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QoL API by Ametrin Studios

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Custom Boats

  • put texture in assets/{mod_id}/textures/entity/{boat/chest_boat}
  • create and register the custom boat type and items
    (id should be ResourceLocation(mod_id, boat_type_name))
public static final CustomBoatType TEST_BOAT_TYPE = CustomBoatType.builder(id).boatItem(TestItems.TEST_BOAT::get).chestBoatItem(TestItems.TEST_CHEST_BOAT::get).register();
public static final RegistryObject<CustomBoatItem> TEST_BOAT = REGISTRY.register("test_boat", ()-> CustomBoatItem.boat(TEST_BOAT_TYPE));
public static final RegistryObject<CustomBoatItem> TEST_CHEST_BOAT = REGISTRY.register("test_chest_boat", ()-> CustomBoatItem.chest(TEST_BOAT_TYPE));
  • also can create new boat variations check the BoatVariants class

Data Providers


You can use the DataProviderHelper to cut down boilerplate

public static void gatherData(GatherDataEvent event){
        var helper = new DataProviderHelper(event);

        providers.addBlockAndItemTags(TestBlockTagsProvider::new, TestItemTagsProvider::new);

        helper.addLootTables(builder -> builder


provides a method that tries to figure out the correct model for a block and generate it.

public class TestBlockStateProvider extends ExtendedBlockStateProvider {
    public TestBlockStateProvider(PackOutput output, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
        super(output, TestMod.MOD_ID, existingFileHelper);
        //you can exclude blocks and classes from the automation
    protected void registerStatesAndModels() {
        runProviderRules(TestBlocks.REGISTRY); // run the providers for all Blocks in TestBlocks.REGISTRY
        // runProviderRules(someIteratorOfBlocks); // you can also provide a custom collection or iterator
        someSpecialBlockModel(TestBlocks.SPECIAL_BLOCK); // generate models/states for excluded blocks 

you can add custom Rules

public TestBlockStateProvider(PackOutput output, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
    blockStateProviderRules.add((block, name, texture)->{ // block instance, block id, block texture (just id if not changed)
        if(/*rule does not apply*/) {return false;}
        // generate model/state
        return true;

you have some more customization options

public class TestBlockStateProvider extends ExtendedBlockStateProvider {

    protected String getTextureLocation(String name) {
        //modify texture location
        //e.g. when the texture of a block is named differently
        return name;

    protected ResourceLocation modBlockLoc(String key) {
        //change where to look for the block textures
        return modLoc("block/" + key);
        //return mcLoc("block/" + key); // would use vanilla textures






Modifying Vanilla Behaviour

The VanillaHack class has a lot of helper functions for modifying/overriding vanilla behaviour.
Call during FMLCommonSetupEvent.

Override Item Food Properties

VanillaHack.overrideFoodProperties(Items.EXAMPLE_ITEM, Foods.EXAMPLE_FOOD);