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File metadata and controls

302 lines (232 loc) · 8.91 KB


  • Simple and flexible
  • Funny jQ selector you must like it
  • Automatically decode body into UTF8(as an option), never worry about encoding anymore
  • Save extracted data by pipe, just enjoy
  • Easy to check and filter existed urls
  • Retry task easily and reliably
  • Rate limit & concurrent limit
  • Support async function and promise
const { Spider } = require("nodespider");
const s = new Spider();

s.plan("getTitle", (err, current) => {
    const $ = current.$;
s.queue("getTitle", "");"./save/to/path", "");

More examples see: examples

Installation & initialization

npm install nodespider@0.9.3 --save
const { Spider } = require("nodespider");

const mySpider = new Spider();

// or initialize with options
const myOtherSpider = new Spider({
    concurrency: 20,
    // or more...

Optional settings:

option description type defaults
queue task queue class NodeSpider.Queue
concurrency concurrent async task number number 20


Spider.prototype.plan(planName, callback)

add a default plan

name type description
planName string new plan's name
callback function the function to call when successfully crawled or threw an error

Three parameters will be passed to the callback function:

  • err when there aren't error , it will be null
  • current current task's information
    • response
    • body the response body in utf8 format
    • url
    • planName
    • hasRetried
    • info current task's attached information
    • $ the jQ selector that you can use it to extract data
  • spider this spider instance
const s = new Spider();
s.plan("myPlan", (err, current, s) => {
    if (err) return s.retry(current);
    const $ = current.$;
s.queue("myPlan", "");

Tips: If you want to cancel jQ loading or close automatic decode, and make more detailed settings (such as modifying request headers), it is recommended to use the method add to add the default plan.

Even if you want to decide how to crawl by yourself, you can use the method add to add your own plan. These will be mentioned later.

Spider.prototype.queue(planName, url, info)

Add url(s) to the queue and specify a plan. These task will be performed as planned when it's turn. Eventually only absolute url(s) can be added to the queue, the other will be returned in an array.

name type description
planName string the specified plan's name
url string or string array the url(s) need to add
info * (Optional). The attached information. The Info will be passed to the callback as when the task of adding url is executing
s.plan("myPlan", (err, current) => {
    if ( {
s.queue("myPlan", "");
s.queue("myPlan", [
s.queue("myPlan", "", {
    from: "google"

s.queue("myPlan", [
    "it isn't a url",
]); // return ["it isn't a url", 10], url, fileName)

Add download url to the queue. The downloaded file will be saved in specified path.

name type description
path string the path to save downloaded file
url string the url need to add
fileName string (Optional) . The downloaded file's name"./save/to/path", "");

When fileName === undefined, the download file will be named by url in legal. Never worry about naming problems"./", "");
// filename:!static!images!rucksack-dot.svg

Warn When an error threw from downloading, it will automatically retry 3 times (in maximum). More than three times, it will just console.log(error) and do not more.

If you want to decide how to handle error by yourself, or make more detailed settings, you can use the method add to add download plan. These will be mentioned later.

Spider.prototype.retry(currentTask, maxRetry, finalErrorCallback);

Retry the task. The task will be added to queue again.

parameter description type
currentTask the task which need to be retried object
maxRetry (Optional) Maximum number of retries. Default: 1 number
finalErrorCallback (Optional) the function will be called when reach maximum number of retries function
s.plan("myPlan", function (err, current) {
    if (err) return s.retry(current);
s.plan("otherPlan", function (err, current) {
    if (err) return s.retry(current, 10);
s.plan("anotherPlan", function (err, current) {
    if (err) return s.retry(current, 5, () => console.log(err));


Check whether the url has been added. If the url has been crawled, or in crawling and waiting, return true.

parameter description type
url the url you want to check string
return description
boolean if the url exists, return true
s.queue("myPlan", "");
console.log(s.isExist(""));    // true


Return a new array of all unique url items which don't exist in the queue from provided array.

parameter type
urls array (of string)
s.queue(planA, "");

var urls = n.filter(["", "", ""]);
console.log(urls); // ["", ""]

urls = n.filter(["", "", ""]);
console.log(urls); // [""]


add a new plan

    name: "myPlan1",
    callbacks: [
        (err, current, s) => console.log(current.url)
s.queue("myPlan1", "");

What is the "plan"? What spider to do after got url from queue, we call that "plan".

What is the "plan generator"? A function that returns plan, and it can reuses code.

There are three built-in plan generators that can help you quickly create a plan:

  • defaultPlan requests and passes response body to callbacks(expose to developer)
  • streamPlan requests and passes response stream to callback(expose to developer)
  • downloadPlan downloads file and saves it in specified path.

See more: plan document

In the future version, you can also create your own more flexible plan, even your own plan generator. At present version already have these base, but the api and document is not perfect, so please expect


add a new data pipe.

    name: "myJson",
    path: "./my.json",
    items: [title, article, publish_date],

There are three built-in pipe generators that can help you quickly create a pipe:

  • txt pipe Data will be saved in the ".txt" file in tabular format
  • json pipe Data will be stored in a ".json" file
  • csv pipe Data will be stored in a ".csv" file

See more: pipe document, data)

Save data through a pipe

// connect a pipe
    name: "myJson",
    path: "./my.json",
    items: [title, article, url],
s.plan("saveDoc", (err, current, s) => {
    const $ = current.$;
    // save data through pipe"myJson", {
        title: $("title").text(),
        article: $("#readme").text(),
        url: current.url,
s.queue("saveDoc", "");


close the spider instance.

const s = new Spider();
s.plan(() => null); // throw error



When there aren't more task in the queue, the event "empty" will be emitted.


When add a new task to the queue, the event "queueTask" will be emitted and parameter taskObject will be passed to callback.


When the queue is empty and all tasks has been done, the event "vacant" will be emitted.

How to contribute

  • Submit an issue if you need any help.
  • Of course, feel free to submit pull requests with bug fixes or changes.
  • Open source your own plan generator, pipe generator, pretreatment function or queue, etc. More better with a name nodespider-* to easily search, such like nodespider-mysqlpipe.