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AIXPRT TensorFlow Windows

File metadata and controls

executable file
102 lines (64 loc) · 5.26 KB

1. Introduction

This module contains workloads to evaluate the system performance using use cases related to image classification and object detection using TensorFlow. It has workloads “ResNet50_v1” and “ssd_mobilenet” and can run single, multi-batch, and multi-instance scenarios. Workloads are built and tested using TensorFlow (version 1.14) framework. For more information about TensorFlow please follow the link: Workloads run with fp32 precision by default.

2. System Requirements

  • This module can run on all the systems supported by TensorFlow.
  • Note: When running tensorflow-gpu on Ubuntu, we recommend running Ubuntu 18.04.1.

3. Run the Benchmark

Steps to configure the machine

####### Windows

  • Install dependencies

    1. Python3 for windows. Please make sure to install the right version of python3 that is supported by TensorFlow.

    2. Navigate to the python3 install directory and duplicate python.exe file. Rename the duplicate file to python3.exe.

    3. Install dependencies.

      pip3 install pyreadline
      pip3 install Pillow
      pip3 install opencv-python
      pip3 install --upgrade wmi
      pip3 install --upgrade pypiwin32
    4. Install TensorFlow.

    For instructions on how to install on Intel CPUs and AMD CPUs, follow the instructions on the TensorFlow website. For NVIDIA GPUs, follow the instructions on the NVIDIA TensorFlow GPU website.

     * Below are some simple instructions for running the benchmark. However, users are free to choose to install any different type of
       tensorflow according to the system they are running on.
       # CPU
       pip3 install tensorflow
       # GPU
        a. Install CUDA which will also update the drivers. Please pick the version as recommended on
           [TensorFlow]( gpu setup
        b. Install CUDNN as recomended on the page above
        c. Install TensorRT as recommended for better performance
        d. pip3 install tensorflow-gpu
     * To check the installation run ` pip3 list | grep tensorflow `, output should contain tensorflow as one of the item.
Steps to run the benchmark
  1. Navigate to directory:

    cd AIXPRT/Harness
  2. Run the benchmark:

  3. If running on GPU target, please edit AIXPRT/Config/{filename.json} to set "hardware" to gpu .

3. Results

When the test is complete, the benchmark saves the results to AIXPRT/Results in JSON format, and also generates CSV files with the name {ConfigName}_RESULTS_SUMMARY.csv To submit results, please follow the instructions in AIXPRT/ or at AIXPRT Results Submission

Sample results summary file

Each results summary file has three sections: SYSTEM INFORMATION, RESULTS SUMMARY and DETAILED RESULTS.

    This section provides basic information about the system under test.

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    AIXPRT measures inference latency and throughput for image recognition (ResNet-50) and object detection (SSD-MobileNet) tasks. batching tasks allows AI applications to achieve higher levels of throughput, but higher throughput may come at the expense of increased latency per task. In real-time or near real-time use cases like performing image recognition on individual photos being captured by a camera, lower latency is important to enable better user experience. In other cases, like performing image recognition on a large library of photos, higher throughput through batching images or concurrent instances may allow faster completion of the overall workload. The achieve optimal latency and/or throughput levels, AI applications often tune batch sizes and/or concurrent instances according to a system’s hardware capabilities, such as the number of available processor cores and threads.To represent a spectrum of common tunings, AIXPRT tests AI tasks in different batch sizes (1 - 32 is the default in this package) that are relevant to the target test system. AIXPRT then reports the maximum throughput and minimum latency for image recognition (ResNet-50) and object detection (SSD-MobileNet v1)usages.
    The AIXPRT results summary (example below) makes it easier to quickly identify relevant comparisons between systems.

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    This section shows the throughput and latency results for each AI task configuration tested by the benchmark. AIXPRT runs each AI task (e.g. ResNet-50, batch1, on CPU) multiple times and reports the average inference throughput and corresponding latency percentiles.

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