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Writing the tests

Each *.feature file should start from heading:

@d7 @api @javascript
Feature: Example

The files for testing (images, documents, videos etc.) should be stored in resources folder.


Raw Methods

In your FeatureContext you can get another contexts and use their steps. See on RawPropeopleContext for more information.


Given I switch to an iframe "mediaBrowser"
When I switch back from an iframe
Then I should see the thumbnail
And I should see no errors
Given I should use the "1280x800" screen resolution
## The text, label, name or CSS selector can be used as selector.
When I press ".link" element
## Unstable method.
Then I fill in "field_company[und][0]" with value of field "user_company" of current user
Given I typed "Joe" in the "name" field and choose 2 option from autocomplete variants
## This method must be used instead of 'I wait for AJAX to finish'!
Then I wait until AJAX is finished
Given I (| un)check the boxes:
  | -Consumer Products  |
  | -ICT                |
  | -Financial Services |
## - The button can be found by ID, name or CSS selector.
## - The label of radio button can be specified inaccurately.
## - If element has more than one label and one of them is hidden, then
##   will used only visible, if exist.
## - If trying to get the field by label, then it must have the "for" attribute
##   and element with ID, specified in that attribute, must exist.
## - The @javascript tag is necessary when "customized" is used!
Given I check the(| customized) "Show" radio button
Then I wait 60 seconds
## Region can be found by CSS selector or name from "region_map" parameter
## of "behat.yml".
Then I work with elements in "header" region
## That step helps to exit from element visibility scope that was defined by
## executing of previous step.
Then I checkout to whole page
## This method must be used instead of 'I fill in "field" with "value"'!
Then I fill "last_name" with "Bondarenko"
## This method must be used instead of 'I fill in the following:'!
Then I fill the following:
  | first_name | Sergey    |
  | last_name | Bondarenko |
## - Region can be found by CSS selector or name from "region_map" parameter
##   of "behat.yml".
## - The text can be specified inaccurately, but you should remember that in
##   region can be more than one element with specified text and will pressed
##   the first only.
## - If region was not specified, the whole page will be used.
Then I press on element with text "Account"(| in "footer" region)
And I attach file "600x400.jpg" to "Logotype"
## - This method works with "Clientside Simple Hierarchical Select",
##   "Simple Hierarchical Select" and "Hierarchical Select" modules.
## - The label of field or wrapper ID can be used as selector.
Then I select the following in "Categories" hierarchical select:
  | EN                  |
  | Financial Services  |

Redirect context

All scenarios, used steps from this context, should be tagged with @redirect tag.

## Waits for only one redirect and goes to the next step.
Then I should be redirected
## Waits as long as URL of the page will not be the same as specified.
## - The URL can be relative or absolute.
## - By default, the waiting timeout is set to 15 seconds, but you can change
##   this in "behat.yml".
Then I should be redirected on ""
And user should(| not) have an access to the following pages:
  | admin/people/create |
  | node/add/article    |
  | user/1/edit         |

Email context

All scenarios, used steps from this context, should be tagged with @email tag.

Then I check that email to "" was sent
Then I check that email body contains the "Congratulations" text
## To use this step you should correctly configure your Behat.
Then I login with user credentials that was sent via email

Drush context

All scenarios, used steps from this context, should be tagged with @drush tag.

Then I login with one time link

WYSIWYG context

All scenarios, used steps from this context, should be tagged with @wysiwyg tag. Also, any WYSIWYG editor can be found by usual selector of form field.

Note: only CKEditor supported for now, but, in future we're planing to provide TinyMCE support.

## If this step was used, then you no need to specify selector for next steps
## from this context while working with only one editor.
Given I work with "Presentation" WYSIWYG editor
Then I fill "<strong>Text</strong>" in "Presentation" WYSIWYG editor
Then I type "additional text" in "Presentation" WYSIWYG editor
Then I should see "Text" in "Presentation" WYSIWYG editor
Then I should not see "vulnerability" in "Presentation" WYSIWYG editor
Then I fill in following WYSIWYG editors
  | Editor locator | Value |

To see all, available in your system, steps execute the behat -dl.

User context

All scenarios, used steps from this context, should be tagged with @user tag.

## - This method must be used instead of 'I am logged in as a user with the "administrator" role'!
## - Multiple roles can be listed by comma: 'And logged in as a user with "administrator, editor" roles'.
Given I am logged in as a user with "administrator" role
## - Taxonomy Term Reference supported. You must specify name of term and
##   correct value will be saved.
Given I am logged in as a user with "administrator" role and filled fields:
  | Full name | Sergey Bondarenko   |
  | Position  | Web Developer       |
  | Company   | Propeople           |
## Fill login form with existing credentials.
Then I am logged in with credentials:
  | username | BR0kEN |
  | password | p4sswd |