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In this part of the documentation we try to dive in the functions of itertree in a clear structured way. The user might look in the class description of the modules too. But the huge number of methods in the iTree class might be very confusing. We hope these chapters orders the things in a much better way so that the user get's used to the class as quick as possible.

To understand the functionality of itertree in practice the user might have a look on the related examples which can be found in the example folder of itertree.

Status and compatibility information:

The original implementation is done in python 3.9 and it is tested under python 3.5 and 3.9. It should work for all Python-versions >= 3.4.

From version 1.0.0 on we see the package as released and stable. The unit and integration test suite should target a huge amount of functionalities and use cases. We will try to keep the interface stable too.

Quick start - the basics

We really hope that the usage of the itertree package is intuitive. If the user is familiar with list and dict objects the basic functionality should be easy to understand. So don't have any fears about all the details described in this tutorial you can start quite quick and simple.

Build the object

Each tree item contains two sub-elements the value (data-object) that can be stored in the item and the subtree of children. The base class that must be instanced to build the trees is iTree and you can simply append sub-items.

>>> # Instance an iTree object by giving a tag, value and two subtree items (children):
>>> root = iTree('root', value=0, subtree=[iTree('item0', value=0), iTree('item1', value=1)])
>>> # append additional child with same tag!
>>> root.append(iTree('item1', value={'value1':2,'value2':3})) # any object can be used as values
iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3})
>>> # list like operations are supported; e.g. insert():
>>> root.insert(2,iTree((1,2), value=3)) # any hashable object can be used as tag
iTree((1, 2), value=3)
>>>  # extend the tree by one more level
>>> root[1].append(iTree('sub_item0',0.1))
iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)
>>> root[-1].append(iTree('sub_item0',4.1))
iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)
>>> root.render()
iTree('root', value=0)
 > iTree('item0', value=0)
 > iTree('item1', value=1)
 .  > iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)
 > iTree((1, 2), value=3)
 > iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3})
 .  > iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)

Figure representing the resulting iTree-object each item represented by a rounded box (left-side: tag-idx; right-side: value object)


IMPORTANT: In itertree you can append items with the same tag multiple times. Those items are collected in a "tag-family". As tag you can use any hashable object.

Access the items

Item access is possible via __getitem__(target) ( usage via: my_tree[target] ). The method supports different types of targets and delivers returns related to those.

You can target a single item via absolute index or you can target it via tag-idx-key (this key is unique).


The tag-idx-key is a tuple: (tag, family-index) . The family-index is the relative index of the item inside the tag-family. Inside the iTree-object the children are ordered and they keep the same order inside their tag-family.

In case the target is only the tag (without the tag-family-index) the method will deliver the whole tag-family as a list (multi-items-target).

>>> # Target a child in the tree via absolute index:
>>> root[1]
iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)])
>>> # Target a child in the tree via tag-idx-key:
>>> root[('item1',0)]
iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)])
>>> item=root[('item1',1)] # given index is the tag-family index in this case
>>> item.idx # delivers absolute index of the item
>>> item.tag_idx # delivers tag-index-key of the item
('item1', 1)
>>> item.parent # delivers the parent object of the item
iTree('root', value=0, subtree=[iTree('item0', value=0),...,iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)])])
>>> # if you give just the family tag without index the whole tag-family is given as a list
>>> root['item1']
[iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)]), iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)])]

Iterate over the items

As the name of the package implies we have multiple iterators available.

>>> # Standard iterator over the children:
>>> [i.value for i in root]
[0, 1, 3, {'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}]
>>> # iteration over items (like in dicts):
>>> [i for i in root.items()]
[(('item0', 0), iTree('item0', value=0)), (('item1', 0), iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)])), (((1, 2), 0), iTree((1, 2), value=3)), (('item1', 1), iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)]))]

Copy and Compare

A copy of an iTree-objects implies a copy of all children. The compare operation == is an in-depth operation too (compare all children and sub-children inside (same tags, values and order?)). But a match means "just" that we have an equal object and not the same object-instance as we see:

>>> # Copy the iTree:
>>> new_tree=root.copy()
>>> # compare:
>>> new_tree==root
>>> # and see we have different objects:
>>> new_tree is root
>>> # and all sub-items are copied too:
>>> new_tree[0] is root[0]
>>> new_tree[1][0] is root[1][0]

In-depth operations

The itertree is a nested tree-structure and it supports in-depth operations out of the box. As we have already seen some functions in the base-class contains direct in-depth support (we saw already copy(), == and now follows the important function get()).

Additional in-depth functionalities (especially deep-iterators) can be found in the sub-class iTree.deep.

>>> # To access items in-depth target_paths can be given as parameters to get()
>>> target_item=root.get(('item1',1),0) # target types can be mixed (e.g. tag-idx and absolute index)
>>> # Get method delivers flatten lists in case multiple items are targeted (even in higher levels)
>>> root.get('item1',0) # delivers all matches in deepest level!
[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1), iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)]
>>> # other in-depth operation are found via .deep:# contains (target-item of first get operation):
>>> target_item in root # item is not a level 1 child!
>>> target_item in root.deep # but item is part of the tree (in-depth)
>>> # size:
>>> len(root)
>>> len(root.deep)
>>> # flatten iterators over all in-depth items:
>>> [i for i in root.deep] # up-down order
[iTree('item0', value=0), iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)]), iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1), iTree((1, 2), value=3), iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)]), iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)]
>>> [i for i in root.deep.tag_idx_paths(up_to_low=False)] # tag_idx related iterator; down-up order
[((('item0', 0),), iTree('item0', value=0)), ((('item1', 0), ('sub_item0', 0)), iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)), ((('item1', 0),), iTree('item1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=0.1)])), ((((1, 2), 0),), iTree((1, 2), value=3)), ((('item1', 1), ('sub_item0', 0)), iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)), ((('item1', 1),), iTree('item1', value={'value1': 2, 'value2': 3}, subtree=[iTree('sub_item0', value=4.1)]))]

Save and load

The itertree package delivers a standard serializer which stores the iTree-object in a JSON formatted file. It supports the serialization of more complex value-objects (e.g. numpy-arrays).

>>>  # save tree to file
>>> root.dump('dt.itz',overwrite=True) # returns the sha1 hash of the tree stored in the file
>>>  # load tree from file
>>> loaded_tree=iTree().load('dt.itz')
>>> loaded_tree==root


The iTree-class uses iterative and no recursive algorithms. The advantage is that the object will not raise RecursionErrors even if user defines very deep trees (e.g. see the performance-analysis with a tree depth of 1000 levels). To keep the functionality for the stored data the serializer creates a flat list of entries (which avoids RecursionErrors related to the JSON parser).

Next steps

After those basic functions are learned you may be motivated to dive deeper. E.g. learn more about possible targets related to item access, linking trees and branches, search/filter in the trees and store more advanced datatypes in the tree.

In the tutorial you can find a large table which compares iTree with dict and list objects (link can be found in next chapter).

Introduction to the iTree object

As a starting point the iTree-class should be seen as a list (the object inherits his functions from a list or blist). All typical list like methods are available. But iTree-objects supports also in-depth access and iterations over different levels of the nested tree structure. Different than in normal lists the iTree-class supports the more dict-like access functions related to keys too.

For a functional comparison in between ìTree, list and dict the table in the chapter Comparison of the iTree object with lists and dicts might be interesting for the reader.

Same tags and tag-families

The children items of a iTree-object with the same tag are collected in a related tag-family. Inside the family each item contains a related index (relative index). The items can be targeted by giving the family-tag and the family-index as a tuple. This tag_idx-pair is a unique key inside the children of a parent. Each item in a nested iTree-structure contains a unique tag_idx_path from the root object (or any parent (relative path)). The tag_idx_path property of an item contains all tag_idx's from the root item over all parents to the item itself (the tag_idx_path is represented by a tuple of tag_idx items).

Beside this more key-like targeting we can target an item via the absolute index too (idx or idx_path). The access is made here like it is known from lists. The idx_path is again represented as a tuple of index numbers.

It's important that the user understands the difference between the absolute index and the family-index.

The things might getting clearer if we look into the order structure of an iTree-object:

The tree items of one level are ordered globally like in a list and the same order of items will be found in the tag related family too. The order is not independent because an item which is a predecessor of another item in the tag-family will be found before the item in the global order too. But from the global/absolute view there might be other items (with other tags) inbetween. They are not seen in the family because they have other tags!

abs-order family "a" family "b"

Normally the tag must be given to the item when it is instanced. As tag-objects the user can give any hashable object (e.g. tuples, int, float, str, bytes). If no tag is given the iTree-object will use the default NoTag-object as tag. In iTree exists a rename() method to change the tag of an item, but if possible this should be avoided because it implies a reordering of the items inside the effected tag-families (removed tag and new tag).

Unique parent principle

We have one important limitation related to iTree objects, each one can only be the child of ONE PARENT ONLY!

If the users tries to append an iTree-object that is already a child of an iTree to another iTree a RecursionError will be raised.

Only if the iTree referencing feature iLink() is utilized the share of same objects in different tree-sections is possible.

To avoid issues in some multi-item-functions implicit copies are created automatically (e.g.: my_tree.extend(itree) or rearrangements via itree[1],itree[2]==itree[2],itree[1] or multiplications like my_tree= itree * 10).


The terms itree and my_tree are used as examples of instanced objects in this tutorial.

In case of implicit copies the objects copy()-method will be used. The method is an in-depth copy of all sub-items (required because of one parent only principle) and the method creates also a copy of the stored value object (top-level-only). It is an iterative equivalent to the operation:

new_itree=iTree(itree.tag,copy.copy(itree.value), subtree=[i.copy() for i in itree])


If it is required to keep the original objects the operations:

  • multiplication of iTree-objects
  • build iTree-object based of children of another iTree (e.g. new_tree=iTree(subtree=old_tree))
  • rearrangements like itree[1],itree[2]==itree[2],itree[1]

must be avoided!

Naming conventions

In the itertree package and this tutorial the following naming convention is used:

  • item

    An item is an iTree object that is a child (sub-element) of an iTree parent object somewhere inside the nested tree structure.

  • parent

    The current object can be the child of a specific parent or it has no parent. A child can have only one parent. All parent related properties will deliver None in case no parent is coupled to the object (e.g. itree.idx, itree.key,`itree.parent`, ...).

  • child

    An iTree object that has a parent. This object is part of the parents children and it is related to the absolute order of them and to its family siblings.

  • root

    For nested children in sub-sub-trees the root is the top level parent. Any iTree object that has no parent is a root object itself.

  • family

    The group (list) of children in an iTree that have the same tag (The children have same order in the family as in iTree-object (absolute order)).

  • tag

    The tag is a object that defines that the item is part of a specific family. If no tag is given automatically the NoTag object will be used as tag. The user can use any hashable object as a tag for an iTree-object.

  • idx

    Specific (unique) index of a children related to the absolute order of the iTree's children (list like access)

  • tag-idx

    Specific (unique) tuple of family-tag and family-index of an ´iTree´ child (sometimes named tag-idx-key).

  • idx_path

    Specific (unique) tuple of indexes (index per level) describe the path from the root parent object to the specific nested child somewhere deep in the iTree object. E.g (0,1,0) targets:

      1. element (level 0) ->
      1. element (level 1) ->
      1. element (level 2)

    In access function the relative idx_path from the current object to the sub-item must be given (not the absolute path (might be used if you target via itree.root.get(*idx_path))).

  • tag_idx_path

    List of tag-idx-keys (unique tuples of family-tag,family-index) describe the path from the root object to the specific nested child somewhere deep in the iTree object. E.g (('tag1',0),(NoTag,1),(1.6,0)) targets:

      1. element in tag-family 'tag1' (level 0) ->
      1. element in tag-family NoTag (level 1) ->
      1. element in tag-family 1.6 (level 2)

    In access function the relative tag_idx_path from the current object to the sub-item must be given (not the absolute path (might be used if you target via itree.root.get(*tag_idx_path))).

  • target

    Is an object that targets one or multiple items in an iTree the target is used related to one level only. But to reach deeper levels the user can create based on targets target_paths (list of targets).

    The common access methods __getitem__() , get() are sensitive related to the given target and a related object will be returned:

    • Single target definitions deliver a single item.
    • Multi target definitions deliver a list (or blist ) of items.

    Possible target definitions are:

    • index - absolute target index integer (fastest operation) -> unique/single result
    • key - key tuple (family_tag, family_index) -> unique/single result
    • tag-set - {family_tag} object targeting a whole family -> list result
    • tag-sets - {family_tag,family-tag2,...} object targeting multiple families -> list result
    • target-list - indexes or keys or other targets (mixed lists support). Selects items in same level based given target-list -> list result
    • index slice - slice of absolute indexes -> list result
    • key slice - tuple of of (family_tag, family_index_slice) -> list result
    • filter_method - a filtering method that delivers True/False related to an analysis of item properties -> list result
    • iter_method - if build-in iter is given a list of all children will be delivered (same like list(itree.__iter__())
    • Ellipsis - if Ellipsis ... is given a list of all children will be delivered (same like itree[:])
  • target-path

    The target-path is a list of targets and it is used for in-depth operations over the different nested levels of the tree. Most often (e.g. get(*target_path)) the target-path is given as a pointer argument to the method.


    Please understand the difference in between a target-list and a target_path.

    • target-list -> targets items in the same level (siblings)
    • target-paths -> targets items in different nested levels, this is an in-depth access

    In the related methods (e.g. get()) target-list are given as one parameter but target_paths are given as multiple parameters.

    • itree.get([1,2,3])~[itree[1],itree[2],itree[3]] -> targets the children [1][2][3] in level 1
    • itree.get(*[1,2,3])~itree[1][2][3] -> targets the item [1] in level 1, [2] in level 2 and [3] in level 3

    If the user defines a target-path like my_path=[[1,2],[0,1]] the object will be seen as a target_path of target_list-targets. E.g. such a list can be used in my_tree.get(*my_path)) (give pointer). The input is the same like get([1,2,3,4],[9,10]). The result of the request is a flatten iterator over all matches in the deepest requested level but it will considering all multi-matches in the levels inbetween too.

    >>> root = iTree('root')
    >>> root.append(iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'), iTree('a2')]))
    iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'),iTree('a2')])
    >>> root.append(iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'), iTree('a2')]))
    iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'),iTree('a2')])
    >>> root.get([0, 1], [0, 1])
    [iTree('a1'), iTree('a2'), iTree('a1'), iTree('a2')]
    Figure showing the resulting iTreeFigure showing the resulting iTree
  • value

    The value is the a data-object that can be stored in a iTree-object

Name extensions:

  • s

    If plural is used in method names this is a hint that the method return will be an iterator: e.g.: itree.keys(); itree.values(); itree.items(); itree.deep.tag_idx_paths(); itree.deep.idx_paths()

  • _path

    The extension is used for parameters and properties. This means that the parameter is an iterable that targets the different levels of the nested structure (in-depth access). e.g. get(*target_path)

  • filter_method

    A method that check the match of a iTree-item related to a property and the method delivers True/False if an iTree-item is given as parameter. Therefore the method can be used for the filtering of items.

Internal helper classes:

  • .deep

    Helper class contains the in-depth functions that targets all elements inside the iTree-object. E.g. the class contains different flatten iterators that iterates over all nested items of the iTree-object. The class contains no __getitem__() method for in-depth item access because the function is already covered by the standard get() and get_single() methods. The available get()-method is the same as the get()-method in the base class. (in detail: iTree full overview over the in-depth functionalities)

  • .getitem

    Helper class that contains a lot of specific getitem methods f<or the different possible targets. (in detail: Item Access)

Construction of an itertree

The first step in the construction of a itertree is to instance the main itertree class: iTree.


Instance the iTree object:

>>> item1 = iTree('item1')  # itertree item with the tag 'item1'
>>> item2 = iTree('item2', 2)  # instance a iTree-object with value content integer 2
>>> item2b = iTree('item2', {'mykey': 2})  # instance a iTree-object with a dict as value content
>>> item3 = iTree()  # instance an iTree-object with the default tag (==NoTag) and no data content (==NoValue)
>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[item1, item2, item2b, item3])
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('item1')
 > iTree('item2', value=2)
 > iTree('item2', value={'mykey': 2})
 > iTree()

Figure showing the resulting iTree

Figure showing the resulting iTree

To include iTree-objects as a children in a parent object we have several possibilities, those functionalities are comparable to the same methods you find in list-objects.

>>> root = iTree('root')
>>> root.append(iTree('child'))  # append a child
>>> # The append operation delivers the appended object back
>>> root += iTree('child')  # alternative way to append a child
>>> root.append('value_content')  # append a child with implicit iTree(tag=NoTag,value='value_content')
>>> root.insert(1, iTree('child','inserted'))  # insert the item in the given target position (the insert is done in this target (index)
iTree('child', value='inserted')
>>> # the old item with given target (index) will be moved in next position
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child')
 > iTree('child', value='inserted')
 > iTree('child')
 > iTree(value='value_content')
>>> root[0] = iTree('newchild')  # replace the child with index 0
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('newchild')
 > iTree('child', value='inserted')
 > iTree('child')
 > iTree(value='value_content')
>>> del root[('newchild', 0)]  # deletes the child with key=('newchild',0) family-tag='newchild' and family-index=0
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child', value='inserted')
 > iTree('child')
 > iTree(value='value_content')
>>> del root[1]  # deletes the child with absolute index 1
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child', value='inserted')
 > iTree(value='value_content')
>>> # The tag can be any hashable type!
>>> root.append(iTree(1))  # append a child with tag 1
>>> root.append(iTree((1, 2, 3)))  # append a child with tag (1,2,3)
iTree((1, 2, 3))
>>> root.append(iTree((1, 2, 3), 1))  # append a child with tag (1,2,3) and data content 1
iTree((1, 2, 3), value=1)
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child', value='inserted')
 > iTree(value='value_content')
 > iTree(1)
 > iTree((1, 2, 3))
 > iTree((1, 2, 3), value=1)
>>> new_itree = iTree()
>>> root.append(new_itree)
>>> root.append(new_itree)  # appending same object again will not work because parent is already set
Traceback (most recent call last):
RecursionError: Given item has already a parent iTree!

Remember if a tag is appended in an object where already exists a child with same tag this/those child/children will not be overwritten! Furthermore all items with same tags are collected in the same tag-family:

>>> family=root[{(1,2,3)}] # target the family with a set(): {(1,2,3)}
>>> family # is represented as a list of the related items (with same tag)
[iTree((1, 2, 3)), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=1)]
>>> family=root.get.by_tag((1,2,3)) # target via the süecial tag access function
>>> family # is represented as a list of the related items (with same tag)
[iTree((1, 2, 3)), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=1)]

Additionally a huge set of methods is available for structural manipulations related to the children of a item.
















The copy operations are automatically in-depth operations this means the items in the subtree will be copied too. This is required because of the one parent only principle. The available copy operations making a difference in the treatment of the itree.value-object:

  • copy() - creates a top-level copy of the value object
  • copy_keep_values() - copies just the iTree object but keep the value
  • deepcopy() - creates a deepcopy of the value object

The methods of the copy package use the same functionalities copy.copy(itree) ~ itree.copy() and copy.deepcopy(itree) ~ itree.deepcopy().

>>> import copy
>>> itree = iTree('root',value={'a':[1,2,3]})
>>> copied_itree=itree.copy()
>>> iTree(itree.tag,value=copy.copy(itree.value)) # root only copy (subtree eliminated)
iTree('root', value={'a': [1, 2, 3]})
>>> copied_itree.value is itree.value
>>> copied_itree.value['a'] is itree.value['a']
>>> deepcopied_itree=itree.deepcopy() # Inner values objects will be copied too
>>> deepcopied_itree_extern=iTree(itree.tag,value=copy.deepcopy(itree.value)) 
>>> deepcopied_itree.value is itree.value
>>> deepcopied_itree.value['a'] is itree.value['a']
>>> itree_only_copy=itree.copy_keep_value() # values will be taken over without copy
>>> itree_only_copy_extern=iTree(itree.tag,value=itree.value) 
>>> itree_only_copy.value is itree.value

Some of the structural manipulation commands can be utilized also as an in-depth variant which will run over the nested iTree-structure. Use the helper class .deep for this propose.




coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:


Additionally we support following rearrangement functions:

>>> root[0], root[1], root[2] = root[2], root[0], root[1]
>>> root[0:3] = root[2], root[0], root[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\projects\privat\itertree\src\itertree\examples\", line 125, in exec_and_print
    result = eval(command)
  File "<string>", line 1
    root[0:3] = root[2], root[0], root[1]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\projects\privat\itertree\src\itertree\examples\", line 130, in exec_and_print
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "E:\projects\privat\itertree\src\itertree\", line 1441, in __setitem__
    return [it_setitem(old_items[i].idx, new) for i, new in enumerate(value)]
  File "E:\projects\privat\itertree\src\itertree\", line 1441, in <listcomp>
    return [it_setitem(old_items[i].idx, new) for i, new in enumerate(value)]
  File "E:\projects\privat\itertree\src\itertree\", line 1473, in __setitem__
    old_item_idx = family[0].idx
IndexError: list index out of range

>>> root[2], root[0], root[1] = root[0:3]

There might be cases where those in-place rearrangements might not work (We have not tested all possible combinations here) and be aware that in this kind of operations it can be that there are implicit copies (same as itree.copy()) of the original object-instances created.

In the following pseudo mathematical operations the result will always be a new iTree instance. Flags are not considered in those operations. Addition and multiplication is not permutable because the first object gives the tag,value for the resulting object!

The addition of iTree's is possible the result contains always the properties of the first added item and the children of the second added item are appended to the items of the fiorst one by creating a copy.

>>> a = iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'), iTree('a2')])
>>> b = iTree('b', subtree=[iTree('b1'), iTree('b2')])
>>> itree = a + b
>>> repr(itree) # repr() is required to get the un-shorten representation of iTree (str() shortens the subtree-parameter)
iTree('a', value={'mykey': 1}, subtree=[iTree('a1'), iTree('a2'), iTree('b1'), iTree('b2')])

Figure showing the resulting iTree

Figure showing the resulting iTree

Multiplication of a iTree is possible too the result is a list of iTree copies of the original one.

>>> itree_list = iTree('a') * 1000  # creates a list of 1000 copies of the original iTree
>>> itree_list[0]==itree_list[1] # items are equal
>>> itree_list[0] is itree_list[1] # but we have different instances
>>> root = iTree('root')
>>> root.extend(iTree('a') * 10000) # append all 10000 items as children to root
>>> len(root)

In case two iTree-objects are multiplied in the result each children of first will be mixed with the children of the second in the scheme: child1_0,child2_0,child1_0,child2_1,...child1_1,child2_0,child1_1,child2_1...

>>> itree1=iTree('one',1,[iTree(1.0),iTree(1.1),iTree(1.2)])
>>> itree2=iTree('two',1,[iTree(2.0),iTree(2.1),iTree(2.2)])
>>> itree_mul=itree1*itree2
>>> itree_mul.render()
iTree('one', value=1)
 > iTree(1.0)
 > iTree(2.0)
 > iTree(1.0)
 > iTree(2.1)
 > iTree(1.0)
 > iTree(2.2)
 > iTree(1.1)
 > iTree(2.0)
 > iTree(1.1)
 > iTree(2.1)
 > iTree(1.1)
 > iTree(2.2)
 > iTree(1.2)
 > iTree(2.0)
 > iTree(1.2)
 > iTree(2.1)
 > iTree(1.2)
 > iTree(2.2)

Figure showing the resulting iTree after multiplication

Figure showing the resulting iTree after multiplication

The subtraction of two iTrees is supported too. The base of operation is the tag_idx of the items. Items with same tag_idx are eliminated (only in case they have same value too). With different values we try to calculate the the difference of the value objects if this is not possible the value will kept unchanged (value of the minuend is kept).

>>> itree1=iTree('one',1,[iTree('a',1.0),iTree('a',1.1),iTree('a','str')])
>>> itree1[0]-itree1[1] # same tage different value -> diff of value is calculated (if possible)
>>> itree1[0]-itree1[2] # same tage different value -> diff not possible minuend is kept
>>> sub_tree=itree1-itree1 # minus same object
>>> sub_tree.tag # tag eliminated
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoTag'>
>>> sub_tree.value # value eliminated
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoValue'>
>>> sub_tree.render() # subtree eliminated

Subtraction of same iTree delivers an empty iTree object (tag=NoTag; value=NoValue).

Item Access

In this chapter we will dive in the "magic" of the iTree.get object.

The user can choose in between the common and the specific target access. The common access is more flexible related to the possibility of giving mixed target_paths and it is a bit more "lazy". The specific access should be used if the quickest possible access is required (depending on the given target type it is ~2-6 times quicker compared to the common access). And it can be that the specific access is needed because of conflicting target content (e.g. if an integer tag is used in iTree, it cannot be reached via common access because the target will be interpreted as an absolute index access (higher priority the tag access))


The common target access is also used when ever a item must be targeted in other functionalities like move() or insert()!

For common target access we have the following methods:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:


The first method __getitem__() targets first level only (access via "brackets-operation" itree[]). All other methods are capable to target via in-depth access (realized via multiple parameters that can be given to the method).


The usage of target_paths are just supported by the get-subclass. The following methods supporting target-paths containing mixed target-items (different types):

  • get()
  • get.single()
  • get.iter()

The other methods in get-subclass support only target-paths with unique targets (matching to the specific method).

The method __getitem__() does not support target-paths it just takes targets targeting the level 1 children only!

The return type of the common access functions __getitem__()`and `get() depends on the given target-type:

  • absolute index, key (family tag-index pair) -> unique iTree-item will be delivered
  • all other targets (multi target operations) -> list of matching items (in some case a blist object might be delivered)

The get.single() method delivers only single iTree-objects and get.iter() delivers an iterator of the matches found.

For the specific access the following methods are available:


coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:


Target description

Beside the construction of the object the access to it's items is the second core-functionality for a tree object.

In iTree this is one of the most complex functionalities available. The reason is the wide range of different possible targets that are supported. It's recommended that the user reads the following explanations and examples carefully to understand the full range of functionalities available related to the access of children stored in iTree.

But even for less experienced users the easy access via itree[index] (list like counterpart) or itree[tag_idx_key] (dict-like counterpart) will work in most cases.

Lets build a small example iTree-object and let's see with which target definitions we can access the children in this object:

>>> root = iTree('root')
>>> root += iTree('child', value=0)
>>> root += iTree('child', value=1)
>>> root += iTree('child', value=2)
>>> root += iTree('child', value=3)
>>> root += iTree('child', value=4)
>>> root += iTree(1, value=5)
>>> root += iTree(('child',1), value='tag conflict')
>>> # any hashable object can be used as tag!
>>> root += iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)  # any hashable object can be used as tag!
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child', value=0)
 > iTree('child', value=1)
 > iTree('child', value=2)
 > iTree('child', value=3)
 > iTree('child', value=4)
 > iTree(1, value=5)
 > iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict')
 > iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)

Figure showing the resulting iTree

Figure showing the resulting iTree

In the following examples have a special look on the result types delivered (single-targets -> iTree-child and multi-targets -> list of matching children in iTree-order):

  • Target via absolute index:

    The absolute index is like the index in lists and targets the children counting from 0. And as in lists negative values are supported too (count index from the last index down).

    This operation is the fastest way to target a item in iTree-objects.

    This operation has highest priority in common access. It will "cover" the tag access to families (based on integer-type tags).

    The specific access method get.by_idx() is faster and can be used too.

    This is a single/unique target therefore it delivers directly the targeted iTree-child-object.

    >>> # Common index access:
    >>> root[0] # absolute index access
    iTree('child', value=0)
    >>> root[-1] # absolute index access (negative values)
    iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)
    >>> root[5] # This child is not targeted in the next step even that it's tag==1!
    iTree(1, value=5)
    >>> root[1] # The absolute index access has higher priority than access via tags
    iTree('child', value=1)
    >>> # Specific index access:
    >>> root.get.by_idx(0) # absolute index access
    iTree('child', value=0)
    >>> root.get.by_idx(-1) # absolute index access (negative values)
    iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)
    >>> root.get.by_idx(5) # This child is not targeted in the next step even that it's tag==1!
    iTree(1, value=5)
    >>> root.get.by_idx(1) # The absolute index access has higher priority than access via tags
    iTree('child', value=1)
  • Target via absolute index-slice:

    As in lists the slicing of the absolute index is supported too.

    But the result is no more unique, therefore the operation will return a list or blist.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_idx_slice() but the method parameter(s) must be slice object(s).

    >>> # Common index-slice access:
    >>> root[1:3]
    blist([iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2)])
    >>> # Specific index-slice access:
    >>> root.get.by_idx_slice(slice(1,3))
    blist([iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2)])
  • Target via absolute index-list:

    We can target multiple children by giving a list of indexes. The resulting list represents the order of indexes the user gave.


    Duplicated indexes will deliver duplicated items in the result. Especially in case of in-depth access this should be avoided, because the results can be very confusing.

    No unique result, a list will be returned.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_idx_list().

    >>> # Common index-list access:
    >>> root[[0, 2]]
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> # same as:
    >>> [root[0],root[2]]
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> root[[2, 0, 2]]  # The target-order is kept (even multiple same items are kept)
    [iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> # Specific index-list access:
    >>> root.get.by_idx_list([0, 2])
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
  • Target via tag-idx (key):

    This tag-idx-key (family-tag, family-index) is unique for any child. The second item in the tuple is the family-index. This gives the position of the child in the related tag-family-list (negative values supported too -> count from the end). A tag-idx-key is internally identified via the given tuple of length 2. (For downward compatibility the TagIdx-helper-object is still available and can be used for this case too).

    This operation has highest priority and covers tag access to families based on tuples and this operation is the second fastest way (after absolute index access) to target a object in iTrees.

    The key is unique therefore the operation delivers a single iTree-object.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_tag_idx().

    >>> # Common tag-idx-key access (given as tuple) 
    >>> # and how it must be used for targeting in other commands e.g. `insert()` or `move()`:
    >>> root[('child', 0)]  
    iTree('child', value=0)
    >>> root['child', 0]  # lazy way to give the tag-idx-key
    iTree('child', value=0)
    >>> root[('child', -1)]  # negative family-index, is supported too
    iTree('child', value=4)
    >>> root[('child',1), 0] # This child is not targeted in the next step even that it's tag==('child',1)!
    iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict')
    >>> root[('child', 1)] # The key access has higher priority than access via tags
    iTree('child', value=1)
    >>> # Specific tag-idx access (must be given as tuple)
    >>> root.get.by_tag_idx(('child', 0))  # Give the tuple; multiple parameters would target in-depth!
    iTree('child', value=0)
  • Target via (family-tag, family-index-slice) - pair:

    Slice operations on family_index is supported but the slice object must be given explicit slice(start,end,step).


    In this case we cannot use the slice definition via double dots like [0:3:2] . We must define a slice()-object.

    Result is not unique a item therefore a list or blist with the selected items will be returned.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_tag_idx_slice().

    >>> # Common tag-idx-slice access (given as tuple) 
    >>> root[('child',slice(0,3,2))]
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)])
    >>> root['child',slice(0,3,2)] # lazy input supported
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)])
    >>> # Specific tag-idx-slice access (must be given as tuple)
    >>> root.get.by_tag_idx_slice(('child',slice(0,3,2)))
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)])
  • Target via (family-tag, family-index-list) - pair:

    Giving a index list of family indexes to target the children is supported.

    The order of the delivered items is the order of indexes given and duplicates are kept too.

    Result is a list of matching children.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_tag_idx_list().

    >>> # Common tag-idx-list access (given as tuple) 
    >>> root[('child',[0,2])]
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> root[('child',[0,2])] # lazy input supported
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> # Specific tag-idx-list access (must be given as tuple)
    >>> root.get.by_tag_idx_list(('child',[0,2]))
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2)]
  • Target a whole tag-family:

    Here we target all items that have the same tag (same family).

    As already shown this object has lower priority, in case of conflicts (with idx or tag_idx) the user should use the specific access method or he puts the tag as a single value in a set itree[{tag}] but the access is much slower as the specific one.

    Result is a list with all children having the target tag (whole tag-family).

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_tag().

    >>> root['child'] # In case of no conflicts a given family tag delivers the family directly
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=3), iTree('child', value=4)])
    >>> # specific tag-family access
    >>> root.get.by_tag('child')
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=3), iTree('child', value=4)])
    >>> root.get.by_tag(('child',1)) # target ('child',1) tag-family with root[('child',1)] the tag-idx is targeted!
    [iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict')]
    >>> # The tag=('child',1) is a family tag not a tag-idx-key!
    >>> root.get.by_tag(1) # target again an item which cannot be reached via root[1]
    [iTree(1, value=5)]
    >>> root[{1}] # In case of conflicts the user can use a tag-set with one item too (slower as specific access)
    [iTree(1, value=5)]
    >>> # The tag=1 is a family tag not an absolute index!
  • Target multiple tag-families tag-families-set:

    If a set of multiple tags is given the children of the different families are combined in the output list.

    Result is a list with all children having the target tag that were targeted. The order of the items is the order of the families in the set.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_tags(). Different to the common access we can give here also lists or tuples as parameter(s) the order will be kept but duplicates will be delivered as given too.

    >>> root[{(1,2,3),1,('child',1)}] # order of tags in the set is kept in the result
    [iTree(1, value=5), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict')]
    >>> root[{1,('child',1),(1,2,3),}] 
    [iTree(1, value=5), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict')]
    >>> root.get.by_tags([1,('child',1),(1,2,3),]) # here the order of th tags in the list is kept; duplicates will be delivered too
    [iTree(1, value=5), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict'), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
  • Target children via a filter-method:

    A filter-method is a function that analysis the children object related to the properties, attributes, etc. and that generates at the end a True/False (match/ no match) return per item. By this the children are filtered and only the matching ones will be integrated into the result.

    We have multiple items in the result a list will be returned.

    The specific access method for this target is get.by_level_filter()

    >>> # The following EXCEPTION is expected:
    >>> root[lambda i: i.value%2==0] # filters all children which contains an even value, but we have an exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: lambda: raised an exception in filter-calculation, the 6. child iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict') is incompatible with the calculation
    >>> root[lambda i: type(i.value) is int and i.value%2==0] # ensure that the filter-calculation matches to any child!
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=4), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
    >>> root[(lambda i: i.value==2)] # This filter targets in our case one value only
    [iTree('child', value=2)]
    >>> root.get.by_level_filter(lambda i: type(i.value) is int and i.value%2==0) # ensure that the filter-calculation matches to any child!
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=4), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
    >>> root.get.by_level_filter(lambda i: i.value==2) # This filter targets in our case one value only
    [iTree('child', value=2)]
  • Target all children via a build-in iter or ... (Ellipsis):

    The user can target all children of the iTree-object if he gives the ìter or ... build-in function as a target.

    This function may make no sense from the first view because it's equivalent to the main children iterator __iter__(). But we will see that the option is very helpful in target_paths.

    This results in multiple items and a list is returned.

    >>> root[iter] # give build in iter to target all children
    blist([iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=3), iTree('child', value=4), iTree(1, value=5), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict'), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)])
    >>> list(root) # is the recommended equivalent function for this but here we need must create the list explicit from the iterator
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=3), iTree('child', value=4), iTree(1, value=5), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict'), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
    >>> root[(lambda i: True)] # Delivers also the same result but is much slower
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=2), iTree('child', value=3), iTree('child', value=4), iTree(1, value=5), iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict'), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
  • Use different targets to target children in the first level via a target-list:

    In a target list (instead of a absolute index only list) the user can combine the different targets already explained (cumulate the targets).

    The result is a flatten list that combines all those targeted children. The order of the children is defined by the order of given targets and duplicates will be kept!

    Mixed target lists can only be used via common access methods.

    >>> # Here we target absolute index, absolute index, tag-idx-key,family-set,filter
    >>> root[[0,1,('child', 1),{1},lambda i: type(i.value) is int and i.value>4]] # in result the iTree children order is kept and duplicates are deleted
    [iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1), iTree('child', value=1), iTree(1, value=5), iTree(1, value=5), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6)]
    >>> root[[{1},('child', 1),lambda i: type(i.value) is int and i.value>4,0,1]] # same targets in other order delivers same result
    [iTree(1, value=5), iTree('child', value=1), iTree(1, value=5), iTree((1, 2, 3), value=6), iTree('child', value=0), iTree('child', value=1)]
  • Finally KeyError, IndexError, ValueError or TypeError Exceptions will be raced in case we have no match (output is shortened in these examples):

    >>> root['child',slice(1,1)] # slice delivers no match blist([]) >>> root[{'child2'}] # invalid tag Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'child2' >>> root[100] # Index access out of rangeroot['child',100] # family index out of range Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Given abs-idx in target 100 is out of range >>> root[('child',100,1)] # Invalid family tag Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Given target ('child', 100, 1) is invalid >>> root[lambda i: i.value>2] # invalid calculation for child with value 'tag conflict' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: lambda: raised an exception in filter-calculation, the 6. child iTree(('child', 1), value='tag conflict') is incompatible with the calculation

In-depth Item Access

In general all get methods can be used for in-depth access too (The only exception is the __getitem__()-method that targets first level only).

In the get-methods the levels are addressed by multiple parameters:

get(target_level1, target_level2, ...,target_leveln).

To check the in-depth access we append our example with an item in level2 of the tree:

>>> root[0].append(iTree('sub_child',value=0)) # prepare one level deeper item
iTree('sub_child', value=0)

Figure shows the tree with additional level in first item

Figure shows the tree with additional level in first item

For sure the deeper levels can be accessed via multiple __getitem__() too. But in case of multiple matches the results can be very confusing.

Imagine in the first level you target a tag-family with multiple items the second index targets in this case the items in the delivered level1 list only and does not dive in the tree as the user might expect:

>>> root[0][0] # access nested (deeper) items
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> root['child'][0] # If the result of first operation is not a single item this will deliver the first item in the result-list
iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('sub_child', value=0)])
>>> # See that the result is in the first and not in the second level of the iTree!!

To avoid such failures it's recommended to use the more advanced in-depth get-methods. E.g: usage of `get()`:

>>> root.get(0,0)
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> root.get(0,('sub_child',0))  # access nested (deeper) items via target-path-list (mixed target types)
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> target_path=[0,0]
>>> root.get(*target_path) # targets deep
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> root.get(*[0,0]) # targets deep -> single item arguments given will deliver single item only
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> # be CAREFUL because:
>>> root.get(*[0,0]) # gives empty list because target single item has no subtree (type cast to list)
iTree('sub_child', value=0)
>>> root.get(target_path) #target first level only (absolute index-list given)
[iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('sub_child', value=0)]), iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('sub_child', value=0)])]
>>> root.get([0,0]) #target first level only (absolute index-list given)
[iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('sub_child', value=0)]), iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('sub_child', value=0)])]

The functionality of get() is to handle multiple results in higher levels and combine them in an internal iterator. The result is at the end a flattended list that considers all findings in the final target level from all branches that were matching.

In case one level only is given the method behaves like __getitem__() except that in case of issues a default might be returned (if defined as named parameter).

The method get.single() enforces the delivery of unique items. The user can be sure that just a single item will be delivered. In case of multi-target parameters given the method analysis the result and shrink a list with a unique element to the element itself. If the list contains more items this is handled as no match and a ValueError will be raised (or default value will be delivered if defined).

The method get.iter() delivers always an iterator over the items targeted. In case of unique findings it delivers a list [unique_item] that is iterable and can be easy identified by a type check.

For the in-depth get-methods a level filter functionality is available. The user can define level filters by giving filtering methods for the different levels (see level-filtering <level_filtering>).

>>> root.get(lambda i: i.value==0,lambda i: i.value==0) # level filtering
[iTree('sub_child', value=0)]

Comparing iTrees

In case iTree-items should be compared the difference in between the == operator and the is keyword should be understood. An ìTree object is equal ( == ) if the following statement delivers True :

>>> itree.tag and and all(sub_i==sub_o for sub_i,sub_o in zip(itree,other)) True

To check if the item is really the same (instance) the user must use is.




The explicit equal() method allows the check of additional properties (e.g. flags or the itree.coupled_object ), which are not considered in the normal __eq__() method.

The difference inbetween == and is is also important in case of the ìn operation where the operation == is used. Same for the index() and deep.index() method. The index() function behaves here like in lists and the start parameter can be used to target multiple searches.

To get the index of a specific item it is recommended just to use the ìTree property itree.idx or itree.idx_path which delivers the absolute index/index-path of the specific item directly.



Methods checking if a item is a child of the iTree-object:



coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:


iTree`s can also be compared with each other the criteria here is the size __len__() of the objects. Based on this comparison operators < ; <=` ; > ; >= are available. The methods exists in the level 1 children related variant (base-class) or in in-depth variant (use deep-sub-class).

For length calculations the following methods exists:



coded in helper-class:




coded in helper-class:


iTree properties

As we will see later on some properties of the iTree object can be modified by the related methods.

The iTree object contains the following general properties:














Item identification properties:





The following examples shows how some of the iTree-properties are read out.

>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('child', 0), iTree((1, 2), 'tuple_child0'), iTree('child', 1), iTree('child', 2),iTree((1, 2), 'tuple_child1')])
>>> root[0] += iTree('subchild')
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('child', value=0)
 .  > iTree('subchild')
 > iTree((1, 2), value='tuple_child0')
 > iTree('child', value=1)
 > iTree('child', value=2)
 > iTree((1, 2), value='tuple_child1')
>>> root[0][0].root
iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('child', value=0, subtree=[iTree('subchild')]),...,iTree((1, 2), value='tuple_child1')])
>>> root[0][0].idx
>>> root[0][0].tag_idx
('subchild', 0)
>>> root[0][0].idx_path
(0, 0)
>>> root[0][0].tag_idx_path
(('child', 0), ('subchild', 0))
>>> root[1].value
>>> root[1].tag_idx
((1, 2), 0)
>>> root[-1].value
>>> root[-1].tag_idx
((1, 2), 1)
>>> len(root) #  level 1 only
>>> len(root.deep) # all in-depth items
>>> root2=root.copy()
>>> root2[-1].append(iTree('subitem')) # we append one item in depth
>>> root2>root # level 1 only size-compare
>>> root2.deep>root.deep # all items size-compare

Figure showing iTree used in example

Figure showing iTree used in example

As shown in the last example hashable objects can be used as tags for the itertree items to be stored in the iTree object. Even for those kind of tag objects it is possible to store multiple items with the same tag. In the example the enumeration inside the tag family can be seen in the index enumeration (tag_idx).

Beside those structural properties the iTree objects contains a property that can be used to "link" the ìTree`-object to another Python object.



Different than the data the coupled_obj the idea is here to have just a pointer to another Python object. The only operations considering those objects is in the link root were during reload or if a linked item is converted in a local item the couple object will be taken over. The equal() compare function can also target the coupled-object.


Behind this objects is the following idea: E.g. The user might couple the iTree to a graphical user interface object. Connect it with an item in a hypertree-list. Or it can be used to couple the iTree object to an item in a mapping dictionary. The property coupled-object is not actively managed by the iTree object it's just a place to store a pointer. E.g. If iTree is stored in a file or standard compares this information will not be considered.

There can be cases where it is helpful to use this additional possibility to store information in the iTree too. E.g. in the attached we use the coupled-object to store the day-name.

Compared with the previous versions (0.8.0) the handling of the data/value property is simplified a lot.

First we renamed the data-property to value-property to be compatible with the naming of items in dicts. Second we came to the conclusion that the management of the value content is not the core function of iTree and so we made it more independent as it was in the previous versions.

Now it is in the hand of the user if he stores a more complex object or e.g. just a simple integer value in the iTree-object.

The old iData`class is still available for downward compatibility. But the object is no more placed automatically in the value of a ìTree item. To utilize it the user must put the object manually in. As explained we do not expect anymore that the object stored in value is a dictionary like object (iData). We uncoupled here the functionalities.

If required we can recommend one of the data-models available in the itertree package. They can be used to store specific types of data (including checks). Other data models might be used too but the user must ensure that the external data models are serialized correctly if he wants to store the iTree and his data in files.

In case a iTree object is created without a value parameter the default value object will be the NoValue class.

These are the value related methods available in iTree.





>>> my_tree = iTree('root')
>>> my_tree.set_value(1)
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoValue'>
>>> repr(my_tree.get_value())
>>> my_tree.set_value(Data.iTInt8Model())  # store a model limiting the matching values
>>> my_tree.set_value(1)  # store the value in the model
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoValue'>
>>> repr(my_tree.value)  # delivers the whole object stored in value
>>> repr(my_tree.get_value())  # again we take the value out of the model
>>> my_tree.set_value(1024)  # value out of the valid range
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Given value does not match to given filter_method (out of range)
>>> repr(my_tree.del_value())  # delete the model
>>> my_tree.value
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoValue'>

In case a ìTValueModel based object is stored in the iTree`value the methods `get_value() and set_value() will not target the model itself. Furthermore the value inside the models will be read or exchanged. If the model itself should be exchanged set_value() can be used too the method will automatically identify that the new value is a model and the old model will be replaced by the new one. Beside this the del_value() targets always the value object and replaces it with NoValue. Even a model will be deleted in this case. To delete the value in the model the user must use get_value(NoValue) or my_tree.value.clear().

In addition to the normal get and set we have the key related methods for value access:



In general these methods behave like the normal counter part (model objects are handled the same way). The only difference is that these methods targeting sub_values in dict or list like objects (using __getitem__()). For dict`s key is used like a key and for `list key is used as an integer index. If the key does not exists in a dict`like object the key-value pair will be added. For `list an append via INT=float('int') as index is possible too. By default for list like objects no matching indexes will raise an IndexError exception.

iTree iterations

As the name itertree suggests we have a lot of possibilities to iterate over the items in the tree-structure. In the class the we use generators (yield-statement) to create the output for the iterations.


The class doesn't contain a __next__()-method. This means if the given iteration methods are used (generators inside) the user must cast those generators for functions targeting the __next__() via the build-in iter()-statement. But most often this is not required because by most functionalities the supported __iter__() method is targeted.

In iTree we have iteration-generators which are more related to list-like functionalities and other which are targeting more in the direction of the dict-like iterators.

Most iteration-generators are available in diffrent level behavior:

  1. The children only variant iterating only over the items in level 1 of the tree-structure
  2. In the in-depth variant which iterates as a flatten iterator over all the nested children.

First we show the list like standard iterator which delivers the children in the main/absolute order of the iTree-object.


The more dict-like iteration-methods targeting the children (level 1) are:




To make the delivered generator-content visible we use the list()-cast in the following examples:

>>> # create a small nested iTree:
>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('one', 1, subtree=[iTree('subone', 1.1), iTree('subtwo', 1.2)]), iTree('two', 2), iTree('three', 3)])
>>> list(root)  # __iter__()
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> list(root)
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> list(root.values())
[1, 2, 3]
>>> list(root.tag_idxs())
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'iTree' object has no attribute 'tag_idxs'
>>> list(root.items())
[(('one', 0), iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)])), (('two', 0), iTree('two', value=2)), (('three', 0), iTree('three', value=3))]
>>> list(root.items(values_only=True))
[(('one', 0), 1), (('two', 0), 2), (('three', 0), 3)]

We have some special iteration-methods related to the item access based on the groups created by tag-families. The delivered items are ordered by the first item (or the last - if parameter is set) in the family and the iteration runs over all items of the first familly then all items of the next and so on.





The family structure inside iTree cannot be made available directly because this would give the user the possibility of corrupting manipulations. But the user can use those family related iteration functions if he wants to create a representation of the family structure.

Most in-depth iteration-methods have additional parameters:

  • filter_method filter parameter which allows the hierarchical-filtering inside the iteration loops.
  • up_to_low allows to select the direction of the iteration top->down or bottom-> up (default: up_to_low=True).

All the in-depth iteration-methods are reached via the helper class `iTree.deep`:


coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:


As explained we can iter in two directions up-> low (default) or low->up (set parameter up_to_low=False):

>>> root = iTree('root') 
>>> for i in range(2):
    item=root.append(iTree('%i'%i, i))
    for ii in range(2):
        subitem = item.append(iTree('%i_%i' % (i,ii), i*10+ii))
        for iii in range(2):
            subitem.append(iTree('%i_%i_%i' % (i, ii,iii), i * 100 + ii*10+iii))
>>> [i for i in root.deep.iter(up_to_low=True)][0:5] # show just a part
[iTree('0', value=0, subtree=[iTree('0_0', value=0, subtree=[iTree('0_0_0', value=0), iTree('0_0_1', value=1)]), iTree('0_1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('0_1_0', value=10), iTree('0_1_1', value=11)])]), iTree('0_0', value=0, subtree=[iTree('0_0_0', value=0), iTree('0_0_1', value=1)]), iTree('0_0_0', value=0), iTree('0_0_1', value=1), iTree('0_1', value=1, subtree=[iTree('0_1_0', value=10), iTree('0_1_1', value=11)])]
>>> [i for i in root.deep.iter(up_to_low=False)][0:5] # show just a part
[iTree('0_0_0', value=0), iTree('0_0_1', value=1), iTree('0_0', value=0, subtree=[iTree('0_0_0', value=0), iTree('0_0_1', value=1)]), iTree('0_1_0', value=10), iTree('0_1_1', value=11)]

Figure schema for up->down (default) iteration

Figure schema for up->down (default) iteration

Figure schema for down->up iteration

Figure schema for down->up iteration

Additional we have the in-depth iteration-methods:


coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:



coded in helper-class:


Related to tag_family sorted iterations we have in-depth only the ìter_family_items() mathod available.

In the following example we create based on the in-depth generators lists and dicts:

>>> # deep iterators:
>>> list(root.deep)  # deep counterpart of level1 __iter__() iterator
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> list(root.deep.iter(up_to_low=False))  # changed iteration order bottom-> up
[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2), iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> list(root.deep.tag_idx_paths()) # deep counterpart of level1 items() iterator
[((('one', 0),), iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)])), ((('one', 0), ('subone', 0)), iTree('subone', value=1.1)), ((('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)), ((('two', 0),), iTree('two', value=2)), ((('three', 0),), iTree('three', value=3))]
>>> [(k,i.value) for k,i in root.deep.tag_idx_paths()]  # deep counterpart of level1 items(values_only=True) iterator
[((('one', 0),), 1), ((('one', 0), ('subone', 0)), 1.1), ((('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)), 1.2), ((('two', 0),), 2), ((('three', 0),), 3)]
>>> [k for k,_ in root.deep.tag_idx_paths()]  # deep counterpart level1 to keys() iterator
[(('one', 0),), (('one', 0), ('subone', 0)), (('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)), (('two', 0),), (('three', 0),)]
>>> [k for k,_ in root.deep.idx_paths()]  # no level 1 counterpart (lists are automatically indexed 0->n)
[(0,), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1,), (2,)]

iTree Filter Queries

A lot of the in-depth methods contain the parameter filter_method that can be used for hierarchical inside filtering of iTree-items. For non-hierarchical filtering the user can use the build-in filter()-method. In case an outside filtering is not possible (filter() cannot be used) the methods have an additional parameter hierarchical to switch in between the two ways of filtering.

As filter_method the user can give a callable object that analysis the given item and calculates if the item matches to the specific criteria and deliver a True/False (match/no match) for the item.

The iTree-class contains no more the old find()`and `find_all() methods because all searches can be realized easier and more clear via the filter_method-parameter.

Also we do not have any more a special ´iTFilter`-class, we decided that normal filtering via filtering methods is more practicable. As a help for the user we still provide some filter classes/methods under itertree.itree_filters that might help related to the filtering of iTree specifics.

>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('one', 1, subtree=[iTree('subone', 1.1), iTree('subtwo', 1.2)]), iTree('two', 2), iTree('three', 3)])
>>> filter1 = lambda i: 'one' not in i.tag
>>> list(root.deep.tag_idx_paths(filter1))
[((('two', 0),), iTree('two', value=2)), ((('three', 0),), iTree('three', value=3))]
>>> # the hierarchical filter did not consider the item iTree('subtwo',1.2) because parent is filtered out
>>> list(filter(lambda i: 'one' not in i[1].tag, root.deep.tag_idx_paths())) # for non-hierachical filtering use build-in
[((('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)), ((('two', 0),), iTree('two', value=2)), ((('three', 0),), iTree('three', value=3))]
>>> # now the sub-items are considered even that parent did not match

A very special filtering can be realized in the get()-method by putting filters in the related levels of a target_path (level filter).



will filter in first level for all items with the tag 'mytag' and in next level for all items with the tag 'mytag2'.

The filter is used only at the specific level (in side one level we can just filter) but in the next level only the findings of first level will be considered. Therefore the level filtering is a hierarchical filtering which means only the matching items of the previous level are considered in the next level..

>>> # based on the root object we had in last example
>>> filter_a = lambda i: 'one' in i.tag  # This will filter for the first two elements
>>> filter_b = lambda i: i.value == 1.2  # First element doesn't have this level (no match)
>>> root.get(*[filter_a, filter_b]) # level filtering level=0~filter_a; level=1~filter_b
[iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]

The filtering in iTree is very effective and quick. As an example one might execute the example script or It's recommended that the user uses iterator related functions to reach the expected results (e.g. see itertools package).

iTree full overview over the in-depth functionalities

We already talked about some of the features in the in previous chapters (access and iterators) but now we like to give a full overview about in-depth related functionalities.

All related methods are available in a specific iTree-object via the subclass itree.deep.






















iTree formatted output and storage

The iTree-object can be printed out via classical repr() or str() method, the second method delivers a shorten representation of the subtree.



A formatted multi-line tree output is available too. If the parameter enumerate is set the items in the printed tree are also enumerated by the absolute index.



(The renderer in Version 1.0.0 was improved and uses now ascii-only characters and delivers a smaller footprint).

For full serialization of the iTree-objects it's recommended to use the internal dumps() method. If the internal methods are used (file storage is possible too) the result is represented and stored as a JSON artifact.





In the methods the serializer can be set and might be replaced by the users own serializing format.

The serializer for Version 1.0.0 is modified and the output format is not compatible with the old format version 1.1.1. New format can be created quicker and it has no more issues with recursion depth exceptions. The conversion of old files can be made via the helper script:

>>> from itertree.itree_serializer.itree_json_converter import Converter_1_1_1_to_2_0_0
>>> new_itree=Converter_1_1_1_to_2_0_0(old_source_file_path)

The new storage format was required because in Version 1.0.0 we now have only one iTree class that uses the flags parameter to be switched to read-only where we used a special class in the old implementation.

But beside this we wanted to have a better performance related to the serializing of the objects. We think that the readability is improved too. Even that this was not the main target. The new format is also 100% JSON compatible and can be read in by any JSON parser.

The output looks like this:

  "TYPE": "itertree.iTree",
  "VERSION": "2.0.0"
  "HASH": "e7891f95dd2f2c85d4383a8772a317e11363c495dc65a278c821836846d06471",

After the well readable header the user can see that the tree is stored in a flat list structure (which avoids RecursionError exceptions in the JSON parsers).

The formatting of the output is created in a way that each iTree item has its own row and the indentation-level gives the hint about the level in the tree. Each item is coded in JSON in the following way:


In case the item has additional parameters they are coded like the tag and the value too. The family-index is only given for better readability of the files, it's not used during the reconstruction of the object.

We have also a dot generator available which may help to create a graphical representation of the tree but this is not deeply tested there might be limits and we cannot ensure that the shown order is always correct.

Related to serialization we like to remark that iTree-objects can be pickled (pickle(my_tree)).

iTree linked sub-trees

The iTree objects can be merged to one main tree from different source files by using the link parameter. The result is a merged iTree that contains all the linked subtrees. Beside the linking from different files links inside a iTree structure (internal links) can be defined too.

The value of the link parameter of the iTree-class must be an iTLink`object which defines the `file_path and the target_path. The parameters are dependent. For links inside the same iTree the file_path must be set to None. For links targeting the root of a file the target_path parameter must be set to None. The target_path must target a unique item in the source-tree!

Figure showing how "sub3" links to "sub1" item and "inherits" it's subitems beside the local ones

Figure showing how "sub3" links to "sub1" item and "inherits" it's subitems beside the local ones

Additionally the user can manipulate the linked items by making them local (covering) or by appending local items. The functionalities given here are limited to operations that do not imply a reordering of the items in the tree. The reason for this is that the linked items cannot be reordered furthermore they gave the tree a fixed, static structure. E.g. mainly we have append() and make_local() functions and we cannot appendleft() or insert() because this would mean we have to reorder the other items. A change of a linked structure can only be made by manipulating the original source structure. We allow only the localization of items that are a child of the linked root item, in deeper levels this is not possible.

The local items in a linked iTree are integrated in the tree during the load process of the linked items. The identification is always made via the key (family-tag,family-index) of the item. The local storage of the tree contains iTree items that are merged as placeholders which will be replaced by the linked in items during the load process. Those placeholders are needed to create the matching key for the real items that should be kept after reload. In case the loaded structure is changed and and no matching item is found the placeHolder-items will remain in the iTree. All appended local items which are outside of the linked structure will be always positioned at the end of the tree.

Local items can be manipulated as normal iTree items with one exception. In case a local item is deleted and a matching linked item is available (was covered by the local item) the linked item will replace the local item after deletion. This means in this case a delete of an item will not reduce the numbers of the items. If the local item has no corresponding linked item the number of children will decrease as usual.

The linked items must be loaded and updated by an explicit operation. They are not loaded automatically. For this the method load_links() is used. The method can be executed at any level of the tree and it will start loading all links in the related subtree (use load_links()). By this mechanism incremental loads are possible. If the user wants to be sure that all linked items are loaded he must use the method in the root-object of the tree (load all links).

The behavior in case of load erros can be switched between Exceptions or deleting invalid items (via the delete_invalid_items parameter of the load_links()-method). In case of exceptions the iTree might be in an incomplete load state and if the exception is kept by the user this situation must be must be handled somehow (e.g. copy original tree before loading and replace back). The automated loading iTree links during instance of the object can be influenced via the flags=iTFLAG.LOAD_LINKS parameter that will activate the loading during instance.


The user must be aware that changing the source structure and local items in parallel might lead to unexpected results. The identification of local items is always done via the key (family-tag,family-index). If we miss items during load placeholders are used to keep the key of the "real" local items. Normally those artefacts will be replaced during the load with the "real" linked items (if found) but in case of mismatches they will stay in the tree. Using wild linking in between different iTree items can lead into very confusing situations especially if the user removes local items. We recommend to use the feature only in special cases where the source architecture is clearly defined and remains structural relative stable. For stability reasons we have also functional limitations in linked iTree objects (e.g. we do allow only linking on not already linked items (protection for circular definitions); local items can never be linked items.






Beside this the following specific functions are available on linked items:


For a better understanding please have a look in the example file examples/ in the package. That contains the following examples too.

Special functionalities related to linking of iTrees:

To link a subtree in an iTree-object the link=iTLink(file_path,target_path) is defined when the object is instanced. A link cannot be added later on to the object.

>>> # We create a small iTree:
>>> root = iTree('root')
>>> root += iTree('A')
>>> root += iTree('B')
>>> B = iTree('B')
>>> B += iTree('Ba')
>>> # we create multiple 'Bb' elements to show how the placeholders are used during save and load
>>> B += iTree('Bb')
>>> B += iTree('Bb')
>>> B += iTree('Bc')
>>> root += B
>>> # !! Now we create a internal link (but we disable the loading (no flag set))):
>>> # (internal link -> iTLink(file_path==None,target_path= item identification) (target_path like in get_deep())
>>> linked_element = iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(target_path=[('B', 1)]))
>>> root.append(linked_element)
iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100000)
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100000)
>>> root.load_links() # now we load the linked items
>>> root.render()  # The tree renderer marks linked items with ">>"
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100100)
 .  >>iTree('Ba')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bc')

As shown in the example the internal linked item contains now the same subtree as the item ("B",1). But they are integrated as linked iTree objects which protects the items from changes (readonly). If we change the items in the "B" item the changes are only considered if we reload the links in the tree!

>>> root['B', 1] += iTree('B_post_append')
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 .  > iTree('B_post_append')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100100)
 .  >>iTree('Ba')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bc')
>>> root.load_links()  # The returning True signalizes that the tree was reloaded
>>> root.render()
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 .  > iTree('B_post_append')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100100)
 .  >>iTree('Ba')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bc')
 .  >>iTree('B_post_append')
>>> root.load_links()  # If we repeat the action the command detects that the tree is  unchanged and no update is needed
>>> root.load_links(force=True)  # Anyway the update can be forced

The toplevel linked iTree-object allow some manipulations of the subtree. We can append items and we can convert the linked sub-items into local-items that covers the linked item and that can contain different values and a different subtree. But we cannot change the order of the linked items! Therefore the commands like insert() or append_left() are not allowed.

>>> intern_link_item = root['internal_link', 0]  # get the linked item
>>> intern_link_item.append('new')  # append a local item
>>> local = intern_link_item[2].make_local()  # make a linked item local (cover the item with a local one)
>>> local.append(iTree('sublocal'))  # we change the subtree of the local item
>>> local.set_value('myvalue')  # we change the value of the local item
<class 'itertree.itree_helpers.NoValue'>
>>> root.render()  # see that in the linked tree we have local elements (linked items are marked with ">>")
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 .  > iTree('B_post_append')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100100)
 .  >>iTree('Ba')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb', value='myvalue')
 .  .  > iTree('sublocal')
 .  >>iTree('Bc')
 .  >>iTree('B_post_append')
 .  > iTree(value='new')

The item 'Bb' in the linked subtree is now no more an iTreeLink object, its a normal iTree object. The identification of the covering item is internally always done via the TagIdx of the item. We can do all iTree related operations on this object. But there is one exception: if we delete the object the linked object will come back into the tree!

>>> del intern_link_item[('Bb', 1)]
>>> print(root.render())
 > iTree('A')
 > iTree('B')
 > iTree('B')
 .  > iTree('Ba')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bb')
 .  > iTree('Bc')
 .  > iTree('B_post_append')
 > iTree('internal_link', link=iTLink(None,[('B', 1)]), flags=0b100100)
 .  >>iTree('Ba')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bb')
 .  >>iTree('Bc')
 .  >>iTree('B_post_append')
 .  > iTree(value='new')

The link functionality in iTrees can be understood like the overloading mechanism of classes. By linking a subtree in the tree this is like defining a superclass for a specific tree section. By making a subitem local this part of the linked iTree is covered (overloaded). But we should not stress this analogy to much because the functionalities in this covered data structures are much less then we have it in the class concept.

There are some quite difficult to understand aspects related to the linking of items. The ordering of loading the linked items and the mixing with the local items might be confusing. Especially if the user stores such iTree-objects in files and when the source is manipulated. The main order is always given by the linked elements and there keys (tag-idx-pairs). A not loaded but linked tree contains all local elements and placeholder items that mark where in the linked tree the local elements should be placed in. From the concept the local items where no linked counterpart is found will be always placed before the next linked local item (if it's a "real" one or a placeholder). All not filled local items will appended at the end during the load_links() process.

The most confusing things may happen if the user re orders the link source in a way that elements from the end are moved to the beginning. Original load scheme:

locals linked result

Lets change the order of the source in the following way:


After load_links() we will find the following situation

locals linked result

In the linked source the cursive items have changed their position and the connected local items follow them.

The user might understand that the linked structure and order is somehow the main principle of ordering and the local items always follow this structure. So after the source is reordered the local items are reordered too. The local items that have no counterpart following always the anchor element afterwards (The item with 'tag4' is glued to 'tag5 and the item with 'tag1' is glued with 'tag2').

iTree - extensions

The itertree-package contains some extensions especially related to the build of data models which can be optionally used to determine the data stored in the iTree-value attribute.

Predefined Filters

As a help for filtering on iTree-objects the user can find the following predefined filter classes/methods under itertree.itree_filters :

















Data Models

To control the data that can, be stored in an iTree-object value attribute (see iTree value related methods_) the itertree package contains some special classes related to the definition of data-models. Those models determine what kind of object can be stored inside the model. For this the user can define the target data-type, range-conditions, etc. Even the output formatting for string representations can be defined in those models.

The models might be useful and can be adapted by the user. But it's just an optional feature this is not related to the core functionality of itertree. The iTree-class can be used independent from this.

The main class for model definition can be found via the "Data" extension of itertree.


To give the user an idea how this class might be used and for practical proposes we already defined a set of value models for typical data types:


















Mathsets extension

The itree package contains a extension we named mathsets which are a special kind of sets that can be used for range definitions in data-models but also for filtering a specific content.

The main check method for those kind of objects is the __contains__-method which is target via the build-in in statement.

The mathsets are a fragment of a new package that might be published in the future. The idea is mainly to extend the Python set() in a more mathematical way by adding for example interval sets and by allowing the user to define those sets by giving a mathematical definition string.

Therefore those classes might be interesting for the user independent from the usage related to iTree-objects. Especially the class mSetInterval is a full representation of a mathematical interval which allows also mathematical based object definitions like: "{x| x e Z, -128<=x<128}"

In itertree we have two main classes of mSets available:



Additional we have a helper classes that allows to combine those mathsets with each other or other objects (like normal Python sets).


These for classes are targeting numerical set definitions (Intervals, RosterSets, numerical domains). see and

After we have presented the available classes we should give an idea of the usage. What might be the use case for this? In an application we might have the following needs:

  1. We must create for the usage of the application a complex configuration
  2. The configuration should be structure in a tree
  3. The user should be capable to edit the value content of the attributes stored in the tree
  4. The app should check if the given values are valid for the targeted attribute
  5. The configuration should be shown in a GUI with a string representation
  6. Some attributes contains range definition for tolerances
  7. The user should be capable to define those tolerances with the help of mathematical descriptions

The most challenging attribute is in this case a tolerance definition that can be given by the user. Exactly for this case the mathset functionalities are very helpful.


The "old" iData-class which was used as standard data-structure in iTree-objects in older versions is still available but must be added manually to the iTree as value object.

The object is in practice a dict-like structure which helps to manage the stored data values. But we would recommend to use normal dictionaries with data models in the items as a replacement.

Comparison of the iTree object with lists and dicts

In first case the iTree behaves like a list. Therefore all list related operations are supported in iTree-objects. Additionally in iTree we have the dict specific key related operations available too.

The following table compares the behaviors (x is always the related object)

Operation iTree list dict
append by +=
n.a. - x.update(items)
goes in same direction
-> (overwrites existing keys)
n.a. - you migth change
the target/source you are extending
and use normal extend
n.a. - x.update(items)
goes in same direction
-> (overwrites existing keys)
del x[target]
del x[index]
del x[key]
pop specific
pop last
x.pop() or x.pop(-1)
pop first
x.popleft() or x.pop(0)
move **
x[target1],x[target2],x[target3]= \
x[index1],x[index2],x[index3]= \
x[key1],x[key2],x[key3]= \
reorder by slices
x[target1:target3]= \
x[index1:index3]= \
n.a. -> x[index1]=x.pop(index2)
n.a. -> x[key1]=x.pop(key2)
in depth get(target_path,default)
n.a. -> x[index1][index2]
n.a. -> x[key1][key2]
standard iterator,
iter(x) or x.iter(filter_method)
keys iterator,
values iterator,
items iterator,
iter deep

The target arguments used by iTree can be of different type and the result of the operations can be a single item or multiple items (iterator). Some operations which require unique targets will raise an exception if the target is not unique.

The following types/classes might be used as target parameter for the iTree related commands:

  • Tag(tag) - this key targeting a whole family of items (can be any hashable object)
  • (tag,index) - TagIdx object pointing to a specific item in a family
  • index - index integer number
  • [index1,index2] - A list of indexes targeting different items (works with iterators too)
  • iter([index1,index2]) - An iterator of indexes targeting different items (works with iterators too)
  • (tag,[index1,index2]) - A list of indexes targeting different items in a family
  • (tag,iter([index1,index2])) - An iterator of indexes targeting different items in a family
  • slice - slicing over items via index
  • (tag,slice) - Slicing over the indexes of a specific family
  • method - a method that is used for filtering of children (must deliver True/False)

** The difference in between move and reorder is that the move operation ensures that the original objects are kept. The reordering works only in case some of the objects are copied internally.

Special Typecasts

The iTree can be casted in lists and dicts in two ways:

  1. Keep the 'iTree'-child-objects:
>>> root = iTree('root',subtree=[iTree('one', 1, subtree=[iTree('subone', 1.1), iTree('subtwo', 1.2)]), iTree('two', 2), iTree('three', 3)])
>>> list(root)
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> list(root.deep)  # flatten deep item list
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2), iTree('two', value=2), iTree('three', value=3)]
>>> dict(root.items())
{('one', 0): iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), ('two', 0): iTree('two', value=2), ('three', 0): iTree('three', value=3)}
>>> {k:i for k,i in root.deep.tag_idx_paths()}  # flatten deep items dict
{(('one', 0),): iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)]), (('one', 0), ('subone', 0)): iTree('subone', value=1.1), (('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)): iTree('subtwo', value=1.2), (('two', 0),): iTree('two', value=2), (('three', 0),): iTree('three', value=3)}
  1. Consider just the stored values instead of the iTree-child-objects itself:
>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('one', 1, subtree=[iTree('subone', 1.1), iTree('subtwo', 1.2)]), iTree('two', 2), iTree('three', 3)])
>>> list(root.values())  # targets only first level children deeper hierarchy is lost
[1, 2, 3]
>>> [i.value for i in root.deep]  # flatten iterator delivering in-depth values of items
[1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 3]
>>> dict(root.items(values_only=True))  # targets only first level children deeper hierarchy is lost
{('one', 0): 1, ('two', 0): 2, ('three', 0): 3}
>>> {k:i.value for k,i in root.deep.tag_idx_paths()}  # in-depth levels are flatten in the iterator
{(('one', 0),): 1, (('one', 0), ('subone', 0)): 1.1, (('one', 0), ('subtwo', 0)): 1.2, (('two', 0),): 2, (('three', 0),): 3}

In this casts to dicts the unique tag-idx-key (or relative tag_idx_path for deep operations) is used as the key in dicts (we cannot use the tags itself because they might not be unique).

Use iTree with unique tagged items

As explained collects the iTree-class multiple items with the same tag in a tag-family. But if the user likes to use the iTree-class with unique tags only (comparable to dictionaries where keys are unique) the iTree-class supports some specific functionalities for unique tagged trees. This should help the user in such a situation.

As user may have already read in this tutorial, we have an access function in the get subclass for single items:


If the user gives here just the family tag as parameter and the family really contains just one item (unique tag) the method will deliver the unique item back. It's the "speciality" of the method to unpack items out of the list of family-items (normally delivered by iTree.get()) and in case of unique items it delivers the item directly.

But the method will raise an exception if the item is not found or what is more important if more than one item was found. (If the named parameter default is defined the default will be deliver instead of the exception raised.)

>>> root = iTree('root', subtree=[iTree('one', 1, subtree=[iTree('subone', 1.1), iTree('subtwo', 1.2)]), iTree('two', 2), iTree('two', 2.2),iTree('three', 3)])
>>> root['one'] # targets the family and will deliver a list which contains in this case only one item
[iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1), iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)])]
>>> root.get.single('one')  # targets the same family but because we have just one value the item inside the list is delivered directly
iTree('one', value=1, subtree=[iTree('subone', value=1.1),iTree('subtwo', value=1.2)])
>>> root.get.single('two')  # will raise an exception because we do not have a unique result
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No single item found
>>> root.get('one', 'subone')  # targets in-depth and delivers the resulting list
[iTree('subone', value=1.1)]
>>> root.get.single('one', 'subone')  # Same method exists in get sub-class too
iTree('subone', value=1.1)

So we see that unique items can be indeed targeted only via tag if the itree.get.single()-method is used but how can we set single items comfortable? For the setting (and replacement) of unique items the __setitem__()-method with two special targets can be used. For both targets the family of the given item will be deleted before the new item is integrated.

  • target: Ellipsis [...] - given iTree-object will be appended to the tree
  • target: same family-tag as given item - given item will be inserted in the position of the first item of the deleted family.

Because the two targets ensure that the family is deleted before the item is integrated. The user can use them to integrate only unique tagged items in the tree. Different compared to the normal __setitem__() behavior the method will not raise an exception if the family-tag is not found in the tree. Furthermore the given new item will just be appended at the end of the already existing children.


IMPORTANT: The method will raise an exception if linked items found in the family! The reason is that we cannot reduce the number of items in the family if they are linked (original source must be modified for this). The single operation must be denied in this case.

>>> root['two']  # family 'two' contains two items:
[iTree('two', value=2), iTree('two', value=2.2)]
>>> root['two', 0].idx  # index of first item in 'two' family
>>> root['two']=(iTree('two', 'new')) # replace the two items in the family 'two'
>>> root.get.single('two')  # Now we get the unique item in this family
iTree('two', value='new')
>>> root.get.single('two').idx  # Index is same as before!
>>> root['two']=iTree('two', 'new2')  # replace again
>>> root.get.single('two')
iTree('two', value='new2')
>>> root.get.single('two').idx  # Index is same as before!
>>> root[...]=iTree('two', 'new3')  # replace and add at the end
>>> root.get.single('two')
iTree('two', value='new3')
>>> root.get.single('two').idx  # Index is now last index

As we have seen the iTree-class supports the handling of unique tags by some special commands. But the iTree-object is no not at all blocked for taking multiple tags in this case If the user utilizes other methods (e.g. standard append()) the object will still take multiple items with same tag! And the functions using tag_idx will still expect/deliver the tuple: (tag,family-index) (but family-index is always 0 for unique tags).

Related to performance we must remark that the tag_idx access (via ìtree[(tag,idx)] or itree.get.tag_idx((tag,idx)) is quicker as the tag only access via itree.get.single(tag). This should be considered in costly operations (e.g. loops).

If the user likes to "clean" an iTree-object from multiple children with same tag and only the first items in the families should resist he may run the code:

for tag_idx_path,item in list(itree.deep.tag_idx_paths()):
    if tag_idx_path[-1][-1]==0 and item.parent: # an already deleted items might not have a parent