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Chris -

File metadata and controls

2 lines (2 loc) · 765 Bytes

Big fan of the show! I've been using "make -TARGET_ARCH=armv7 -j32" for a long time to build world/kernel and this has worked fantastically well. I LOVE FreeBSD. On my 16 core AMD 5959x machine with with a fast SSD I can build world in about 10 minutes and a kernel in maybe 60 seconds. I'm now at the point where I'd like to cross build a KLD for a kernel driver out of tree. When I use this same syntax in my KLD directory it doesn't produce a work able KLD but building from the exact same directory natively works fine. Obviously I'd prefer to cross build since my AMD box is far faster than my dual ARM Cortex A9 embedded board. Any suggestions? using "make buildenv -TARGET_ARCH=armv7" and then trying to build the KLD didn't seem to fare any better.