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@geluk geluk released this 12 Sep 09:08
· 415 commits to master since this release

New features

  • Added a built-in password editor. As this editor doesn't generate a temporary plaintext file containing your password, it is more secure than using an external text editor. To revert to the old method of editing passwords, set the password-editor.use-builtin variable to false.
  • Added native Git support. If you have a special Git configuration for your password store, you can set sync-mode to native-git in order to offload fetching/pushing to git.exe instead of using pass-winmenu's Git library.
  • A GPG-less version is now built alongside the regular version. If you already have a working GPG installation, you can use this version instead, and edit the config file to point pass-winmenu to the correct GPG location.
  • A notification is now shown whenever a password has been edited successfully.


  • Fixed an issue preventing users from being able to open a password shell
  • pass-winmenu will no longer crash on startup if the password store directory could not be found
  • Fixed an issue where pass-winmenu would crash if git is enabled but the password store is not a git repository
  • A notification (as opposed to a cryptic error) is now shown when attempting to decrypt a password while the password store is empty
  • Fixed an issue causing pass-winmenu to crash silently if the libgit2 DLL could not be found