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3D Network for Video Recognition


Please follow the installation instructions in

Implementation Details

  1. We uniformly sample 32 frames during training and inference.
  2. We use 1-clip 1-crop evaluation for 3D network with the resolution of 256x256 following the original implementation.
  3. TRAIN.LAMBDA_AV denotes the coefficient $\lambda$ in the loss function and we set it to be 0.75.
  4. We train 3D network SlowFast with 4 NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32GB) cards and the model is pretrained on Kinetics400 before training on Something-Something V1.


  1. Specify the directory of datasets with DATA.PATH_PREFIX in exp/slowfast_sthv1/

  2. Specify the directory of output with OUTPUT_DIR in

  3. Download the pretrained model on Kinetics400 from the original repo and specify the path with CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH in configs/sth/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_FFN.yaml.

  4. Simply run the training scripts in exp as followed:

    bash exp/slowfast_sthv1/  ## baseline training
    bash exp/slowfast_sthv1/   ## MCA training


  1. Specify the directory of datasets with DATA.PATH_PREFIX in exp/slowfast_sthv1/

  2. Please download pretrained models from Google Drive.

  3. Specify the directory of the pretrained model with TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH in

  4. Run the inference scripts in exp as followed:

    bash exp/slowfast_sthv1/