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Implementation of the HeNHoE-2vec algorithm by Valentini et al. (2021).


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A Python implementation of the HeNHoE-2vec algorithm by Valentini et al. for the embedding of networks with heterogeneous nodes and homogeneous edges (HeNHoE).

Note: HeNHoE networks are analogous to multilayer networks: in HeNHoE networks, each node has a distinct node type, and in multilayer networks, each node belongs to a distinct layer. The terms type and layer may therefore be regarded synonymous. Throughout the code and for the remainder of this documentation, we will use the terms multilayer network and layer as opposed to HeNHoE network and type.


Install the package from PyPI by running the following command:

$ pip install henhoe2vec

Alternatively, clone this repository by running

$ git clone

and then install the package by running pip install . from the root of the repository.


This package may be used as a Python script or as a package, allowing its modules to be imported by other Python projects. Both forms of use make it easy to run HeNHoE-2vec on multilayer networks.

As a Package

After installing the package using pip, its modules may be imported using

import henhoe2vec

The many individual steps of HeNHoE-2vec are accumulated in a single run() method in the henhoe2vec.henhoe2vec module. HeNHoE-2vec can be run from start to finish as follows:

import henho2vec as hh2v, output_dir)

input_csv is the path to the multilayer edge list of the network to be embedded (csv file with no index). output_dir is the path to the output directory where the embedding files will be saved. The run() method takes a bunch of other optional parameters which can be used to configure HeNHoE-2vec. A comprehensive overview of parameters can be found in the code documentation.

As a Python Script

To run HeNHoE-2vec as a script, clone this repository using

$ git clone

, install the requirements found in requirements.txt and run the following command from the root of the repository:

$ python3 -m src.henhoe2vec --input <input_path> --output_dir <output_dir_path>

This will generate node embeddings for the nodes of the network specified by the multilayer edge list saved at <input_path> and saves the embedding files in <output_dir>.

Run python3 -m src.henhoe2vec --help from the root of the repository to show an overview of all arguments taken by the script. The following table also shows an overview of all arguments:

Script Arguments

Argument Type Description Default Value
--input str Path to the multilayer edge list of the network to be embedded (csv file with no index). The multilayer edge list must contain the columns 'source', 'source_layer', 'target', 'target_layer' in that order. For weighted networks, it must also contain the column 'weight'. Each row represents an edge. -
--sep str Delimiter of the input csv edge list. "\t"
--header store_true Pass this argument if the input csv edge list has a header. -
--output_name str Name of the output .csv file (without suffix). "embeddings"
--is_directed store_true Pass this argument if the network is directed. -
--edges_are_distances store_true Pass this argument if edge weights indicate distance between nodes (as opposed to weight/similarity). -
--output_dir str Path of the output directory where the embedding files will be saved. -
--dimensions int The dimensionality of the embeddings. 128
--walk_length int Length of each random walk. 20
--num_walks int Number of random walks to simulate for each node. 10
--p float Return parameter p from the node2vec algorithm. 1.0
--q float In-out parameter q from the node2vec algorithm. 0.5
--s float Default switching parameter for layer pairs which are not specified in the --s-dict argument. 1.0
--s_dict list Switching parameters for specific layer pairs in a dict-like manner. Pass the names of layer pairs followed by their switching parameters, separated by white spaces. E.g., if the switching parameter from layer1 to layer2 is 0.5 and the switching parameter from layer2 to layer1 is 0.7, you would pass layer1 layer2 0.5 layer2 layer1 0.7. Note that layer pairs are directed. For all layer pairs which are not specified here, the default parameter --s is adopted. empty list
--window_size int Context size for the word2vec optimization. 10
--epochs int Number of epochs in SGD. 1
--workers int Number of parallel workers (threads). 8


Implementation of the HeNHoE-2vec algorithm by Valentini et al. (2021).







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