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Help & Feedback

Badbird5907 edited this page Sep 10, 2022 · 1 revision


Path: /api/HelpContent/GetAll/<school> Method: GET

Description: Returns a json array of text to display on the screen, fields question and answer are rendered as title/description on the app.


Path: /api/Feedback/Get/Type/<school> Method: GET

Description: Returns a json array of name/descriptions of feedback types, ordered by DisplayOrder, lowest being displayed above highest.

They also have an incrementing id from 1, and an IsActive boolean.

Feedback Send/Add

Path: /api/Feedback/Add/<school> Method: POST


	"Id": 0,
	"FeedbackType": <id from above>,
	"Title": "<Title>",
	"Message": "<Message>",
	"EmailAddress": "<Student ID>",
	"SchoolCode": "<school>",
	"SchoolRole": "Student",
	"CreateBy": "<9 digit student id used to log into computers etc>",
	"CreateOn": "year-month-dayThour:minute:second.millis-utcoffset:00",
	"UpdateBy": "<student id from above>",
	"UpdateOn": "year-month-dayThour:minute:second.millis-utcoffset:00",
	"IsActive": true

Description: Send feedback to the team behind the TDSB app