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Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI driver allows you to get secret contents stored in Azure Key Vault instance and use the Secrets Store CSI driver interface to mount them into Kubernetes pods.

Helm chart, Secrets Store CSI Driver and Key Vault Provider versions

Helm Chart Version Secrets Store CSI Driver Version Azure Key Vault Provider Version
1.0.0-rc.0 1.0.0-rc.0 1.0.0-rc.0
1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
1.0.1 1.0.1 1.0.1
1.1.0-rc.0 1.1.0 1.1.0-rc.0
1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0
1.1.1 1.1.1 1.1.0
1.1.2 1.1.2 1.1.0
1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.0
1.2.0 1.1.2 1.2.0
1.2.1 1.2.0 1.2.0
1.2.2 1.2.2 1.2.0
1.3.0 1.2.3 1.3.0
1.4.0 1.3.0 1.4.0
1.4.1 1.3.2 1.4.0
1.4.2 1.3.2 1.4.1
1.4.3 1.3.3 1.4.1
1.4.4 1.3.4 1.4.1
1.5.0 1.4.0 1.5.0
1.5.1 1.4.1 1.5.1
1.5.2 1.4.1 1.5.1
1.5.3 1.4.2 1.5.1
1.5.4 1.4.3 1.5.2


Note: The helm chart repository URL has changed from to

Update helm chart repository if using the old URL

Run the following commands to update your Helm chart repositories if using the old URL:

helm repo add csi-secrets-store-provider-azure --force-update
helm repo update

Quick start instructions for the setup and configuration of secrets-store-csi-driver and azure keyvault provider using Helm.


Installing the Chart

helm repo add csi-secrets-store-provider-azure
helm install csi-secrets-store-provider-azure/csi-secrets-store-provider-azure --generate-name


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the csi-secrets-store-provider-azure chart and their default values.

Refer to doc for configurable parameters of the secrets-store-csi-driver chart.

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride String to partially override csi-secrets-store-provider-azure.fullname template with a string (will prepend the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override csi-secrets-store-provider-azure.fullname template with a string ""
imagePullSecrets Secrets to be used when pulling images []
logFormatJSON Use JSON logging format false
logVerbosity Log level. Uses V logs (klog) 0
linux.enabled Install azure keyvault provider on linux nodes true
linux.image.repository Linux image repository
linux.image.pullPolicy Linux image pull policy IfNotPresent
linux.image.tag Azure Keyvault Provider Linux image tag v1.5.2
linux.nodeSelector Node Selector for the daemonset on linux nodes {}
linux.tolerations Tolerations for the daemonset on linux nodes [{"operator": "Exists"}]
linux.resources Resource limit for provider pods on linux nodes requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
linux.podLabels Additional pod labels {}
linux.podAnnotations Additional pod annotations {}
linux.priorityClassName Indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. ""
linux.updateStrategy Configure a custom update strategy for the daemonset on linux nodes RollingUpdate with 1 maxUnavailable
linux.privileged Enable privileged mode for Linux daemonset false
linux.customUserAgent Custom user agent to add to adal and keyvault requests ""
linux.healthzPort port for health check "8989"
linux.healthzPath path for health check "/healthz"
linux.healthzTimeout RPC timeout for health check "5s"
linux.volumes Additional volumes to create for the KeyVault provider pods. []
linux.volumeMounts Additional volumes to mount on the KeyVault provider pods. []
linux.affinity Configures affinity for provider pods on linux nodes Match expression type NotIn virtual-kubelet
linux.kubeletRootDir Configure the kubelet root dir /var/lib/kubelet
linux.providersDir Configure the providers root dir /var/run/secrets-store-csi-providers
linux.dnsPolicy Configure DNS policy for the provider pod ""
windows.enabled Install azure keyvault provider on windows nodes false
windows.image.repository Windows image repository
windows.image.pullPolicy Windows image pull policy IfNotPresent
windows.image.tag Azure Keyvault Provider Windows image tag v1.5.2
windows.nodeSelector Node Selector for the daemonset on windows nodes {}
windows.tolerations Tolerations for the daemonset on windows nodes {}
windows.resources Resource limit for provider pods on windows nodes requests.cpu: 100m
requests.memory: 200Mi
limits.cpu: 100m
limits.memory: 200Mi
windows.podLabels Additional pod labels {}
windows.podAnnotations Additional pod annotations {}
windows.priorityClassName Indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. ""
windows.updateStrategy Configure a custom update strategy for the daemonset on windows nodes RollingUpdate with 1 maxUnavailable
windows.customUserAgent Custom user agent to add to adal and keyvault requests ""
windows.healthzPort port for health check "8989"
windows.healthzPath path for health check "/healthz"
windows.healthzTimeout RPC timeout for health check "5s"
windows.volumes Additional volumes to create for the KeyVault provider pods. []
windows.affinity Configures affinity for provider pods on windows nodes Match expression type NotIn virtual-kubelet
windows.volumeMounts Additional volumes to mount on the KeyVault provider pods. []
windows.kubeletRootDir Configure the kubelet root dir C:\var\lib\kubelet
windows.providersDir Configure the providers root dir C:\k\secrets-store-csi-providers
secrets-store-csi-driver.install Install secrets-store-csi-driver with this chart true
secrets-store-csi-driver.fullnameOverride String to fully override secrets-store-csi-driver.fullname template with a string secrets-store-csi-driver
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.enabled Install secrets-store-csi-driver on linux nodes true
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.kubeletRootDir Configure the kubelet root dir /var/lib/kubelet
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.metricsAddr The address the metric endpoint binds to :8080
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.tolerations Tolerations for driver pods on linux nodes []
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.priorityClassName Indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods ""
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.image.repository Driver Linux image repository
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.image.pullPolicy Driver Linux image pull policy IfNotPresent
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.image.tag Driver Linux image tag v1.4.3
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.registrarImage.repository Driver Linux node-driver-registrar image repository
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.registrarImage.pullPolicy Driver Linux node-driver-registrar image pull policy IfNotPresent
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.registrarImage.tag Driver Linux node-driver-registrar image tag v2.10.0
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.livenessProbeImage.repository Driver Linux liveness-probe image repository
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.livenessProbeImage.pullPolicy Driver Linux liveness-probe image pull policy IfNotPresent
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.livenessProbeImage.tag Driver Linux liveness-probe image tag v2.12.0
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.crds.image.repository Driver CRDs Linux image repository
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.crds.image.tag Driver CRDs Linux image tag v1.4.3
secrets-store-csi-driver.linux.crds.image.pullPolicy Driver CRDs Linux image pull policy IfNotPresent Install secrets-store-csi-driver on windows nodes false Configure the kubelet root dir C:\var\lib\kubelet The address the metric endpoint binds to :8080 Tolerations for driver pods on windows nodes [] Indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods "" Driver Windows image repository Driver Windows image pull policy IfNotPresent Driver Windows image tag v1.4.3 Driver Windows node-driver-registrar image repository Driver Windows node-driver-registrar image pull policy IfNotPresent Driver Windows node-driver-registrar image tag v2.10.0 Driver Windows liveness-probe image repository Driver Windows liveness-probe image pull policy IfNotPresent Driver Windows liveness-probe image tag v2.12.0
secrets-store-csi-driver.enableSecretRotation Enable secret rotation feature [alpha] false
secrets-store-csi-driver.rotationPollInterval Secret rotation poll interval duration 2m
secrets-store-csi-driver.filteredWatchSecret Enable filtered watch for NodePublishSecretRef secrets with label Refer to doc for more details true
secrets-store-csi-driver.syncSecret.enabled Enable rbac roles and bindings required for syncing to Kubernetes native secrets false
secrets-store-csi-driver.tokenRequests Token requests configuration for the csi driver. Refer to doc for more info. [audience: api://AzureADTokenExchange]
rbac.install Install default service account true
rbac.pspEnabled If true, create and use a restricted pod security policy for Secrets Store CSI Driver AKV provider pod(s) false
constructPEMChain Explicitly reconstruct the pem chain in the order: SERVER, INTERMEDIATE, ROOT true
writeCertAndKeyInSeparateFiles Write cert and key in separate files. The individual files will be named as .crt and .key. These files will be created in addition to the single file. false
metricsAddr Port that serves metrics 8898
promMdmConverter.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's prom-mdm-converter container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
mdm.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's mdm container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
msiAdapter.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's msi-adapter container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
telegraf.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's telegraf container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
amacoreagent.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's amacoreagent container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 100Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 100Mi
fluentd.resources Resource limit for Arc ext monitoring pod's fluentd container requests.cpu: 50m
requests.memory: 250Mi
limits.cpu: 50m
limits.memory: 250Mi