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Bastian Eichenberger edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Keenly optimized obliging picture analysis (koopa) wiki!

There are a few pages in this wiki describing the following things:

  1. Installation - how to get going with the web-component and the napari visualization plugin
  2. Components - which tasks make up koopa and what parameters are available to change their behavior
  3. General - detailed information on the FMI server architecture, and folder structures
  4. Usage
    • Pipeline - how to run the pipeline
    • Output & Analysis - what the summary.csv file contains and how to interpret it
    • Visualize - how to use the napari plugin to visualize the output
    • Models - what models we have available and how to train new ones
  5. Videos
    • [To be added]