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image SQLStringInFo


SQLStringInFo is an SQL command parsing library that focuses on parsing SQL command statements. The library provides a parser for SQL command syntax. Through this library, you can quickly and accurately analyze and process SQL statements.

  • MAVEN depends on coordinates

    Now it is supported to add the parsing library to your project using MAVEN. Of course, you can also use gradle to connect the maven coordinates!


Parsers in the framework

The parser is the implementation of SQL statement data processing. It stores specific logic about SQL parsing. In the library, all parsers implement the strInfo.parser.SQLParser interface, which contains the most basic functions to obtain data. The following is the information about all current parsers in the library.

Parser Type Parser Name Supported Library Versions Parser function
strInfo.parser.SQLParser null v1.0 Unify the interfaces of all parsers
strInfo.parser.SelectParser select v1.0 Parse the "Select" statement
strInfo.parser.InsertParser insert v1.0 Parse the "insert" statement
strInfo.parser.CreateParser create v1.0 Parse the "create" statement
strInfo.parser.AlterParser alter v1.0 Parse the "alter"statement

The return value of the parser in the framework

The return value is the result storage object after the parser parses an SQL statement. All the result statement objects are implemented in the "strInfo. result. Statement" abstract class. In the result object, all the data corresponding to this word can be obtained by parsing words. The parser itself will also provide some functions for people to use.

Statement result type Supported Library Versions Supported Parsing Words
strInfo.result.Statement v1.0 null
strInfo.result.SelectStatement v1.0 select from where group order limit
strInfo.result.InsertStatement v1.0 insert table value values
strInfo.result.CreateStatement v1.0 create table field option like as
strInfo.result.AlterStatement v1.0 alter mod addINFO table add drop rename change index primary unique field

Parser for strInfo.results.SelectStatement

This class is used to store the parsing results of select statements. There are many parsing words available in the class. The following is all the explanations and explanations of this class of parsing words.

Analytic word Supported Library Versions Effect
select v1.0 String used to get the select clause
from v1.0 The table name used to obtain the query
where v1.0 Used to obtain the data of where or on clauses
group v1.0 Used to obtain grouping statement conditions in SQL
order v1.0 Used to obtain the names of all columns to be sorted
limit v1.0 Used to obtain information about paging in this query
  • Example of use
package strInfo;

import strInfo.parser.SelectParser;
import strInfo.result.SelectStatement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * 测试用例类
 * @author zhao
public class MAIN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 构建一个SQL语句
        String sql = "select name, avg(achievement) as a from student right join achievement inner join (select * from sub_zhao;) left join (select * from sub_zhao123;) WHERE = and true group by name order by a desc limit 1;";
        // 通过单例设计获取到SQL语句的解析器,并调用parserSQL函数解析SQL
        SelectStatement selectStatement = SelectParser.getInstance().parseSql(sql);
        // 通过返回的结果对象,获取到解析出来的结果数据
        System.out.println("查询的表\t:" + selectStatement.getTableName());
        System.out.println("查询的字段\t:" + Arrays.toString(selectStatement.getFieldNames()));
        System.out.println("select 子句\t:" + selectStatement.getStatementStrByWord("select"));
        System.out.println("group 子句\t:" + selectStatement.getStatementStrByWord("group"));
        System.out.println("order 子句\t:" + selectStatement.getStatementStrByWord("order"));
        System.out.println("是否以正序排序\t:" + selectStatement.isAsc());
        System.out.println("查询的表(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(selectStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("from")));
        System.out.println("where中的条件(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(selectStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("where")));
        System.out.println("被group的字段(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(selectStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("group")));
        System.out.println("被order的字段(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(selectStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("order")));
        System.out.println("被解析的整个sql语句\t:" + selectStatement.getSqlStr());
        // 获取到所有的子查询语句
        ArrayList<SelectStatement> subQueryList = selectStatement.getSubQueryList();
        for (SelectStatement statement : subQueryList) {
            System.out.println("子查询表:" + statement.getTableName() + "\t子查询语句:" + statement.getSqlStr());
  • 运行结果
查询的表	: student right join achievement inner join , sub_zhao, sub_zhao123
查询的字段	:[name, avg(achievement) as a]
select 子句	:name, avg(achievement) as a
group 子句	:name
order 子句	:a 
是否以正序排序	:-1
查询的表(数组)	:[student, achievement, sub_zhao, sub_zhao123]
where中的条件(数组)	:[ =, and, =]
被group的字段(数组)	:[name]
被order的字段(数组)	:[a ]
被解析的整个sql语句	:select name, avg(achievement) as a from student right join achievement inner join (select * from sub_zhao;) left join (select * from sub_zhao123;) WHERE = and true group by name order by a desc limit 1;
子查询表: sub_zhao	子查询语句:(select * from sub_zhao;)
子查询表: sub_zhao123	子查询语句:(select * from sub_zhao123;)

Parser for strInfo.parser.InsertParser

This class is used to store the parsing results of insert statements. There are many parsing words available in the class. The following is all the explanations and explanations of this class of parsing words.

Analytic word Supported Library Versions Effect
insert v1.0 Get the fields corresponding to all inserted data
table v1.0 Get the Effect table of the insert statement
value v1.0 Get the inserted data
values v1.0 Get the inserted data, which has the same effect as value
  • Example of use
package strInfo;

import strInfo.parser.InsertParser;
import strInfo.result.InsertStatement;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * 测试用例类
 * @author zhao
public class MAIN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String insertSql = "insert into zhao (name, age) values (\"zhao\", 18), (\"tangYuan\", 19);";
        InsertStatement insertStatement = InsertParser.getInstance().parseSql(insertSql);
        System.out.println("插入数据的目标数据表\t:" + insertStatement.getTableName());
        System.out.println("插入数据的目标字段\t:" + Arrays.toString(insertStatement.getFieldNames()));
        System.out.println("插入的所有字段数据\t:" + insertStatement.getStatementStrByWord("value"));
        System.out.println("插入的所有目标字段(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(insertStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("insert")));
        System.out.println("插入的所有字段数据(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(insertStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("values")));
  • 运行结果
插入数据的目标数据表	:zhao 
插入数据的目标字段	:[name, age]
插入的所有字段数据	:("zhao", 18), ("tangYuan", 19)
插入的所有目标字段(数组)	:[name, age]
插入的所有字段数据(数组)	:["zhao", 18, "tangYuan", 19]

Parser for strInfo.parser.CreateParser

This class is used to store the parsing results of the create statement. There are many parsing words available in the class. The following is all the explanations and explanations of this class of parsing words.

Analytic word Supported Library Versions Effect
create v1.0 Get the clause of the 'create' statement
table v1.0 Get the table created by "create"
field v1.0 Get the fields in the creation table
option v1.0 Get other options when the table is created, such as the storage engine.
like v1.0 Get other reference tables when the table is created. If other tables are used.
as v1.0 Get the sub query statement when the table is created. If the sub query is used to create the table.
  • Example of use
package strInfo;

import strInfo.parser.CreateParser;
import strInfo.result.CreateStatement;
import strInfo.result.SelectStatement;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * 测试用例类
 * @author zhao
public class MAIN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String createSQL = """
                create temporary table zhao (
                    name varchar(20),
                    age int
                ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;""";

        CreateStatement createStatement = CreateParser.getInstance().parseSql(createSQL);
        System.out.println("创建的表\t:" + createStatement.getTableName());
        System.out.println("是否是临时表\t:" + createStatement.isTemporary());
        System.out.println("表中的字段\t:" + Arrays.toString(createStatement.getFieldNames()));
        System.out.println("创建表时的create子句\t:" + createStatement.getStatementStrByWord("create"));
        System.out.println("创建表时的表名称\t:" + createStatement.getStatementStrByWord("table"));
        System.out.println("创建表时指定的字段\t:" + createStatement.getStatementStrByWord("field"));
        System.out.println("创建表时指定的选项\t:" + createStatement.getStatementStrByWord("option"));
        System.out.println("创建表时指定的选项(数组)\t:" + Arrays.toString(createStatement.getStatementArrayByWord("option")));
        System.out.println("创建表时的like表\t:" + createStatement.getStatementStrByWord("like"));
        System.out.println("sql语句数据:" + createStatement.getSqlStr());
  • 运行结果
创建的表	        :zhao
是否是临时表	:true
表中的字段	:[name varchar(20), age int]
创建表时的create子句 :temporary table zhao 
创建表时的表名称     :zhao
创建表时指定的字段 :
    name varchar(20),
    age int

创建表时指定的选项(数组)	:[ENGINE=MyISAM, DEFAULT, CHARSET=utf8]
创建表时的like表	:null
sql语句数据 :create temporary table zhao (
    name varchar(20),
    age int
插入数据的目标数据表	:zhao 
插入数据的目标字段	:[name, age]
插入的所有字段数据	:("zhao", 18), ("tangYuan", 19)
插入的所有目标字段(数组)	:[name, age]
插入的所有字段数据(数组)	:["zhao", 18, "tangYuan", 19]

Parser for strInfo.parser.AlterParser

This class is used to store the parsing results of alter statements. There are many parsing words available in the class. The following is all the explanations and explanations of this kind of parsing words.

Analytic word Supported Library Versions Effect
alter v1.0 Get the data of the "alter" clause in the alter statement
mod v1.0 Get the modification mode in the "alter" statement
addINFO v1.0 If the modification mode is "add", this represents the added mode
table v1.0 Get the changed table name
add v1.0 Get the clause of "add"
drop v1.0 If the drop mode is modified, the deleted table is obtained here
rename v1.0 If the modification mode is "rename", the new table name after renaming is obtained here
change v1.0 If the modification mode is "change", the new column name after renaming is obtained here
index v1.0 If the increase mode is "index", the index name to be added is obtained here
primary v1.0 If the increase mode is "primary" key, the column name set as primary key is obtained here
unique v1.0 If the increase mode is "unique", the column name with unique constraint is obtained here
field v1.0 This is the name of all modified columns
  • Example of use
package strInfo;

import strInfo.parser.AlterParser;
import strInfo.result.AlterStatement;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * 测试用例类
 * @author zhao
public class MAIN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sql5 = "alter table zhao add index indexName (name, age1);";
/*     TODO 这里是其它的alter,sql语句,同样可以被库解析
        String sql1 = "alter table zhao1 add test varchar(20);";
        String sql2 = "alter table zhao1 drop test;";
        String sql3 = " alter table zhao1 change age age1 int;";
        String sql4 = "alter table zhao1 rename zhao;";    
        String sql6 = "alter table zhao add primary key (name);";
        String sql7 = "alter table zhao add unique (name);";
        AlterParser instance = AlterParser.getInstance();
        AlterStatement alterStatement1 = instance.parseSql(sql5);
        System.out.println("alter的语句子句:" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("alter"));
        System.out.println("alterEffect的表名 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("table"));
        System.out.println("alter增加的子句 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("add"));
        System.out.println("alter删除的表名 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("drop"));
        System.out.println("alter增加的索引 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("index"));
        System.out.println("发生变化的列名称 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("field"));
        System.out.println("alter更新后的表 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("rename"));
        System.out.println("alter更新后的列 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("change"));
        System.out.println("alter的修改模式 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("mod"));
        System.out.println("alter的增加模式 :" + alterStatement1.getStatementStrByWord("addINFO"));
        // 也可以获取到数组形式的数据
        System.out.println("发生变化的列名称 :" + Arrays.toString(alterStatement1.getStatementArrayByWord("field")));
  • 运行结果
alter的语句子句: table zhao add
alterEffect的表名 :zhao
alter增加的子句 :add index  add index indexName (name, age1);
alter删除的表名 :null
alter增加的索引 :indexName
发生变化的列名称 :name, age1
alter更新后的表 :null
alter更新后的列 :null
alter的修改模式 :add
alter的增加模式 :index
alter table zhao add index indexName (name, age1);
发生变化的列名称 :[name, age1]