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.NET client SDK for KubeMQ. Simple interface to work with the KubeMQ server.

General SDK description

The SDK implements all communication patterns available through the KubeMQ server:

  • Events
  • EventStore
  • Command
  • Query

Install via Nuget:

  Install-Package KubeMQ.SDK.csharp -Version 1.0.0


  • .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • .NET Framework 4.7.1
  • .NET Standard 2.0


The only required configuration setting is the KubeMQ server address.

Configuration can be set by using one of the following:

  • Environment Variable
  • appsettings.json file
  • app.Config or Web.config file
  • Within the code

Configuration via Environment Variable

Set KubeMQServerAddress to the KubeMQ Server Address

Configuration via appsettings.json

Simply add the following to your appsettings.json:

  "KubeMQ": {
    "serverAddress": "{YourServerAddress}:{YourServerPort}"

Configuration via app.Config

Simply add the following to your app.config:

    <section name="KubeMQ" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"/>      
    <add key="serverAddress" value="{YourServerAddress}:{YourServerPort}"/>

Configuration via code

When setting the KubeMQ server address within the code, simply pass the address as a parameter to the various constructors. See exactly how in the code examples in this document.

Usage: Main concepts

  • Channel: Represents the endpoint target. One-to-one or one-to-many. Real-Time Multicast.
  • Group: Optional parameter when subscribing to a channel. A set of subscribers can define the same group so that only one of the subscribers within the group will receive a specific event. Used mainly for load balancing. Subscribing without the group parameter ensures receiving all the channel messages. (When using Grouping all the programs that are assigned to the group need to have to same channel name)
  • Metadata: The metadata allows us to pass additional information with the event. Can be in any form that can be presented as a string, i.e., struct, JSON, XML and many more.
  • Body: The actual content of the event. Can be in any form that is serializable into a byte array, i.e., string, struct, JSON, XML, Collection, binary file and many more.
  • ClientID: Displayed in logs, tracing and KubeMQ dashboard(When using EventStore it must be unique).
  • Event Store: The Event Store represents a persistence storge, should be used when need to store data on a volume.

The SubscribeRequest Object:

A struct that is used to initialize SubscribeToEvents/SubscribeToRequest, the SubscribeRequest contains the following:

  • SubscribeType - Mandatory - Enum that represent the subscription type:
    • Events - if there is no need for Persistence.
    • EventsStore - If you want to receive Events from persistence See Main concepts.
    • Command - Should be used when a response is not needed.
    • Query - Should be used when a response is needed.
  • ClientID - Mandatory - See Main concepts
  • Channel - Mandatory - See Main concepts
  • Group - Optional - See Main concepts
  • EventsStoreType - Mandatory - set the type event store to subscribe to Main concepts.

Usage: Event\EventStore

Employing several variations of point to point Event communication style patterns. Allows to connect a sender to one or a group of subscribers

  • Subscribe to events
  • Send stream
  • Send single event

The KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event object:

Struct used to send and receive Events using the Event pattern. Contains the following fields (See Main concepts for more details on each field):

  • Channel
  • Metadata
  • Body
  • EventID - set internally
  • Store - Boolean, set if the event should be sent to store.
  • ClientID

The 'EventsStoreType' object:

To receive events from persistence, the subscriber need to assign one of seven EventsStoreType and the value for EventsStoreTypeValue.

  • EventsStoreTypeUndefined - 0 - Should be set when there is no need for eventsStore.(when using this type there is no need to set EventsStoreTypeValue)
  • StartNewOnly - 1 - The subscriber will only receive new events (from the time he subscribed).(when using this type there is no need to set EventsStoreTypeValue)
  • StartFromFirst - 2 - The subscriber will receive all events from the start of the queue and all future events as well.(when using this type there is no need to set EventsStoreTypeValue)
  • StartFromLast - 3 - The subscriber will receive the last event in queue and all future events as well.(when using this type there is no need to set EventsStoreTypeValue)
  • StartAtSequence - 4 - The subscriber will receive events from the chosen Sequence and all future events as well. (need to provide with long that of the wanted eventID)
  • StartAtTime - 5 - The subscriber will receive events that were "Stored" from a certain DateTime and all future events as well. (need to provide with chosen time)
  • StartAtTimeDelta - 6 - The subscriber will receive events that were "Stored" from the difference between DateTime.Now minus the delta was chosen. (need to provide with a long that represents the time delta to check within milliseconds)

Method: Subscribe

This method allows subscribing to events. Both single and stream of events. Pass a delegate (callback) that will handle the incoming event(s). The implementation uses await and does not block the continuation of the code execution.


  • SubscribeRequest - Mandatory-See SubscribeRequest.
  • Handler - Mandatory. Delegate (callback) that will handle the incoming events.

Initialize Subscriber with server address from code:

string serverAddress = "localhost:50000";
Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(serverAddress);

Initialize Subscriber with server address set in configuration:

Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber();


string channel = "Sample.test1";
// Set a SubscribeRequest without Store and with Group.
SubscribeRequest subscribeRequest = new SubscribeRequest(SubscribeType.Events, "MyClientID", channel, EventsStoreType.Undefined, 0, "MyGroup");

// delegate to handle the incoming events
private void HandleIncomingEvents(EventReceive @event)

Method: send single

This method allows for sending a single event.


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event - Mandatory. The actual Event that will be sent.

Initialize Sender with server address from code (also can be initialized using config file):

 string serverAddress = "localhost:50000";
 KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Sender sender = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Sender(serverAddress);
// Create the Event
KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event @event = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event()
    Channel = "Sample.test1",
    Metadata = "A sample string Metadata",
    Body = Tools.Converter.ToByteArray("Pubsub test Event"),
// SendEvent

Method: send stream

This method allows for sending a stream of events. Use cases: sending a file in multiple packets; frequent high rate of events.

Initialize Sender with server address from code (also can be initialized using config file):

string serverAddress = "localhost:50000";
Sender sender = new Sender(serverAddress);

KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event @event;

for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
    event = CreateSimpleStringEvent(i);


private KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event CreateSimpleStringEvent(int i = 0)
    return new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.LowLevel.Event()
        Channel = "Sample.test1",
        Metadata = "A sample string Metadata",
        Body = Tools.Converter.ToByteArray("Pubsub test event "+ i)

Usage: Command\Query

Request\Reply communication pattern. Allows caching the response at the KubeMQ server.

  • Subscribe to requests
  • Send request

Cache mechanism

KubeMQ server allows storing each response in a dedicated cache system. Each request can specify whether or not to use the cache. In case the cache is used, the KubeMQ server will try to return the response directly from the cache and reduce latency.

To use the cache mechanism, add the following parameters to each Request:

  • CacheKey - Unique key to store the response in the KubeMQ cache mechanism.
  • CacheTTL - Cache data Time to live in milliseconds per CacheKey.

In the Response object you will receive an indication whether it was returned from cache:

  • CacheHit - Indication if the response was returned from KubeMQ cache.

The KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.LowLevel.Request object:

Struct used to send the request under the Request\Reply pattern. Contains the following fields (See Main concepts for more details on some field):

  • RequestID - Optional. Used to match Request to Response. If omitted, it will be set internally.
  • RequestType - Mandatory. Used to set if a response is expected or not.
  • ClientID - Mandatory. Displayed in logs, tracing, and KubeMQ dashboard.
  • Channel - Mandatory. The channel that the Responder subscribed on.
  • Metadata - Mandatory.
  • ReplyChannel - Read-only, set internally.
  • Timeout - Mandatory. Max time for the response to return. Set per request. If exceeded an exception is thrown.
  • CacheKey - Optional.
  • CacheTTL - Optional.

The Response object:

Struct used to send the response under the Request\Reply pattern.

The Response Constructors requires the corresponding 'Request' object.

Contains the following fields (See Main concepts for more details on some field):

  • ClientID - Mandatory. Represents the sender ID the response was sent from.
  • RequestID - Set internally, used to match Request to Response.
  • CacheHit - Set internally, indication if the response was returned from KubeMQ cache.
  • ReplyChannel - Set internally, an indication the channel to send him the response.
  • Metadata - Mandatory.
  • Body - Mandatory.
  • Timestamp -Set Internally, an indication of the time the response was created.
  • Executed - Boolean that represents of the task the Responder was performed.
  • Error - Mandatory - Represents if an error occurred while processing the request.

Method: Subscribe to requests

This method allows subscribing to receive requests.


  • SubscribeRequest - Mandatory-See SubscribeRequest.
  • Handler - Mandatory. Delegate (callback) that will handle the incoming requests.

Initialize Responder with server address from code:

string serverAddress = "localhost:50000";
Responder responder = new Responder(serverAddress);

Initialize Responder with server address set in configuration:

Responder responder = new Responder();


string channel = "MyChannel.SimpleRequest";

//Subscribe to request expecting to send a response(Queries) and no group.
SubscribeRequest subscribeRequest = new SubscribeRequest(SubscribeType.Queries, "MyClientID", channel, EventsStoreType.Undefined, 0);

Handle requests and return responses

// delegate to handle the incoming requests
private Response HandleIncomingRequests(Request request)
    // Convert the request Body to a string
    string strBody = Tools.Converter.FromByteArray(request.Body).ToString();
    logger.LogDebug($"Respond to Request. ID:'{request.ID}', Channel:'{request.Channel}', Body:'{strBody}'");
    // Create the Response object
    Response response = new Response(request)
          Body = Converter.ToByteArray("OK"),
          Error = "None",
          ClientID = this.ClientID,
          Executed = true,
          Metadata = "OK",
     return response;

Send request methods

The KubeMQ SDK comes with two similar methods to send a Request and wait for the Response

  • SendRequestAsync returns the Response in a Task
  • SendRequest returns the Response to the Delegate (callback) supplied as a parameter

Method: send request Async

This method allows to send a request to the Responder, it awaits for the Response and returns it in a Task


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.LowLevel.Request - Mandatory. The Request object to send.

Initialize Initiator with server address from code (also can be initialized using config file):

string serverAddress = "localhost:50000";
Initiator initiator = new Initiator(serverAddress);

Send Request and await for Response

KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.LowLevel.Request request = Request()
                Channel = "MyChannel.SimpleRequest",
                Metadata = "MyMetadata",
                Body = Tools.Converter.ToByteArray("A Simple Request."),
                Timeout = 5000,
                CacheKey = "Simple.CacheKey",
                CacheTTL = 5000,
Response response = initiator.SendRequest(request);

Response response = await initiator.SendRequestAsync(request);

Method: send request

This method allows to send a request to the Responder, and returns the Response to the Delegate (callback) supplied as a parameter

initiator.SendRequest(HandleResponse, request);

// Method to handle the responses
public void HandleResponse(Response response)

Usage Channel

Creating a Sender\Initiator with a set of predefined parameters to prevent repetitive code.

*Replaces the channel parameter in the "low level" Event/Request.


Represents a Sender with a set of predefined parameters.


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters - Mandatory.

The 'KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters' object:

A struct that is used to initialize a new Channel object. parameters:

  • ChannelName - Mandatory. The channel that the Responder subscribed on.
  • ClientID - Mandatory. Displayed in logs, tracing, and KubeMQ dashboard.
  • Store - Mandatory. Boolean, set if the event should be sent to store.
  • kubeMQAddress - Mandatory. KubeMQ server address.
  • ILogger - Optional. 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger', if passed, will write logs under that ILogger.

Method: send single

This method allows sending a single event.


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event - Mandatory. The actual Event that will be sent.

The 'KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event' object:

Represents an Event with a set of predefined parameters Struct used to send and receive events with a minimal set of parameters needed to be filled "manually." parameters:

  • EventID - Will be set internally.
  • Metadata - Mandatory.
  • Body - Mandatory.

Create Channel.

KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters eventChannelParameters = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters()
     ChannelName = this.ChannelName,
     ClientID = "EventChannelID",
     Store = false,
     Logger = this.logger
KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Channel sender = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Channel(eventChannelParameters);
KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event @event = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event()
    Body = Converter.ToByteArray("Event"),
    Metadata = "EventChannel"


Method: send stream

Event @event;

KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters eventChannelParameters = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.ChannelParameters()
     ChannelName = this.ChannelName,
     ClientID = "EventChannelID",
     Store = false,
     Logger = this.logger
KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Channel sender = new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Channel(eventChannelParameters);

for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
    @event = CreateSimpleStringEvent(i);


private KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event CreateSimpleStringEvent(int i = 0)
    return new KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.Events.Event()
        Metadata = "A sample channel Metadata",
        Body = Tools.Converter.ToByteArray("Pubsub test event "+ i)


Represents a Initiator with a set of predefined parameters.


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.ChannelParameters - Mandatory .

The 'KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.ChannelParameters' object:

A struct that is used to initialize a new Channel object.


  • ChannelName - Mandatory. The channel that the Initiator subscribed on.
  • ClientID - Mandatory. Displayed in logs, tracing, and KubeMQ dashboard.
  • Timeout - Mandatory. Max time for the response to return. Set per request. If exceeded an exception is thrown.
  • CacheKey - Optional.
  • CacheTTL - Optional.
  • kubeMQAddress - Mandatory. KubeMQ server address.
  • ILogger - Optional. 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger', if passed, will write logs under that ILogger.

Method: send single

This method allows sending a single request.


  • KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.Request - Mandatory. The actual request that will be sent.

The 'KubeMQ.SDK.csharp.CommandQuery.Request' object:

Struct used to send requests with a minimal set of parameters needed to be filled "manually."


  • RequestID - Will be set internally.
  • Metadata - Mandatory.
  • Body - Mandatory.

Method: Create Channel.

Send Request and await for Response

ChannelParameters channelParameters = new ChannelParameters()
    ChannelName = this.ChannelName,
    ClientID = this.ClientID,
    Timeout = this.Timeout,
    Logger = logger,
    RequestsType = RequestType.Query

Channel requestChannel = new Channel(requestChannelParameters);

Request request = new Request()
    Metadata = "CommandQueryChannel",
    Body = Converter.ToByteArray("Request")

Response response = requestChannel.SendRequest(request);

Response response = await requestChannel.SendRequestAsync(request);

This method allows to send a request to the Responder, and returns the Response to the Delegate (callback) supplied as a parameter

requestChannel.SendRequest(HandleResponse, request);

// Method to handle the responses
public void HandleResponse(Response response)


The KubeMQ SDK supplies methods to convert from and to the body that is in byte array format.

// Convert the request Body to a string
string strBody = Tools.Converter.FromByteArray(request.Body).ToString();
// Convert a string to the request Body
Body = Tools.Converter.ToByteArray("A Simple Request."),