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File metadata and controls

308 lines (281 loc) · 9.04 KB


Vue3 Datatable provided by Beakwise Inc.

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Vue3 Beak Datatable is a Lightweight Datatable for Vue 3 by Beakwise Inc.


DataTable Demo


  • Dynamically Create Columns
  • Dynamically Create Actions for each row
  • Main Filter cover all columns defined
  • Sub Filter option for each column
  • Pagination
  • Sort options for each column
  • Support 5 different locale of en: English, tr: Turkish, de: German, fr: French, es: Spanish

Latest Updates

  • Row based Sub Content can be add and be activated by setting :is-show-detail="true".

    If this is set than beaksubcolumns prop must be defined and content must be either filled inside subTableData of main data or placed in slot

  • Column wise slot usage to add content or apply new style. If not used default content is placed inside cell.
  • Resize columns by mouse
  • For field type = TAG you can set color by creating another field and name it as the same name of TAG field but appended by "Color" word and define color options
  • Color Options: 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'
  • To disable single action by applying rules on row data you can push the name of action to 'isdisabled' array field.
- Example: 
- isdisabled: [
            function: 'deleteTask'


npm install --save vue3-beakdatatable
yarn add vue3-beakdatatable


Simple Usage

Install to vue

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue3BeakDataTable from 'vue3-beakdatatable'
import 'vue3-beakdatatable/dist/style.css'
const app = createApp(App)


Add to your component

    <template #item:stage="{ item, colm }">
        <a href="#">{{ item[colm.field] }}</a>  --> Any column can be customized
    <template #subitem:rowslot="{ item, itemkey }"> 
        <a href="#">Any HTML code can be placed here</a> --> Any row may have customized sub detail 
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {

    const rowsdata = [
        saleid: 'BEK999-1088-100000004493',
        startdate: '19.10.2022 19:53:10',
        insured01: 'Haldun Aydoğdu [ 0040008T ]',
        insured02: '',
        stage: 'Document And Signature',
        product: 'BEAKsecure',
        amount: '€200,000.00',
        premium: '€1,029.51',
        statusText: 'In Progress',
        statusTextColor: 'info', // primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger
        cjId: '0d6f8823-f54b-4c97-ab39-56c5ad6ecca2',
        psaleid: 1088,
        isQuotationCreated: true,
        ispolicyissued: false,
        startdateorj: '2022-10-19T16:53:10.294367Z',
        amountorj: 200000,
        premiumorj: 1029.51,
        isdisabled: [],
        subTableData: [
            run_id: 'Xy76767',
            collection_way: 'Credit Card',
            created_date_time: '19.10.2022 11:28:21',
            updated_date_time: '19.10.2022 11:28:21',
            trx_message: 'No message',
        saleid: 'BEK999-1080-1432051349',
        startdate: '19.10.2022 11:28:21',
        insured01: 'Haldun Aydoğdu [ 0040008T ]',
        insured02: '',
        stage: 'Gather Personal Information',
        product: '',
        amount: '',
        premium: '',
        statusText: 'In Progress',
        cjId: 'de34a302-f50a-4237-8a5b-8559a20fd6ec',
        psaleid: 1080,
        isQuotationCreated: false,
        ispolicyissued: false,
        startdateorj: '2022-10-19T08:28:21.168273Z',
        amountorj: 0,
        premiumorj: 0,
        isdisabled: [
            function: 'deleteTask'
        subTableData: [],
    const columns = ref([
        label: { en: 'Sale Id', tr: 'Satış No' },
        field: 'saleid',
        type: 'string',
        sortable: true,
        filterable: true,
        label: { en: 'Process Date', tr: 'Süreç Başlama Tarihi' },
        field: 'startdate',
        type: 'date',
        inputFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
        outputFormat: 'MMM Do YY',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: '1st Life', tr: '1.Sigortalı' },
        field: 'insured01',
        type: 'string',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: '2nd Life', tr: '2.Sigortalı' },
        field: 'insured02',
        type: 'string',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: 'Stage', tr: 'Aşama' },
        field: 'stage',
        type: 'string',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: 'Product', tr: 'Ürün' },
        field: 'product',
        type: 'string',
        sortable: true,
        filterable: true,
        label: { en: 'Amount', tr: 'Teminat Tutarı' },
        field: 'amount',
        type: 'currency',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: 'Premium', tr: 'Prim' },
        field: 'premium',
        type: 'currency',
        sortable: true,
        label: { en: 'Status', tr: 'Durum' },
        field: 'statusText',
        type: 'tag',
        sortable: true,

    const subcolumns = ref([
        label: { en: 'RunId', tr: 'Alt İşlemNo' },
        field: 'run_id',
        label: { en: 'Customer Name', tr: 'Müşteri Adı-Soyadı' },
        field: 'insured01',
        type: 'inherit',
        // masked: 'F2',
        label: { en: 'C-Way', tr: 'Tahsilat Aracı' },
        field: 'collection_way',
        label: { en: 'C-Way-No', tr: 'Tahsilat Aracı No' },
        field: 'c_way_no',
        // masked: 'F6L4',
        label: { en: 'Created DateTime', tr: 'İşlem Zamanı' },
        field: 'created_date_time',
        type: 'datetime',
        label: { en: 'Updated DateTime', tr: 'Son İşlem Zamanı' },
        field: 'updated_date_time',
        type: 'datetime',
        label: { en: 'Transaction Message', tr: 'İşlem Sonucu' },
        field: 'trx_message',
        type: 'colspan2',
    const actions = ref([
        title: { en: 'Check-In Task', tr: 'Görev Geri Çağır' },
        subtitle: { en: 'Continue Task Where Left Off', tr: 'Göreve Devam Edin' },
        icon: 'lnir lnir-redo',
        disabled: false,
        emit: 'recallTask',
        title: { en: 'Cancel Task', tr: 'Görevi İptal Et' },
        subtitle: { en: 'End Journey and move to Cancel', tr: 'Ana Yolculuğu ve Görevi Sonlandır' },
        icon: 'lnir lnir-trash-can',
        disabled: false,
        emit: 'deleteTask',
  const onTriggerEvent = (event: any) => {
    console.log('APP Level Func & Data:', event.func, event.rowdata)
  return {

Table Options

Key Type Description Default Value
beakcolumns Array[ ] Column Definition [ ]
beakrows Array[ ] Array of Row Data to be placed on table [ ]
beakstats number Data total row size
beak-action ActionType[ ] Action arrays to triggerred [ ]
given-page-size string number of items displayed in one page 20
is-head-colored boolean table header color option true
is-show-line-number boolean row number display option false
is-column-filter boolean column wise filter option true
is-striped boolean table stripred color option false
locale string Language Locale 'en'
sort-by-field string Field that the table sorted while loading ''
sort-direction string Sort direction (asc or desc) 'asc'


To contribute you can send your request here



Vue3 Beak Datatable is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0