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File metadata and controls

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Lists, Maps, Trees

The List interface

  • A class implementing the List interface supports the storage of an ordered collection of objects
  • An application using a class implementing the interface has control over where each element is added to the list
  • An application using a class implementing the interface can access elements by the position, or index, in the list of elements
  • An implementing class can have duplicate elements

List Methods include

Method Description
add(int index, type element) add element to the list at the specified index
add(type element) add to end of the list
clear() delete all elements of the list
contains(Object obj) check if an object is on the list
get(int index) return the element at index index
indexOf(Object obj) return the index of an object in the list
remove(int index) delete an element from the list
set(int index , type element) assign the element at index index the value element
size() the number of elements in the list
sort(Comparator comp) sorts the list based on the passed in Comparator
toArray(type T[] array) converts the list to an array

Some of the implementing classes

  • AbstractList
  • AbstractSequenctialList
  • ArrayList
    • we have used these, a growable “array” of objects (equivalent to a Vector, except no thread safe)
  • AttributeList
  • CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • LinkedList
    • a doubly linked list, the first and last elements are known and the next and previous are also known
  • RoleList
  • RoleUnresolvedList
  • Stack
    • we've discussed the ArrayDeque version of a stack
  • Vector
    • we have discussed these, a growable “array” of objects (equivalent to an ArrayList, except thread safe)

The Map interface

  • Classes that implement this interface support mapping keys to values
  • keys are unique and can map to a single value
  • values can be duplicated, with multiple keys mapping to the duplicate values
  • That is keys “1” and “2” can both map to two copies of the same object

Map Methods include

Method Description
clear() remove all elements
containsKey(Object objKey) check for existence of a key. This should be fast
containsValue(Object objValue) check for the existence of a value. This should be slower than containsKey()
get(Object objKey) return the value assoicated with the key
isEmpty() Returns whether map is currently empty.
keySet() Returns the collection of keys
put(keyType key, valueType value) add a key and value pair to the map
remove(Object objKey) remove the key and value pair from the map
size() number of key/value pairs in the map
values() return the collection of values

Some of the implementing classes

  • AbstractMap
  • Attributes
  • HashMap
    • uses the hash of the key as an “index”
    • Not synchronized
  • HashTable
    • uses the hash of the key as an “index”
    • Is synchronized
  • TreeMap
    • the keys are stored in sorted order in a tree
    • Not synchronized
  • In Dijkstra's algorithm, we could have stored the parent or cost of a vertex in a HashMap or HashTable or TreeMap
    • TreeMap<<Integer>, <Double>> or TreeMap<<Integer>, <Integer>> for the weight or parent respectively

Details on hashing functions

  • From Wikipedia:
    • A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, digests, or simply hashes. The values are usually used to index a fixed size table called a hash table. Use of a hash function to index a hash table is called hashing or scatter storage addressing.
  • The same piece of data will be mapped to the same hash code
  • Note: Two pieces of data having the same hash code does not imply that the two pieces of data are the same
    • This is due to mapping a large number of values to a smaller number of values
      • Such as mapping 1,000,000,000 to 1,000 values, there are going to be multiple values mapped to a single hash (by the pigeon hole principle)


Some quick review:

  • A tree is a directed graph, with some additional constraints

    • If (u, v) is an edge from u to v, then u is called v's parent, and v is called u's child
    • A node can have only one parent
    • If a tree has a root, then the root has no parent
    • A node that has no children is called a leaf (or external node)
    • There is only one root node
    • The ancestors of a node are all the nodes that can be reached by repeatedly looking at the parent nodes
    • The descendants of a node are all the nodes that can be reached by repeatedly looking at the child nodes
    • A subtree is a node and all of its descendants
    • An internal node is any node with child nodes
  • Trees can be used to represent hierarchical data

    • The directory structure of a file system is a good example of this
    • Family trees (have to deal with the two parent thing though)

Example of a tree

  • In this example, q0 is the root of the tree


Some of the implementing classes

Java has multiple tree implementations

  • TreeMap
    • Stores the keys in a tree in sorted order
  • TreeSet
    • Stores objects in a tree in sorted order
  • JTree
    • Display hierarchical data

Binary search tree

  • From Wikipedia:
    • In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree data structure whose internal nodes each store a key greater than all the keys in the node’s left subtree and less than those in its right subtree.


  • To find an element, takes at most 5 comparisons versus 15 in an array