions supported by the older @azure/ai-form-recognizer library, document splitting and classification operation ("/documentClassifiers/{classifierId}:analyze") always tried to split the input file into multiple documents.

To enable a wider set of scenarios, service introduces a "split" query parameter with the new "2023-10-31-preview" service version. The following values are supported:

  • split: "auto"

    Let service determine where to split.

  • split: "none"

    The entire file is treated as a single document. No splitting is performed.

  • split: "perPage"

    Each page is treated as a separate document. Each empty page is kept as its own document.

Checkout our samples for more examples.