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File metadata and controls

136 lines (127 loc) · 4.88 KB



BladeInvokeControl let user to invoke another blade from different control element. Cannot be used alone. Commonly used with other controls, such as Microsoft.Common.Selector.


An object with the following properties
Name Required Description
name True Name of the instance.
type True Enum permitting the value: "Microsoft.Solutions.BladeInvokeControl"
openBladeStatus True Configuration of when to enable BladeInvokeControl
bladeReference True blade reference using BladeInvokeControl. See here for more information
defaultValue False defaultValue in BladeInvokeControl
transforms False Use JMES path query in BladeInvokeControl to transform data
fx.feature False

UI Sample


Sample Snippet

Microsoft.Solutions.BladeInvokeControl usually cannot use itself only. Commonly used with other controls, such as Microsoft.Common.Selector

    "type": "Microsoft.Solutions.BladeInvokeControl",
    "name": "diskSize",
    "transforms": {
        "sku": "{\"diskSizeGB\": join(' ',[`Disk Size:`, @.to_string(diskSizeGB), `GiB`]), \"subText\": join(', ', [@.to_string(iops), join(' ', [@.to_string(throughput), `throughput`]), @.to_string(sku)])}"
    "openBladeStatus": "[steps('step1').vmDisk.changing]",
    "defaultValue": {
        "diskSizeGB": 8
    "bladeReference": {
        "name": "ChangeDiskSizeBlade",
        "extension": "Microsoft_Azure_Compute",
        "parameters": {
        "location": "eastus",
        "subscription": "[steps('step1').resourceScope.subscription.subscriptionId]",
        "isUltraSsdEnabled": false,
        "minimumDiskSize": 1,
        "maximumDiskSize": 30000,
        "diskConfiguration": {
            "sku": "Premium_LRS",
            "diskSizeGB": 4,
            "iops": 400,
            "throughput": 4
        "inFullScreen": false

    "type": "Microsoft.Common.Selector",
    "name": "vmDisk",
    "label": "Virtual Machine disk size",
    "valueMapping": [
        "value": "4",
        "displayName": "4 GiB"
        "value": "8",
        "displayName": "8 GiB"
        "value": "512",
        "displayName": "512 GiB"
    "keyPath": "diskSizeGB",
    "descriptionKeyPath": "subText",
    "defaultValue": {
        "diskSizeGB": 4,
        "subText": 250
    "value": "[steps('step1').diskSize.transformed.sku]",
    "visible": "[contains(resources().name, 'e')]"

Sample output

defaultValue before selecting different option

    "diskSizeGB": 8

after selecting different diskSize: for example, 16GiB

    "sku": "Premium_LRS",
    "diskSizeGB": 16,
    "iops": 120,
    "throughput": 25,
    "maxValueOfMaxShares": 3,
    "ultraReadOnlyValues": {
        "minRoIops": 10,
        "minRoThroughput": 10,
        "maxRoIops": 4000,
        "maxRoThroughput": 2000
    "defaultPerformanceTier": {
        "minSize": 8,
        "maxSize": 16,
        "tier": "P3",
        "maxIops": 120,
        "maxThroughput": 25,
        "maxValueOfMaxShares": 3,
        "maxBurstIops": 3500,
        "maxBurstThroughput": 170