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RNA Decay Analysis with Stan

Welcome to the RNA Decay Analysis repository! This collection of Stan models is designed for studying RNA decay in bacteria treated with the transcription initiation inhibitor rifampicin, followed by sequencing (RIF-seq). These models, discussed in detail in 1, aim to extract essential RNA decay parameters. Our approach is based on log-counts rather than raw counts, as it has been demonstrated that log-count models effectively describe RNA-seq data when accounting for the mean-variance relationship 2.

Directory Structure:

  • stan_models: This directory contains all Stan models.
  • R: The R directory houses helpful R functions. While not mandatory for running Stan models, these functions can enhance downstream analysis.
  • examples: Discover examples illustrating how to run the Stan models using cmdstanr/cmdstan. Clear instructions and sample data are provided.
  • data: Essential data files required for running the example workflows are conveniently stored here.
  • annotations: This directory contains the annotations used for the analysis of RNA decay rates in Salmonella 1.

Getting Started

Installing and running the Stan models

To run the Stan models, various interfaces are available. The choice of interface depends on the dataset size, as fitting parameters might take several days, even with multithreading. For optimal performance, we recommend using the command-line interface of Stan, cmdstan (detailed example workflow provided in example_cmdstan.Rmd). Alternatives are the R interface cmdstanr and the Python interace PyStan.

Using cmdstan

  1. Install cmdstan

Follow the comprehensive guide . The models have been tested with Stan v2.31.0.

  1. Enable multithreading

The Stan models use the function reduce_sum. To enhance computation speed, enable multithreading following the guide .

  1. Compile the Stan model

After installing cmdstan, create a directory for the Stan model within the cmdstan directory. To compile the model, follow the instructions here: .

  1. Fitting the Stan model

Below, we explain how to export the sequencing data to the R dump file RIF-seq_data.R. Alternatively, the JSON format can be used. After formatting the data, fit the decay rates using the following command

./LNM sample data file=RIF-seq_data.R

Refer to the cmdstan instructions: The models have been tested with 1000 warmup iterations and 1000 sampling iterations.

Using cmdstanr

For smaller (test) datasets, consider using cmdstanr. Install the R package cmdstanr and cmdstan following the installation guide (example workflow in example_cmdstanr.Rmd): Explanations on how to install cmdstan and get started with cmdstanr are provided here:

Example workflows

Get started with Bayesian modeling with our three comprehensive example workflows, each providing a step-by-step example of a Bayesian analysis workflow of RNA decay in rifampicin-treated bacteria.


Before running the examples, ensure you have the necessary R packges installed.

  • CRAN knitr, data.table, tidyverse, ggplot2, bayesplot
  • github cmdstanr (only required for workflow with cmdstanr):

For additional packages required for the model comparison script, consult the "DESCRIPTION" file in the repository.

List of workflows

  • example_cmdstan.Rmd Normalize and prepare RIF-seq read counts for 50 genes, 3 replicates of WT Salmonella and a ProQ deletion strain. Export the data to the format required by the command-line version of Stan, cmdstan. Fit the Stan model separately using cmdstan. Copy the cmdstan output file to the data directory before running Bayesian diagnostics and plotting the fit results.
  • example_cmdstanr.Rmd Similar to example_cmdstanr.Rmd, this workflow employs the R package cmdstanr. Find instructions on installing cmdstanr here and in the example script. If cmdstanr has not been used previously, run check_cmdstan_toolchain and install_cmdstan before fitting the Stan model.
  • model_comparison.Rmd This example extends the cmdstanr workflow, fitting both the log-normal model (LNM) as well as the LNM with count-dependent variance (LNMcdv). Use the Stan model files which calculate the pointwise log-likelihood log_lik and saves a random draw from the log-normal distribution y_rep. These quantities are essential for the Bayesian model comparison techniques leave-one-out cross validation (LOO-CV)3 and posterior predictive checks4. After fitting the models, explore model comparisons with LOO-CV, posterior predictive checking, and correlation coefficients. Observe how the width of the log-normal distribution (the variation unexplained by the model) behaves across different models. The initial run requires fitting the models and saving them as RDS files for efficient reuse. If you are interested in comparing cpu times, comment in and run the respective code.

Stan models

Stan is a probabilistic programming language. Find extensive documentation on how to develop and run Stan models on the Stan website: . The implementation of Stan models is very efficient, because Stan separates model implementation from the sampling process.

The directory stan_models contains Stan model files to analyze RIF-seq data:

  • LNM-1.0.stan A log-normal model (LNM) which fits RNA decay curves of rifampicin treated bacteria. Its parameters have been described in 1. It is compatible with Stan (>=2.26). Since it is based on normalized log-counts, it is suitable for sequencing experiments with similar library sizes. If the library sizes are very different, we recommend using LNMcdv-1.0.stan, which models the variance-mean relationship.
  • LNMcdv-1.0.stan Similar to the LNM, the variance depends on the raw sequencing counts in this model. Its use is recommanded for sequencing experiments with large differences in library size. Computationally, it is more efficient than a count-based (negative binomial) model. Run the example model_comparison.Rmd, to compare the LNM with and without mean-variance modeling.
  • LNM_loo-1.0.stan Same as LNM-1.0.stan, but the quantities requried for LOO-CV and posterior predictive checks are computed in the generated quantities block. This makes the model computationally less efficient. Therefore, it should only be used for model comparison purposes.
  • LNMcdv_loo-1.0.stan Same as LNMcdv-1.0.stan, but the quantities requried for LOO-CV and posterior predictive checks are computed in the generated quantities block. This makes the model computationally less efficient. Therefore, it should only be used for model comparison purposes.
  • LNM.stan This is the original model used to extract RNA decay rates in 1. It is compatible and tested with Stan 2.28 - 2.31. Starting from Stan 2.32, the old syntax of array definitions is no longer suported . We recommend using LNM-1.0.stan instead, where the array definitions have been updated to the new syntax (Stan >=2.26).
  • LNMsim.stan simulates RNA decay curves for multiple experimental conditions or bacterial strains (Stan <=2.31).
If you have questions on how to adapt the statistical models to your sequencing data or if you are interested in using count-based models, please contact the authors directly.

Exporting the read counts and metadata to cmdstan format with R

Export read counts and metadata for cmdstan using the rstan function stan_rdump. The following quantities are required:

  • N_con Number of experimental conditions or bacterial strains.
  • N_s Number of samples.
  • N_b An array containing the number of replicates for every condition.
  • N_t Number of time points.
  • N_tot Total number of data points (number of rows of the long data frame)
  • N_g Number of genetic features.

Organize the read counts and metadata in a long data frame stan_df with the following columns:

  • raw raw counts, numeric.
  • time time (in minutes) which corresponds to the sample index it_s, numeric.
  • sample unique sample ID, character.
  • condition label of condition, i.e. WT, dRBP, character.
  • locus_tag locus tag of genetic feature, character.
  • it_b replicate index, runs from 1,...,N_b[it_c], numeric.

Furthermore, N_s normalization factors n_f (e.g. calculated from ERCC spike-ins) and RNA-seq library sizes N_lib (total number of reads per sample) are required.

Export the data via stan_rdump (see example_cmdstan.Rmd for a working example):

# Define iterators required by the Stan models
# condition, sample and locus_tag have to be factors, replicate and time numeric.
it_c = stan_df$condition %>% as.numeric
it_b = stan_df$replicate
it_s = stan_df$sample %>% as.numeric
it_g = stan_df$locus_tag %>% as.numeric
it_t = stan_df$time %>% factor(levels=c("0", "3", "6", "12", "24")) %>% as.numeric

# number of genetic features
N_g = unique(stan_df$locus_tag) %>% length
# combined iterators
it_gc = (it_c - 1)*N_g + it_g
N_t = unique(stan_df$time) %>% length

# raw read counts, will be converted to log-counts in the Stan model
raw = stan_df$raw
t = stan_df$time

it_gct = (it_gc - 1)*N_t + it_t
it_gt = (it_g - 1)*N_t + it_t

# number of conditions/strains, including the reference condition/strain
N_con = max(it_c)
# number of samples/sequencing libraries
N_s = max(it_s)
# number of replicates per condition, same order as in it_c
N_b = stan_df %>% group_by(condition) %>% summarize(N_b=unique(it_b) %>% length) %>% pull(N_b)
N_t = N_t
N_g = N_g
# total number of data points
N_tot = nrow(stan_df)

# TMM normalization factors and library sizes, same order as in it_s
n_f = nf_proQ
N_lib = colSums(proQ_reads)

Two switches have to be set before exporting the data via stan_rdump:

# Remove batch effects by using center mean normalization (yes=1, no=0)
batch_effects <- 1
# Choose model:
# 1: LNM
# 2: LM
# 3: PLM
model_id <- 1

rstan::stan_rdump(c("N_con", "N_s", "N_b", "N_t", "N_g", "N_tot"), file="RIF-seq_data.R")
rstan::stan_rdump(c("raw", "t", "N_lib", "n_f", "batch_effects", "model_id"), file="RIF-seq_data.R", append=T)
rstan::stan_rdump(c("it_g", "it_gc", "it_gct", "it_gt", "it_t", "it_s", "it_b", "it_c"), file="RIF-seq_data.R", append=T)

As explained in 1, we recommend using the log-normal model for the analysis of RIF-seq data, because it accounts for common confounding factors of rifampicin treated bacteria. It includes the delay because of ongoing transcription as well as a finite baseline concentration of stable RNA observable in RIF-seq data.

Importing the cmdstan results with R

cmdstan saves the results from the HMC sampler in a csv file, e.g. RIF-seq_results.csv. Since the csv files can be quite large, import them using fread, e.g.

stan_samples <- fread(cmd = 'grep -v "#" RIF-seq_results.csv', data.table = F)

The WT (control) decay rates of gene it_g are saved in betas.1.it_g (LNM) or beta_WT.it_g (LNM-1.0, LNMcdv-1.0), the differences in decay rate for condition/strain it_c are saved in betas.it_c.it_g (LNM) or delta_beta.(it_c-1).it_g (LNM-1.0, LNMcdv-1.0). Calculate medians and quantiles from the data frame stan_samples as follows:

beta_WT <- stan_samples[,grep("^betas\\.1\\.", colnames(stan_samples)] %>% apply(2, function(x) quantile(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))


If the files are too large to import them with fread, extract the columns containing the relevant parameters using command line tools.

Simulating decay curves

Use the RIF-seq_data.R file to simulate decay curves with the same number of replicates/samples/conditions/genes as your real data. Alternatively, create a RIF-seq_sim_data.R file containing only the required information following the same steps as for the RIF-seq_data.R file, omitting the variables raw, N_lib, n_f, batch_effects, model_id.

rstan::stan_rdump(c("N_con", "N_s", "N_b", "N_t", "N_g", "N_tot"), file=RIF-seq_data.R)
rstan::stan_rdump(c("t"), file=RIF-seq_data.R, append=T)
rstan::stan_rdump(c("it_g", "it_gc", "it_gct", "it_gt", "it_t", "it_s", "it_b", "it_c"), file=RIF-seq_data.R, append=T)

The model simulates normalized relative log-counts (i.e. the mean log-count at t=0 min is set to zero). These can be converted to raw counts using library sizes and normalization factors.


  1. L. Jenniches, C. Michaux, S. Reichardt, J. Vogel, A. J. Westermann, L. Barquist. Improved RNA stability estimation through Bayesian modeling reveals most bacterial transcripts have sub-minute half-lives. bioRxiv 2023.06.15.545072; doi: 2 3 4 5

  2. Law, C.W., Chen, Y., Shi, W. et al. voom: precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts. Genome Biol 15, R29 (2014).

  3. A. Vehtari, A. Gelman, J. Gabry, Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Stat. 1146 Comput. 27, 1413–1432 (2017).
