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Video recording integration guide

Quality details

Subsequent table describes video quality details used for video recording in various resolutions.

Recording speed 360p(360 x 640) 480p(480 x 854) HD(720 x 1280) FHD(1080 x 1920)
1x(Default) 1200 2000 4000 6400
0.5x 900 1500 3000 4800
2x 1800 3000 6000 9600
3x 2400 4000 8000 12800

Customize configurations

CameraConfig is a main class used to customize features, behavior and user experience for video recording on camera screen i.e. set min/max recording duration, flashlight, etc.
Video editor includes default implementation but you can provide your own implementation to meet your requirements in VideoEditorModule.
For example, to sets max video recording duration to 30 seconds.

single(override = true) {
  CameraConfig(maxRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs = 30_000)
Property Values Description
minRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs Number > 0; Default 3000 minimum video recording duration in milliseconds required to proceed and open video editing screen (i.e. 3000 for 3 seconds)
maxRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs Number > 0; Default 120000 maximum video recording duration in milliseconds available to record
minRecordedChunkVideoDurationMs Number > 1000; Default 1000 minimum video recording duration in milliseconds that is allowed to record on camera
takePhotoOnTap true/false; Default false defines if it is available to take a photo on the camera screen by tap. true photo is taken by tap and video is recording by long press.
supportsMultiRecords true/false; Default true defines if the use can record multiple video subsequently. false when the first video recording is done the editing screen will be opened
supportsFlashlight true/false; Default true enables flashlight icon on the camera screen and possibility to take a photo with flashlight
supportsSpeedRecording true/false; Default true enables speed recording icon on the camera screen and possibility to select recording speed
supportsExternalMusic true/false; Default true enables the music icon on the camera screen and possibility to add music track playing over the video recording
supportsMuteMic true/false; Default true enables mute microphone icon on the camera screen and possibility to record video without capturing sound
switchFacingOnDoubleTap true/false; Default true true allows to switch between front and back camera by double tap
isStartFrontFacingFirst true/false; Default true true means that front camera facing is used on the first launch of the camera screen, false means that back camera facing is used on the first launch of the camera screen
isSaveLastCameraFacing true/false; Default true defines if the camera facing (back or front) is saved and restored
cameraFpsMode CameraFpsMode enum values; Default CameraFpsMode.FIXED CameraFpsMode.FIXED means that video recording quality can be degraded to maintain 30 FPS while applying "heavy" Face AR effects (This behavior is recommended and allows to reach seamless usage on wide range of devices). CameraFpsMode.ADAPTIVE means that FPS can be reduced in order to maintain video quality(not recommended).
showCameraInfoAndPerformance true/false; Default false enables debug views for showing camera system details such as current FPS, Iso etc.
supportsSwitchFacing true/false; Default true defines if camera facing switching is available.
supportsAudioRateEqualsVideoSpeed true/false; Default false determines if the audio playback speed is equal to the video recording speed.
supportsGallery true/false; Default true defines if there is an icon on the camera screen at the bottom-right to pick a content from gallery.
videoDurations List; Default listOf(maxRecordedTotalVideoDurationMs, 60_000L, 30_000L, 15_000L) defines the list of durations available to record. The user can see the option on the camera screen and pick new option. For example, 60000L means that the user can record a number of video with total duration no more than 60 seconds.
supportsVideoDurationSwitcher true/false; Default true defines if video recording time interval swithced is enabled

Configure microphone state

Use CameraMuteMicConfig if you want to customize default state of microphone on the camera screen. Here is default implementation in VideoEditorModule

factory {
        // If mic should be muted when open camera screen in normal mode
        muteInNormalMode = false,
        // If mic should be muted when open camera screen in picture in picture mode
        muteInPipMode = true,
        // If mic should be muted when open camera screen with passed audio track
        muteWithAudioTrack = true 

Configure recording modes

Camera screen includes 3 modes for recording content implemented as RecordMode

  • Photo
  • Video
  • Photo and Video;Default

Implement CameraRecordingModesProvider in VideoEditorModule to customize mode that meets your requirements. Default implementation is

single<CameraRecordingModesProvider> {
    object : CameraRecordingModesProvider {
        override var availableModes = setOf(RecordMode.Video, RecordMode.Photo)

❗ Important
availableModes must not be empty, otherwise a crash will happen.

Configure timer

This feature allows to take a picture or record a video after some delay.
Implement CameraTimerStateProvider to customize timer feature in VideoEditorModule where every delay is a TimerEntry. Subsequent example shows how to add timer with 2 options - 0 seconds and 3 seconds.

class CustomCameraTimerStateProvider : CameraTimerStateProvider {

  override val timerStates = listOf(
      durationMs = 0
      durationMs = 3000

Video Editor includes more advanced timer feature which is called Hands Free.

Configure hands free

Hands Free is an advanced timer feature that allows to set up delay before starting of video recording and desired duration for video recording. The feature is enabled by default.
The feature uses CameraTimerStateProvider implementation to provide list of delays, and CameraTimerAnimationProvider for countdown animation. Every TimerEntry instance of CameraTimerStateProvider is passed as an argument into animate() method of CameraTimerAnimationProvider.

Video Editor includes DefaultCameraTimerAnimationProvider with 10 seconds timer animation. If you want either more than 10 seconds timer or another animation you can implement CameraTimerAnimationProvider.

To disable hands free feature you should remove HandsFreeTimerActionProvider implementation in VideoEditorModule.

-    single<CameraTimerActionProvider> {
-       HandsFreeTimerActionProvider()
-    }

B2BTimerStateProvider implementation with of 3, 5, and 10 seconds will be used once you disable hands free feature.

Available string resources to customize.

ResourceId Value Description
hands_free_timeline_hint Drag to set video duration: text of the timeline hint
hands_free_record_button_text start recording label of the recording button

Picture in picture

Picture in Picture or PIP is video editing technique that lets you overlay two videos in the same video. The multi-layer editing effect is perfect for reaction videos, slideshows, product demos, and more. This feature is similar to TikTok duet feature.

❗ Important The feature is disabled by default and can be enabled if the license supports it. Please ask Banuba business representatives to include the feature in your license.

The subsequent guide explains how to start and customize PIP.

First, pass pictureInPictureConfig in VideoCreationActivity.startFromCamera method

val localVideoUri = ...
    context = this,
    // set PiP video configuration
    pictureInPictureConfig = PipConfig(
        video = localVideoUri,
        openPipSettings = false // if you want to open pip settings at startup

PIP includes 4 modes that you can use.

  • Floating
  • TopBottom
  • React
  • LeftRight

Implement PipLayoutProvider in VideoEditorModule to customize the order of modes and other capabilities.

single<PipLayoutProvider> {
    object : PipLayoutProvider {
        override fun provide(
            insetsOffset: Int,
            screenSize: Size
        ): List<EditorPipLayoutSettings> {
            val context = androidContext()
            return listOf(
                    context = context,
                    physicalScreenSize = screenSize,
                    topOffsetPx = context.dimen(R.dimen.pip_floating_top_offset) + insetsOffset
                    context = context,
                    physicalScreenSize = screenSize,
                    topOffsetPx = context.dimen(R.dimen.pip_react_top_offset) + insetsOffset

Please do not forget to update CameraMuteMicConfig implementation if you want to change use of microphone in PIP.

You can even customize camera align for each mode and exclude actions for some modes:

    return listOf(
            excludeActions = listOf(
+            isCameraAlignTop = false
            excludeActions = listOf(
+            isCameraAlignTop = false
            excludeActions = listOf(
            isCameraMain = false
            excludeActions = listOf(
+            isCameraAlignLeft = false