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PaddleViT: How to port model from Pytorch to Paddle?

Sample code: here

Step 0:

We assume you are trying to implement your Paddle version of some ViT model, from some PyTorch implementations. You want to port the pretrained weights from pytorch .pth file to paddle .pdparams file.

So we now have:

  • One torch.nn.Module class implements the model in pytorch.
  • One .pth pretrained weight file corresponding to the pytorch model.
  • One paddle.nn.Layer class we implemented the same model in paddle.

Note: the paddle.nn.Layer class must implemented in the similar way of your refferred torch.nn.Module. Here 'similar' means the param sizes, tensor shapes, and compute logics are the same, while the name of the layers/params or the detailed implementations could be different.

We still need to implement:

  •, contains the methods and name mappings for model conversion.

Now we show how to implement

Step 1:

Load your paddle model, e.g.:

paddle_model = build_model(config)

You can just init a model class to build a model object, please refer to our PPViT code for detailed model definitions and usage of config.

Step 2:

Load your pytorch model with pretrained weights.

For example, if we use models from timm project:

import timm
torch_model = timm.create_model('vit_base_patch16_224', pretrained=True)


Step 3:

Check the name mappings (manually). In torch_to_paddle_mapping method, you create a list of string tuples defines the corresponding param and buffer names for torch and paddle models. E.g.:

  • In torch model one param with name patch_embed.proj.weight
  • In paddle model, same param is named embeddings.patch_embeddings.weight Then you have a tuple (patch_embed.proj.weight, embeddings.patch_embeddings.weight) saved in the mapping list.

NOTE: You can use for loop and prefix strings to semi-automate your name mapping process.

NOTE: Do NOT forget to add name mappings for model.named_buffers()

Usually I copy the printed torch param/buffer names and shapes, and printed paddle param/buffer names and shapes, each in an individual text file, then check the mapping line by line and modify the torch_to_paddle_mapping if necessary.

If all the name mappings are correct, run the conversion by:

paddle_model = convert(torch_model, paddle_model)

This method will convert the param weights from torch to the proper format, and then set the value to corresponding paddle params. The returned object is the paddle model obbject with pretrained weights same as pytorch model.

In convert method, weights of torch.nn.Linear is applied a transpose, to match the weights shape of paddle.nn.Linear.

Step 4:

Check correctness. Create a batch data corresponding to the mode input, e.g. :

# check correctness
x = np.random.randn(2, 3, 224, 224).astype('float32')
x_paddle = paddle.to_tensor(x)
x_torch = torch.Tensor(x).to(device)

Then do inference and convert output into numpy array:

out_torch = torch_model(x_torch)
out_paddle = paddle_model(x_paddle)

out_torch =
out_paddle = out_paddle.cpu().numpy()

Finally, check if the outputs are same for paddle_model and torch_model:

assert np.allclose(out_torch, out_paddle, atol = 1e-5)

Step 5:

Save model weights for paddle:, model_path)


  • BN layers usually have buffers such as _mean, and _variance
  • Do not forget customized buffer defined in model, e.g., paddle.register_buffer()
  • Use batched data (batchsize > 1) to test results.
  • Some params are 2-D but non Linear params, so _set_value must set transpose=False.