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Accessible Toggle

The Toggle component is a button that triggers changes on a specified item when you click it.

Getting started

Install the package

We can install the package from NPM or Yarn.

yarn add @beapi/be-a11y

Then import the component in your JavaScript.

import { Toggle } from '@beapi/be-a11y';

Add Toggle HTML Layout

Copy the following markup on your HTML file :

<button type="button" class="button" aria-controls="toggle-1">Reveal text</button>

<div id="toggle-1" aria-hidden="true">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis deserunt veniam perferendis recusandae sunt quasi, dolor laboriosam quibusdam saepe numquam officia, incidunt fugiat amet velit quas doloribus earum nostrum ut?</p>

Initialize the component

Finally, we need to initialize this component in JavaScript.

import { Toggle } from '@beapi/be-a11y';

Toggle.init('.button', {
  // Options here

If you have multiple toggle buttons, you can set a preset and initialize all at once.

import { Toggle } from '@beapi/be-a11y';

Toggle.preset = {
  '#button-1': {
    onClick: function() {
  '#button-2': {
    target: '#my-div',


Warning There is no embedded style. It's up to you to style the component as you see fit.


name type default description
bodyScrollLock boolean false If true, the body scroll is locked when the content is revealed.
bodyScrollLockMediaQuery boolean|object false Lock the body scroll when the content is revealed based on the window match media.
closeOnBlur boolean false When you unfocus the toggle button, the content is hidden.
closeOnEscPress boolean false When you press Escape button, the content is hidden.
hasAnimation boolean false If true, the content has a slideDown / slideUp animation.
isOpened boolean false If true, the content is revealed by default.
mediaQuery string null Apply toggle button to a window match media.
onClick function null Callback function when you click on the toggle button.
prefixId string toggle Define the prefix id of the component.
target string null Specify the content target with a selector. If null, the target is based on the aria-controls attribute value from the toggle button.