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Running FlowMDM

First, download some dependencies:

bash runners/prepare/
bash runners/prepare/
bash runners/prepare/

💾 Pretrained models (required for generation/evaluation)

bash runners/prepare/

🗂️ Data preparation (required only for evaluation/training)

HumanML3D dataset:

Follow the instructions in HumanML3D, then copy the resulting dataset to our repository:

cp -r ../HumanML3D/HumanML3D ./dataset/HumanML3D

Babel dataset:

  1. Download the processed version here, and place it at ./dataset/babel.

  2. Download the following here, and place it at ./dataset/babel.

🎬 Visualization - Option 1

To generate examples of human motion compositions with Babel model run:

python -m runners.generate --model_path ./results/babel/FlowMDM/ --num_repetitions 1 --bpe_denoising_step 125 --guidance_param 1.5 --instructions_file ./runners/jsons/composition_babel.json

To generate examples of human motion compositions with HumanML3D model run:

python -m runners.generate --model_path ./results/humanml/FlowMDM/ --num_repetitions 1 --bpe_denoising_step 60 --guidance_param 2.5 --instructions_file ./runners/jsons/composition_humanml.json --use_chunked_att

If you have downloaded the datasets, you can replace --instructions_file FILE with --num_samples N to randomly sample N textual descriptions and lengths from the datasets.

Use json files extrapolation_babel.jsonand extrapolation_humanml.json to generate examples of extrapolations.

Add --use_chunked_att to accelerate inference for very long compositions (recommended for HumanML3D, which contains very long sequences).

It will look something like this:


Tuning the --bpe_denoising_step will change the smoothness of the generated motion. With higher values (up to 1000), the quality of each action increases, in exchange for more abrupt and less realistic transitions between actions. Fig. 5 in the paper studies this trade-off.

Render SMPL mesh (thanks to MDM project)

To create SMPL mesh per frame run:

python -m runners.render_mesh --input_path /path/to/mp4/stick/figure/file

This script outputs:

  • sample_rep##_smpl_params.npy - SMPL parameters (thetas, root translations, vertices and faces)
  • sample_rep##_obj - Mesh per frame in .obj format.


  • The .obj can be integrated into Blender/Maya/3DS-MAX and rendered using them.
  • This script is running SMPLify and needs GPU as well (can be specified with the --device flag).
  • Important - Do not change the original .mp4 path before running the script.

Notes for 3d makers:

  • You have two ways to animate the sequence:
    1. Use the SMPL add-on and the theta parameters saved to sample_rep##_smpl_params.npy (we always use beta=0 and the gender-neutral model).
    2. A more straightforward way is using the mesh data itself. All meshes have the same topology (SMPL), so you just need to keyframe vertex locations. Since the OBJs are not preserving vertices order, we also save this data to the sample_rep##_smpl_params.npy file for your convenience.

🎬 Visualization - Option 2 (fancier, like demo videos)

--- TO BE ADDED ---

📊 Evaluation

To reproduce the Babel evaluation over the motion and transition run:

python -m runners.eval --model_path ./results/babel/FlowMDM/ --dataset babel --eval_mode final --bpe_denoising_step 125 --guidance_param 1.5 --transition_length 30

To reproduce the HumanML3D evaluation over the motion and transition run:

python -m runners.eval --model_path ./results/humanml/FlowMDM/ --dataset humanml --eval_mode final --bpe_denoising_step 60 --guidance_param 2.5 --transition_length 60 --use_chunked_att

Add --use_chunked_att to accelerate inference for very long compositions (imported from LongFormer, and recommended for HumanML3D). Evaluation can take >12h for the 10 repetitions depending on the GPU power. Use --eval_mode fast for a quick evaluation run (3 rep.).


During evaluation, generated motions are backed up to be used in successive evaluations. This is useful in case you want to change some evaluation parameters such as the transition_length and avoid regenerating all evaluation sequences.

🏋️‍♂️ Training

To retrain FlowMDM with Babel dataset run:

python -m runners.train --save_dir ./results/babel/FlowMDM_retrained --dataset babel --batch_size 64 --num_steps 1500000 --min_seq_len 45 --max_seq_len 250 --rpe_horizon 100

To retrain FlowMDM with HumanML3D dataset run:

python -m runners.train --save_dir ./results/humanml/FlowMDM_retrained --dataset humanml --batch_size 64 --num_steps 600000 --rpe_horizon 150 


Even though the models released were trained for 1.3M steps (Babel) and 500k steps (HumanML3D), we observed that the random initialization and the BPE-training randomness might lead to slightly different evaluation values when re-training the models. In this case, best performance might be achieved 50-100k steps before or after the 1.3M/500k steps. See this issue for more information.