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A lightweight authentication service written in go

Build License made-with-Go GitHub go.mod Go version of a Go module


Authi is a lightweight authentication service written in go. It covers the basic use cases of creating and deleting users as well as refresh tokens and update passwords.

Getting started

For a fast setup you can use the following guide:

Create a folder structure that looks like this:

├── docker-compose.yml
└── myTokenFolder

Paste into the docker-compose.yml the following content

version: '3.7'
    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: postgres
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=myDatabasePassword
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"]
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5 
    image: "beancodede/authi:latest"
    container_name: authi
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=myDatabasePassword
      - 1203:1203
      - ./myTokenFolder:/token
        condition: service_healthy
      - postgres:postgres

Execute the following two commands to generate key's

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f ./myTokenFolder/jwtRS256.key
openssl rsa -in ./myTokenFolder/jwtRS256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out ./myTokenFolder/

Note You need the cli programmes ssh-keygen and openssl in order to execute these commands

Start docker compose file

docker compose up

Note You need docker installed in order to execute this command


The application can be started with different environment variables to configure specific behavior.

Name of environment variable Description Mandatory Default
LOG_LEVEL Log level of console output. You can choose between debug, info, warn info
ADDRESS Server address on that Authi runs
PORT Server port on that Authi runs 1203
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH Path to the RSA private key file for signing jwt tokens /token/jwtRS256.key
PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Path to the RSA public key to validate jwt tokens /token/
DATABASE Used database to store user data postgresql
POSTGRES_USER User of postgres database postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password of postgres database ✔️ -
POSTGRES_DB Database name that should be used in postgres postgres
POSTGRES_HOST Server address of Postgres database postgres
POSTGRES_PORT Server port oft Postgres database 5432
POSTGRES_OPTIONS Connection options of Postgres database sslmode=disable
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME Time in minutes till an access token is no longer valid 5
REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME Time in minutes till an refresh token is no longer valid 10
INIT_USER_FILE Path to the file with initial user authi.conf

API Interface

The offered api interfaces can be find in this Swagger UI or in the folder /docs.


To access the authi service from other go echo application, you can use the methods within the adapter package. Therefore two methods are provided:

GetToken(userId string, password string) (*TokenResponseDTO, error)

to get an access and refresh token with your userId and password.

RefreshToken(userId string, token string, refreshToken string) (*TokenResponseDTO, error)

to refresh your token for a logged in user without passing the password again.

Note You can only refresh tokens as long as your token and refresh token are valid.

To initial an authi adapter you have to use the method NewAuthiAdapter() within the adapter package.

The whole code could look like this:

func AdapterExample() {

	//User id that were previously created over REST
	userId := "693227c8-4178-4e72-b3b7-a8b8bae36f1b"

	//Generate UUID to trace your calls in the logs
	correlationId := uuid.NewString()

	//Initialize authi adapter
	authiAdapter := adapter.NewAuthiAdapter(correlationId)

	//Logging in previously created user with password `mySecretUserPassword`
	token, err := authiAdapter.GetToken(userId, "mySecretUserPassword")

	//Checking if an error occurred while loading user token
	if err != nil {

	//Printing access token for example

	//Printing refresh token for example

	//Refreshing tokens to avoid outdated tokens
	refreshedToken, err := authiAdapter.RefreshToken(userId, token.AccessToken, token.RefreshToken)

	//Checking if an error occurred while loading refreshed token
	if err != nil {

	//Printing refreshed access token for example

	//Printing refreshed refresh token for example


If you write an echo go application, you also have the possibility to use the already attached middleware. Therefore you can orientate on the following example code:

func MiddlewareExample() {
	//Initialize parser to validate Tokens
	tokenParser, err := parser.NewJWTParser()

	//Checking if an error occurred while loading jwt parser
	if err != nil {

	//Initialize middleware
	echoMiddleware := middleware.NewEchoMiddleware(tokenParser)

	//Initialize echo
	e := echo.New()

	//Secure endpoint with method `echoMiddleware.CheckToken`
		func(c echo.Context) error { return c.NoContent(201) },

Note In order for the code to work properly, the environment variable PUBLIC_KEY_PATH must point to the appropriate public key of the Authi server

While using the middleware the following errors could occur:

Error Description Instruction
ErrTokenNotFound Token was not found in request Does the passed token starts with "Bearer "; Is the token set in header Authorization inside the request
ErrClaimCouldNotBeParsed Token is valid but Claim format is unexpected Are you using compatible version? Otherwise please create an issue
ErrTokenNotValid Token is not valid A different key file may be used here for checking than is used in the Authi service. Otherwise, the token may have expired.
ErrWhileReadingKey Key file couldn't be read Maybe the file is not on the correct position. Check your environment variable PUBLIC_KEY_PATH
ErrWhileParsingKey Key file couldn't be parsed Maybe the file has not the correct format. Use the commands from Execute the following two commands to generate key's to generate key files

Init user configuration

To create users that are available immediately after starting the application, an init user config can be created. The default name of the file is authi.conf and must be right next to the application. If a different file path is desired, this can be adjusted via the environment variable INIT_USER_FILE. The startup process deletes all initial users and then creates the users from the file. Thus only the users with the most recent data from the file should remain as initial users.

The configuration file can be written in JSON or YAML. Mandatory fields are the ID of the user, which must be in uuid V4 format, and the user's password. Below are two example configurations in YAML and JSON:

            "id": "c5ffc340-507e-4c66-a6ce-a7d98842f9ba",
        id: c5ffc340-507e-4c66-a6ce-a7d98842f9ba
        password: someSecretPassword
        id: 5cc3621d-e5ac-4d81-93df-462b27e0cc2b
        password: someOtherPassword