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DOM Scripting

by Jeremy Keith

I, Michael Parker, own this book and took these notes to further my own learning. If you enjoy these notes, please purchase the book!

Chapter 1

  • ECMAScript is the proper name of Javascript, which is not related to Java.
  • DHTML was a shorthand term for describing the combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • DOM is generic: a model that can be used by any programming language to manipulate any document in any markup language.

Chapter 2

  • Semicolons aren't required in Javascript unless multiple statements appear on one line, but are good practice.
  • Use C or C++ commenting styles, which are //comment and /*comment*/, respectively.
  • Declare numeric or associative arrays by using the same Array class.
  • Prepending a variable declaration with var will treat the variable as a local variable.
  • Objects have properties (variables) and methods (actions as functions).
  • Native objects are those part of the Javascript library, such as Array, Date, and Math.
  • Host objects are those supplied by the web browser, such as Form, Image, and Element.

Chapter 3

  • The properties and methods of the window object are often referred to as the Browser Object Model.
  • Element attributes are represented by attribute nodes, or children of the element, in the DOM.
  • Method getElementsByTagName accepts the wildcard value *.
  • Method getAttribute will return null if an attribute does not exist.

Chapter 4

  • In an onclick handler, you can use the this keyword to refer to the element node.
  • Returning false from the onclick handler of an img element will disable the default behavior of following the src URL.
  • The body element of the document can be retrieved using document.body.
  • Whitespace and line breaks between elements in the HTML source are interpreted in nodes in the childNodes array.
  • The nodeType attribute has 12 values, where 1 is an element node, 2 is an attribute node, and 3 is a text node.
  • The nodeValue attribute contains the text value of a text node.

Chapter 5

  • Making your web site navigable by users without Javascript is called graceful degradation.
  • The JavaScript pseudo-protocol allows invoking JavaScript from within a link, but does not allow graceful degradation.
  • Likewise, defining a link as # and using an inline event handler does not allow graceful degradation.
  • Progressive enhancement is using JavaScript and the DOM to enhance sites that are already functional without them.
  • When window.onload is invoked, the document (and hence DOM) within it is guaranteed to exist.
  • Testing whether the browser supports some DOM property or method in a conditional is called object detection.

Chapter 6

  • When applying an anonymous function, the this keyword will refer to the element it is bound to.
  • To invoke multiple functions on loading, you must bind a single function to window.onload that invokes each.
  • To be cautious, test not only whether DOM methods exist, but expected DOM nodes and their attributes exist.
  • Don't use the onkeypress event handler -- it can be invoked even if the user presses the Tab key.
  • The onclick event handler is also invoked if you press Return while tabbing from link to link.
  • HTML-DOM extends the DOM Core with properties like document.forms and document.images.

Chapter 7

  • You must invoke the document.write method from a script element in the body, which is obtrusive, so avoid it.
  • The innerHTML element isn't a web standard, and referencing the inserted elements still requires the DOM, so avoid it.
  • Both document.write and innerHTML won't work with XHTML served with MIME type application/xhtml+xml.
  • The createElement method creates an element not attached to the DOM tree, called a DocumentFragment.
  • Text elements are created with method createTextMode, not createElement.
  • There is an insertBefore method for inserting elements, but you have write your own insertAfter method.

Chapter 8

  • An abbreviation is any shortened version of a word, while an acronym is an abbreviation pronounced as a word.
  • You can iterate through the keys of an Array object using the construct for (variable in array).
  • Sniffing for a specific browser name and version number is bound to cause problems and convoluted code.
  • Using DOM you can add meaningful content from attributes that browsers typically ignore, like cite for blockquote.
  • Convention for the accesskey attribute is 1 for home, 4 for search, and 9 for contact.
  • The accessibility statement lists which access keys have been assigned on a page.

Chapter 9

  • Every element has a style property -- it is an object, and not a simple string.
  • CSS properties are converted to camel case, so the font-family property becomes
  • Usually style properties are returned in the same units in which they are set, for example em vs px.
  • The DOM can only return inline style information, not style applied through external CSS files or style tags.
  • But the DOM can retrieve styles that the DOM itself assigns through the style property.
  • CSS pseudo-classes and DOM scripting can overlap when styling elements based on state, like :hover versus :onmouseover.
  • The DOM can apply styles defined in CSS files by setting the element's class attribute, or its className style property.

Chapter 10

  • Elements have a position of static by default, but by using relative we can use the float property on them.
  • The setTimeout method returns a handle to the function that can be cancelled using clearTimeout.
  • Methods parseInt and parseFloat extract the number starting any string, e.g. 39 steps converts to 39.
  • The overflow property specifies how to handle content that is larger than the containing element.
  • To persist variables between method calls, set them as element properties instead of making them global.

Chapter 11

  • You can split your CSS into multiple files: one for layout, one for color, and one for typography.
  • The address of the current window can be retrieved through property window.location.href.
  • To frame a slideshow element, make the frame image an absolutely positioned child with a high z-index.
  • Invoking the focus method on a form text element will place the cursor inside it.
  • The form.elements array contains only descendant form elements, which differs from form.childNodes.


  • If the boolean argument to cloneNode is true, all children nodes are copied; if false, only its attributes are.
  • The newly created node returned by cloneNode is not automatically added to the document.
  • Methods appendChild, insertBefore, and replaceChild will move elements that already exist in the DOM.
  • If the hasChildNodes property is false, childNodes is an empty array, and firstChild and lastChild are null.
  • The nodeName property for a element node is its tag type, and for an attribute node is the attribute name.
  • The nodeValue property for an attribute node is its value, and for a text node is its text, but is null for element nodes.
  • You can't set nodeValue if it is already null, i.e. you can't assign a value to element nodes.
  • The nodes adjacent to an element node can be retrieved with nextSibling and previousSibling.