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File metadata and controls

117 lines (82 loc) · 4.33 KB

Quick Guide

Hook up Data Sources

To access a data source, its BASIN-3D plugin must be configured. Custom plugins can be built. Documentation will be forthcoming in future versions. Current available plugins:

If a plugin exists for the data source, import it before registering a synthesizer.

from basin3d.plugins import <plugin_name>

Register a Synthesizer

.. autofunction:: basin3d.synthesis.register

Get a List of Locations for a Data Source

.. autofunction:: basin3d.synthesis.DataSynthesizer.monitoring_features

See :any:`Monitoring Feature Object Structure <monitoring_feature_object_example>`

Get a List of Attribute Mappings for a Data Source

.. autofunction:: basin3d.synthesis.DataSynthesizer.attribute_mappings

Get a List of Variables Supported by a BASIN-3D

.. autofunction:: basin3d.synthesis.DataSynthesizer.observed_properties

Get Time Series Data

.. autofunction:: basin3d.synthesis.DataSynthesizer.measurement_timeseries_tvp_observations

See :any:`Measurement Timeseries TVP Observations Object Structure <measurement_timeseries_tvp_object_example>`


Use :func:`basin3d.monitor.configure` to configure python logging.

The example below changes the log level to DEBUG. Please refer to the Python logging documentation ( on logging configuration options. :func:`~basin3d.monitor.configure` returns the logging configuration as a dictionary for review.

>>> from basin3d import monitor, synthesis
>>> from basin3d.plugins import usgs
>>> monitor.configure(loggers={"basin3d": {"level": "DEBUG"}})
{'version': 1, 'incremental': False, 'disable_existing_loggers': True,

Once logging is configured, all BASIN-3D logging is outputted.

>>> synthesizer = synthesis.register()
2022-04-14T16:59:31.082 INFO * basin3d.core.synthesis * - Loading Plugin = USGSDataSourcePlugin
2022-04-14T16:59:31.083 DEBUG * basin3d.core.catalog * - Initializing CatalogTinyDb metadata catalog
2022-04-14T16:59:31.084 INFO * basin3d.core.catalog * - Loading metadata catalog for Plugin USGS
2022-04-14T16:59:31.085 DEBUG * basin3d.core.catalog * - Mapping file mapping_usgs.csv for plugin package basin3d.plugins
2022-04-14T16:59:31.086 DEBUG * basin3d.core.catalog * - Mapped 00400 to pH
2022-04-14T16:59:31.087 DEBUG * basin3d.core.catalog * - Mapped 00060 to River Discharge

To create and output custom log messages:

  1. Use :func:`basin3d.monitor.get_logger` to create a custom logger.
  2. Use :func:`basin3d.monitor.configure` to configure the custom logger output.
>>> from basin3d import monitor
>>> monitor.configure(loggers={"my_logger": {"level": "DEBUG",
...         'handlers': ['error-console', 'console'], 'propagate': True}})
{'version': 1, 'incremental': False, 'disable_existing_loggers': True,
>>> logger = monitor.get_logger("my_logger")
>>>"My logging message")
2022-04-14T16:57:36.163 INFO * my_logger * - My logging message

Write log messages to a file called basin3d.log:

>>> from basin3d import monitor, synthesis
>>> from basin3d.plugins import usgs
>>> monitor.configure(
...    handlers={  "file":
...       { "class":"logging.FileHandler", "formatter": "simple", "filename": ".}/basin3d.log"}},
...   loggers={"basin3d": {"handlers": ["console", "file"]}})
{'version': 1, 'incremental': False, 'disable_existing_loggers': True,
>>> synthesizer = synthesis.register()
2022-04-14T17:32:50.502 INFO * basin3d.core.synthesis * - Loading Plugin = USGSDataSourcePlugin
2022-04-14T17:32:50.507 INFO * basin3d.core.catalog * - Loading metadata catalog for Plugin USGS
2022-04-14T17:32:50.509 INFO * basin3d.core.catalog * - Initialized CatalogTinyDb metadata catalog