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File metadata and controls

338 lines (244 loc) · 11.1 KB

Quick Start Guide

Prepare b2sdk

>>> from b2sdk.v1 import *
>>> info = InMemoryAccountInfo()
>>> b2_api = B2Api(info)
>>> application_key_id = '4a5b6c7d8e9f'
>>> application_key = '001b8e23c26ff6efb941e237deb182b9599a84bef7'
>>> b2_api.authorize_account("production", application_key_id, application_key)


Get credentials from B2 website


>>> from b2sdk.v1 import ScanPoliciesManager
>>> from b2sdk.v1 import parse_sync_folder
>>> from b2sdk.v1 import Synchronizer
>>> import time
>>> import sys

>>> source = '/home/user1/b2_example'
>>> destination = 'b2://example-mybucket-b2'

>>> source = parse_sync_folder(source, b2_api)
>>> destination = parse_sync_folder(destination, b2_api)

>>> policies_manager = ScanPoliciesManager(exclude_all_symlinks=True)

>>> synchronizer = Synchronizer(

>>> no_progress = False
>>> with SyncReport(sys.stdout, no_progress) as reporter:
            now_millis=int(round(time.time() * 1000)),
upload some.pdf
upload som2.pdf


Sync is the preferred way of getting data into and out of B2 cloud, because it can achieve highest performance due to parallelization of scanning and data transfer operations.

To learn more about sync, see :ref:`sync`.

Bucket actions

List buckets

>>> b2_api.list_buckets()
>>> for b in b2_api.list_buckets():
        print('%s  %-10s  %s' % (b.id_, b.type_,
346501784642eb3e60980d10  allPublic   example-mybucket-b2-1

Create a bucket

>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2-1'  # must be unique in B2 (across all accounts!)
>>> bucket_type = 'allPublic'  # or 'allPrivate'

>>> b2_api.create_bucket(bucket_name, bucket_type)

You can optionally store bucket info, CORS rules and lifecycle rules with the bucket. See :meth:`b2sdk.v1.B2Api.create_bucket`.

Delete a bucket

>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2-to-delete'
>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> b2_api.delete_bucket(bucket)

returns None if successful, raises an exception in case of error.

Update bucket info

>>> new_bucket_type = 'allPrivate'
>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2'

>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> bucket.update(bucket_type=new_bucket_type)
{'accountId': '451862be08d0',
 'bucketId': '5485a1682662eb3e60980d10',
 'bucketInfo': {},
 'bucketName': 'example-mybucket-b2',
 'bucketType': 'allPrivate',
 'corsRules': [],
 'lifecycleRules': [],
 'revision': 3}

For more information see :meth:`b2sdk.v1.Bucket.update`.

File actions


Sync is the preferred way of getting files into and out of B2 cloud, because it can achieve highest performance due to parallelization of scanning and data transfer operations.

To learn more about sync, see :ref:`sync`.

Use the functions described below only if you really need to transfer a single file.

Upload file

>>> local_file_path = '/home/user1/b2_example/new.pdf'
>>> b2_file_name = 'dummy_new.pdf'
>>> file_info = {'how': 'good-file'}

>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> bucket.upload_local_file(
<b2sdk.file_version.FileVersionInfo at 0x7fc8cd560550>

This will work regardless of the size of the file - upload_local_file automatically uses large file upload API when necessary.

For more information see :meth:`b2sdk.v1.Bucket.upload_local_file`.

Download file

By id

>>> from b2sdk.v1 import DownloadDestLocalFile
>>> from b2sdk.v1 import DoNothingProgressListener

>>> local_file_path = '/home/user1/b2_example/new2.pdf'
>>> file_id = '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f1195145f42952533_d20190403_m130258_c002_v0001111_t0002'
>>> download_dest = DownloadDestLocalFile(local_file_path)
>>> progress_listener = DoNothingProgressListener()

>>> b2_api.download_file_by_id(file_id, download_dest, progress_listener)
{'fileId': '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f1195145f42952533_d20190403_m130258_c002_v0001111_t0002',
 'fileName': 'som2.pdf',
 'contentType': 'application/pdf',
 'contentLength': 1870579,
 'contentSha1': 'd821849a70922e87c2b0786c0be7266b89d87df0',
 'fileInfo': {'src_last_modified_millis': '1550988084299'}}

>>> print('File name:   ', download_dest.file_name)
File name:    som2.pdf
>>> print('File id:     ', download_dest.file_id)
File id:      4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f1195145f42952533_d20190403_m130258_c002_v0001111_t0002
>>> print('File size:   ', download_dest.content_length)
File size:    1870579
>>> print('Content type:', download_dest.content_type)
Content type: application/pdf
>>> print('Content sha1:', download_dest.content_sha1)
Content sha1: d821849a70922e87c2b0786c0be7266b89d87df0

By name

>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> b2_file_name = 'dummy_new.pdf'
>>> local_file_name = '/home/user1/b2_example/new3.pdf'
>>> download_dest = DownloadDestLocalFile(local_file_name)
>>> bucket.download_file_by_name(b2_file_name, download_dest)
{'fileId': '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f113f963288e711a6_d20190404_m065910_c002_v0001095_t0044',
 'fileName': 'dummy_new.pdf',
 'contentType': 'application/pdf',
 'contentLength': 1870579,
 'contentSha1': 'd821849a70922e87c2b0786c0be7266b89d87df0',
 'fileInfo': {'how': 'good-file'}}

List files

>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2'
>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> for file_info, folder_name in
>>>     print(file_info.file_name, file_info.upload_timestamp, folder_name)
f2.txt 1560927489000 None
som2.pdf 1554296578000 None
some.pdf 1554296579000 None
test-folder/.bzEmpty 1561005295000 test-folder/

# Recursive
>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2'
>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> for file_info, folder_name in, recursive=True):
>>>     print(file_info.file_name, file_info.upload_timestamp, folder_name)
f2.txt 1560927489000 None
som2.pdf 1554296578000 None
some.pdf 1554296579000 None
test-folder/.bzEmpty 1561005295000 test-folder/
test-folder/folder_file.txt 1561005349000 None

Note: The files are returned recursively and in order so all files in a folder are printed one after another. The folder_name is returned only for the first file in the folder.

# Within folder
>>> bucket_name = 'example-mybucket-b2'
>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> for file_info, folder_name in'test-folder', show_versions=False):
>>>     print(file_info.file_name, file_info.upload_timestamp, folder_name)
test-folder/.bzEmpty 1561005295000 None
test-folder/folder_file.txt 1561005349000 None

# list file versions
>>> for file_info, folder_name in
>>>     print(file_info.file_name, file_info.upload_timestamp, folder_name)
f2.txt 1560927489000 None
f2.txt 1560849524000 None
som2.pdf 1554296578000 None
some.pdf 1554296579000 None

For more information see :meth:``.

Get file metadata

>>> file_id = '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f113f963288e711a6_d20190404_m065910_c002_v0001095_t0044'
>>> b2_api.get_file_info(file_id)
{'accountId': '451862be08d0',
 'action': 'upload',
 'bucketId': '5485a1682662eb3e60980d10',
 'contentLength': 1870579,
 'contentSha1': 'd821849a70922e87c2b0786c0be7266b89d87df0',
 'contentType': 'application/pdf',
 'fileId': '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f113f963288e711a6_d20190404_m065910_c002_v0001095_t0044',
 'fileInfo': {'how': 'good-file'},
 'fileName': 'dummy_new.pdf',
 'uploadTimestamp': 1554361150000}

Copy file

Please switch to :meth:`b2sdk.v1.Bucket.copy`.

>>> file_id = '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f118df9ba2c5131e8_d20190619_m065809_c002_v0001126_t0040'
>>> bucket.copy(file_id, 'f2_copy.txt')
{'accountId': '451862be08d0',
 'action': 'copy',
 'bucketId': '5485a1682662eb3e60980d10',
 'contentLength': 124,
 'contentSha1': '737637702a0e41dda8b7be79c8db1d369c6eef4a',
 'contentType': 'text/plain',
 'fileId': '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f1022e2320daf707f_d20190620_m122848_c002_v0001123_t0020',
 'fileInfo': {'src_last_modified_millis': '1560848707000'},
 'fileName': 'f2_copy.txt',
 'uploadTimestamp': 1561033728000}

If the content length is not provided and the file is larger than 5GB, copy would not succeed and error would be raised. If length is provided, then the file may be copied as a large file. Maximum copy part size can be set by max_copy_part_size - if not set, it will default to 5GB. If max_copy_part_size is lower than :term:`absoluteMinimumPartSize`, file would be copied in single request - this may be used to force copy in single request large file that fits in server small file limit.

If you want to copy just the part of the file, then you can specify the offset and content length:

>>> file_id = '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f118df9ba2c5131e8_d20190619_m065809_c002_v0001126_t0040'
>>> bucket.copy(file_id, 'f2_copy.txt', offset=1024, length=2048)

Note that content length is required for offset values other than zero.

For more information see :meth:`b2sdk.v1.Bucket.copy`.

Delete file

>>> file_id = '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f113f963288e711a6_d20190404_m065910_c002_v0001095_t0044'
>>> file_info = b2_api.delete_file_version(file_id, 'dummy_new.pdf')
>>> print(file_info)
{'file_id': '4_z5485a1682662eb3e60980d10_f113f963288e711a6_d20190404_m065910_c002_v0001095_t0044',
 'file_name': 'dummy_new.pdf'}

Cancel large file uploads

>>> bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
>>> for file_version in bucket.list_unfinished_large_files():