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- gauges improvement by Jor'Mox: added orientation styles and extract…
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…ed the text onto its own level (allowing <center> and friends to work properly)
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vadi2 committed Jun 14, 2013
1 parent 372fe6e commit 8fc4346
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 104 deletions.
204 changes: 100 additions & 104 deletions lua/GUIUtils.lua
Expand Up @@ -258,16 +258,14 @@ color_table = {
--- </pre>
--- @see createGauge
function moveGauge(gaugeName, newX, newY)
local newX, newY = newX, newY

assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "moveGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(newX and newY, "moveGauge: need to have both X and Y dimensions.")

moveWindow(gaugeName, newX, newY)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", newX, newY)

gaugesTable[gaugeName].xpos, gaugesTable[gaugeName].ypos = newX, newY
function moveGauge(gaugeName, x, y)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "moveGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(x and y, "moveGauge: need to have both X and Y dimensions.")
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", x, y)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_text", x, y)
-- save new values in table
gaugesTable[gaugeName].x, gaugesTable[gaugeName].y = x, y
setGauge(gaugeName, gaugesTable[gaugeName].value, 1)

Expand All @@ -280,10 +278,10 @@ end
--- @see createGauge, moveGauge, showGauge
function hideGauge(gaugeName)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "hideGauge: no such gauge exists.")

hideWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", newX)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "hideGauge: no such gauge exists.")
hideWindow(gaugeName .. "_back")
hideWindow(gaugeName .. "_front")
hideWindow(gaugeName .. "_text")

Expand All @@ -297,9 +295,9 @@ end
--- @see createGauge, moveGauge, hideGauge
function showGauge(gaugeName)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "showGauge: no such gauge exists.")

showWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", newX)
showWindow(gaugeName .. "_back")
showWindow(gaugeName .. "_front")
showWindow(gaugeName .. "_text")

Expand All @@ -321,33 +319,20 @@ end
--- @param color3
--- @see createGauge
function setGaugeText(gaugeName, gaugeText, color1, color2, color3)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGauge: no such gauge exists.")

local red,green,blue = 0,0,0
local l_labelText = gaugeText

if color1 ~= nil then
if color2 == nil then
red, green, blue = getRGB(color1)
red, green, blue = color1, color2, color3

-- Check to make sure we had a text to apply, if not, clear the text
if l_labelText == nil then
l_labelText = ""

local l__Echostring = [[<font color="#]] .. RGB2Hex(red,green,blue) .. [[">]] .. l_labelText .. [[</font>]]

echo(gaugeName, l__Echostring)
-- do not set the text for the back, because <center> tags mess with the alignment
--echo(gaugeName .. "_back", l__Echostring)

gaugesTable[gaugeName].text = l__Echostring
gaugesTable[gaugeName].color1, gaugesTable[gaugeName].color2, gaugesTable[gaugeName].color3 = color1, color2, color3
function setGaugeText(gaugeName, gaugeText, r, g, b)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGaugeText: no such gauge exists.")
if r ~= nil then
if g == nil then
r,g,b = getRGB(r)
r,g,b = 0,0,0
gaugeText = gaugeText or ""
local echoString = [[<font color="#]] .. RGB2Hex(r,g,b) .. [[">]] .. gaugeText .. [[</font>]]
echo(gaugeName .. "_text", echoString)
-- save new values in table
gaugesTable[gaugeName].text = echoString

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,45 +409,44 @@ end
--- <pre>
--- createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, nil, "green")
--- </pre>
--- @usage Finally we'll add some text to our gauche.
--- @usage Finally we'll add some text to our gauge.
--- <pre>
--- createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, "Now with some text", "green")
--- </pre>
function createGauge(gaugeName, width, height, Xpos, Ypos, gaugeText, color1, color2, color3)
-- make a nice background for our gauge
createLabel(gaugeName .. "_back",0,0,0,0,1)
if color2 == nil then
local red, green, blue = getRGB(color1)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName .. "_back", red , green, blue, 100)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName .. "_back", color1 ,color2, color3, 100)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", Xpos, Ypos)
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", width, height)
showWindow(gaugeName .. "_back")

-- make a nicer front for our gauge
if color2 == nil then
local red, green, blue = getRGB(color1)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName, red , green, blue, 255)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName, color1 ,color2, color3, 255)
moveWindow(gaugeName, Xpos, Ypos)
resizeWindow(gaugeName, width, height)

-- store important data in a table
gaugesTable[gaugeName] = {width = width, height = height, xpos = Xpos, ypos = Ypos,text = gaugeText, color1 = color1, color2 = color2, color3 = color3}
--- @usage You can add an orientation argument as well now:
--- <pre>
--- createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, "Now with some text", "green", "horizontal, vertical, goofy, or batty")
--- </pre>
function createGauge(gaugeName, width, height, x, y, gaugeText, r, g, b, orientation)
gaugeText = gaugeText or ""
if type(r) == "string" then
orientation = g
r,g,b = getRGB(r)
elseif r == nil then
orientation = orientation or g
-- default colors
r,g,b = 128,128,128

-- Set Gauge text (Defaults to black)
-- If no gaugeText was passed, we'll just leave it blank!
if gaugeText ~= nil then
setGaugeText(gaugeName, gaugeText, "black")
orientation = orientation or "horizontal"
assert(table.contains({"horizontal","vertical","goofy","batty"},orientation), "createGauge: orientation must be horizontal, vertical, goofy, or batty")
local tbl = {width = width, height = height, x = x, y = y, text = gaugeText, r = r, g = g, b = b, orientation = orientation, value = 1}
createLabel(gaugeName .. "_back", 0,0,0,0,1)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName .. "_back", r, g, b, 100)

createLabel(gaugeName .. "_front", 0,0,0,0,1)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName .. "_front", r, g, b, 255)

createLabel(gaugeName .. "_text", 0,0,0,0,1)
setBackgroundColor(gaugeName .. "_text", 0, 0, 0, 0)

-- save new values in table
gaugesTable[gaugeName] = tbl
resizeGauge(gaugeName, tbl.width, tbl.height)
moveGauge(gaugeName, tbl.x, tbl.y)
setGaugeText(gaugeName, gaugeText, "black")

Expand All @@ -481,17 +465,30 @@ end
--- setGauge("healthBar", 200, 400, "some text")
--- </pre>
function setGauge(gaugeName, currentValue, maxValue, gaugeText)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(currentValue and maxValue, "setGauge: need to have both current and max values.")

resizeWindow(gaugeName, gaugesTable[gaugeName].width/100*((100/maxValue)*currentValue), gaugesTable[gaugeName].height)

-- if we wanted to change the text, we do it
if gaugeText ~= nil then
echo(gaugeName .. "_back", gaugeText)
echo(gaugeName, gaugeText)
gaugesTable[gaugeName].text = gaugeText
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(currentValue and maxValue, "setGauge: need to have both current and max values.")
local value = currentValue / maxValue
-- save new values in table
gaugesTable[gaugeName].value = value
local info = gaugesTable[gaugeName]
local x,y,w,h = info.x, info.y, info.width, info.height

if info.orientation == "horizontal" then
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", w * value, h)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", x, y)
elseif info.orientation == "vertical" then
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", w, h * value)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", x, y + h * (1 - value))
elseif info.orientation == "goofy" then
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", w * value, h)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", x + w * (1 - value), y)
elseif info.orientation == "batty" then
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", w, h * value)
moveWindow(gaugeName .. "_front", x, y)
if gaugeText then
setGaugeText(gaugeName, gaugeText)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -764,25 +761,24 @@ end

--- <b><u>TODO</u></b> resizeGauge(gaugeName, width, height)
function resizeGauge(gaugeName, width, height)
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "resizeGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(width and height, "resizeGauge: need to have both width and height.")

resizeWindow(gaugeName, width, height)
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", width, height)

-- save in the table
gaugesTable[gaugeName].width, gaugesTable[gaugeName].height = width, height
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "resizeGauge: no such gauge exists.")
assert(width and height, "resizeGauge: need to have both width and height.")
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_back", width, height)
resizeWindow(gaugeName .. "_text", width, height)
-- save new values in table
gaugesTable[gaugeName].width, gaugesTable[gaugeName].height = width, height
setGauge(gaugeName, gaugesTable[gaugeName].value, 1)

--- <b><u>TODO</u></b> setGaugeStyleSheet(gaugeName, css, cssback)
function setGaugeStyleSheet(gaugeName, css, cssback)
if not setLabelStyleSheet then return end-- mudlet 1.0.5 and lower compatibility
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGaugeStyleSheet: no such gauge exists.")

setLabelStyleSheet(gaugeName, css)
setLabelStyleSheet(gaugeName .. "_back", cssback or css)
function setGaugeStyleSheet(gaugeName, css, cssback, csstext)
if not setLabelStyleSheet then return end -- mudlet 1.0.5 and lower compatibility
assert(gaugesTable[gaugeName], "setGaugeStyleSheet: no such gauge exists.")
setLabelStyleSheet(gaugeName .. "_back", cssback or css)
setLabelStyleSheet(gaugeName .. "_front", css)
setLabelStyleSheet(gaugeName .. "_text", csstext or "")

Expand Down

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