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This is a CycleCloud project for deploying and automating an Azure vFXT HPC Cache.

The underlying ARM template is copied from the Azure Avere github project.


The principal requires the Role assignment permission. If you're using a Service Principal or a Managed Identity.

One way to do that is to assign the Avere Cluster Create role to the principal assigned to CycleCloud by the az cli

az role assignment create --assignee XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX --role "Avere Contributor"

You can find details on the Avere Contributor role here.

Cluster Setup

This cluster requires that a Virtual Network exists and has Storage service endpoints configured on the subnet where vFXT will be deployed. If no such Virtual Network exists, then:

  • Create a virtual network in the desired region with several subnets (e.g. default, cache, storage, compute).
  • Add the Microsoft.Storage service endpoint to (at least) the subnet which will host vFXT.

CycleCloud project setup

Some of the critical parts of this project are packaged as a CycleCloud Project.

  • Upload the vFXT project to your storage account by running cyclecloud project upload
  • Add the vFXT cluster template to the CycleCloud cluster menu by running cyclecloud import_cluster vFXT -c vfxt-hpc -f io.txt -P rawaverejson=@azuredeploy-auto.json -t

Configure and Start a vFXT cluster

At this point all of the artifacts have been added to CycleCloud and a cluster may be configured and launched.

Add a new cluster in the CycleCloud UI by the + button and find the Azure vFXT logo vFXT Icon

The primary configuration menu has selections to choose the Virtual Network which will host vFXT cluster.

The configuration menu has little validation, and some values need to be globally unique. Make sure that the storage account name and control VM name are not re-used elsewhere.

Configuring a vFXT Cluster

With the cluster fully configured it can be started and the vFXT cluster will be launched. All resources and deployments will be created in the same resource group as the VirtualNetwork that it's created in.

Deployment in Portal

CycleCloud has started a nameserver which is hosting the vfxt alias. This is for round-robin dns hosting of the VFXT client-facing IPs. Find the access details for the cluster in the Environments tab, and in the details of the vfxt deployment.

Add Storage client and transfer files

Once the cluster is running, the next activity is often to stage files into the cache. Do this by adding a client node to the cluster.

Find the add node button in the actions drop down. There is a vfxt-client node type.

vFXT Client Node

Add the new node to the cluster and it will go through the startup phases. When the indicator shows the status as Started you can log into the node with the cyclecloud connect command. Once logged in, you can inspect the filesystem properties.

$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2        30G  1.6G   28G   6% /
/dev/sda1       497M   79M  418M  16% /boot
/dev/sdb1        16G   45M   15G   1% /mnt/resource
vfxt:/msazure   8.0E     0  8.0E   0% /cache

Because Avere vFXT is backed by an Azure Storage Account you will see an extremely large capacity filesystem at the /cache mountpoint.