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Christina-Kang edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 5 revisions

When contributing to this repository, abide by the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. Additionally, follow the same conventions of forking and merging pull requests as many other GitHub public repositories. Follow these steps to properly contribute code changes


From the GitHub repository home page, select Fork. Forking will create a copy of the repository under your own account. Clone this repository.

Making changes

Be sure that you are familiar with standard git work-flows. These include editing, committing, and pushing, prior to attempting to make changes.

To set up your development environment, follow the developer setup documentation.

When making changes, the following practices are recommended:

  • Commit with meaningful messages, it will help reviewers understand your work
  • Start with a recent commit from the master branch, changes based on stale commits will be rejected
  • Ensure that all new features include automated testing

Be sure to also follow the coding conventions.

Submitting work

Once you have validated your changes and feel confident you are ready to contribute back your work, submit a pull request.

All pull requests should target the master branch, as it is the main development branch.

From here, follow the guidance of reviewers to get your work merged.