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executable file
379 lines (246 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
379 lines (246 loc) · 10.3 KB

How to Contribute

I would be very happy about any kind of contributions that help to improve and extend the functionality of biopandas.

Quick Contributor Checklist

This is a quick checklist about the different steps of a typical contribution to biopandas and other open source projects. Consider copying this list to a local text file (or the issue tracker) and checking off items as you go.

  1. Open a new "issue" on GitHub to discuss the new feature / bug fix
  2. Fork the biopandas repository from GitHub (if not already done earlier)
  3. Create and checkout a new topic branch
  4. Implement new feature or apply the bug-fix
  5. Add appropriate unit test functions
  6. Run nosetests -sv and make sure that all unit tests pass
  7. Check/improve the test coverage by running nosetests --with-coverage
  8. Add a note about the change to the ./docs/sources/ file
  9. Modify documentation in the appropriate location under biopandas/docs/sources/
  10. Push the topic branch to the server and create a pull request
  11. Check the Travis-CI build passed at
  12. Check/improve the unit test coverage at
  13. Check/improve the code health at
  14. Squash many small commits to a larger commit

Getting Started - Creating a New Issue and Forking the Repository

  • If you don't have a GitHub account yet, please create one to contribute to this project.
  • Please submit a ticket for your issue to discuss the fix or new feature before too much time and effort is spent for the implementation.

  • Fork the biopandas repository from the GitHub web interface.

  • Clone the biopandas repository to your local machine
    • git clone<your_username>/biopandas.git

Syncing an Existing Fork

If you already forked biopandas earlier, you can bring you "Fork" up to date with the master branch as follows:

1. Configuring a remote that points to the upstream repository on GitHub

List the current configured remote repository for your fork by executing

$ git remote -v

If you see something like

origin<your username>/biopandas.git (fetch)
origin<your username>/biopandas.git (push)

you need to specify a new remote upstream repository via

$ git remote add upstream

Now, verify the new upstream repository you've specified for your fork by executing

$ git remote -v

You should see following output if everything is configured correctly:

origin<your username>/biopandas.git (fetch)
origin<your username>/biopandas.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

2. Syncing your Fork

First, fetch the updates of the original project's master branch by executing:

$ git fetch upstream

You should see the following output

remote: Counting objects: xx, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (xx/xx), done.
remote: Total xx (delta xx), reused xx (delta x)
Unpacking objects: 100% (xx/xx), done.
 * [new branch]      master     -> upstream/master

This means that the commits to the rasbt/biopandas master branch are now stored in the local branch upstream/master.

If you are not already on your local project's master branch, execute

$ git checkout master

Finally, merge the changes in upstream/master to your local master branch by executing

$ git merge upstream/master

which will give you an output that looks similar to

SOME FILE1                    |    12 +++++++
SOME FILE2                    |    10 +++++++
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+),

Making Changes in a New Topic Branch

1. Creating a new feature branch

Please avoid working directly on the master branch but create a new feature branch:

$ git branch <new_feature>

Switch to the new feature branch by executing

$ git checkout <new_feature>

2. Developing the new feature / bug fix

3. Testing your code

Adding/modifying the unit tests and check if they pass:

$ nosetests -sv
$ nosetests --with-coverage

4. Documenting the changes

Please add an entry to the biopandas/docs/sources/ file. If it is a new feature, it would also be nice if you could update the documentation in appropriate location in biopandas/sources.

5. Committing the changes

When you are ready to commit the changes, please provide a meaningful commit message:

$ git add <modifies_files> # or `git add .`
$ git commit -m '<meaningful commit message>'

6. Optional: squashing commits

If you made multiple smaller commits, it would be nice if you could group them into a larger, summarizing commit. First, list your recent commit via

$ git log

which will list the commits from newest to oldest in the following format by default:

commit 046e3af8a9127df8eac879454f029937c8a31c41
Author: rasbt <>
Date:   Tue Nov 24 03:46:37 2015 -0500


commit c3c00f6ba0e8f48bbe1c9081b8ae3817e57ecc5c
Author: rasbt <>
Date:   Tue Nov 24 03:04:39 2015 -0500

        documented feature x

commit d87934fe8726c46f0b166d6290a3bf38915d6e75
Author: rasbt <>
Date:   Tue Nov 24 02:44:45 2015 -0500

        added support for feature x

Assuming that it would make sense to group these 3 commits into one, we can execute

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3

which will bring our default git editor with the following contents:

pick d87934f added support for feature x
pick c3c00f6 documented feature x
pick 046e3af fixed

Since c3c00f6 and 046e3af are related to the original commit of feature x, let's keep the d87934f and squash the 2 following commits into this initial one by changes the lines to

pick d87934f added support for feature x
squash c3c00f6 documented feature x
squash 046e3af fixed

Now, save the changes in your editor. Now, quitting the editor will apply the rebase changes, and the editor will open a second time, prompting you to enter a new commit message. In this case, we could enter support for feature x to summarize the contributions.

7. Uploading the changes

Push your changes to a topic branch to the git server by executing:

$ git push origin <feature_branch>

8. Submitting a pull request

Go to your GitHub repository online, select the new feature branch, and submit a new pull request:

Notes for the Developers

Building the documentation

The documentation is built via MkDocs; to ensure that the documentation is rendered correctly, you can view the documentation locally by executing mkdocs serve from the biopandas/docs directory.

For example,

~/github/biopandas/docs$ mkdocs serve

1. Editing the Tutorials

Please note that documents containing code examples are generated from IPython Notebook files and converted to markdown via

~/github/biopandas/docs/sources/tutorials$ nbconvert --to markdown <file.ipynb>

The markdown file should be placed into the documentation directory at biopandas/docs/sources to build the documentation via MkDocs. If you are adding a new document, please also include it in the pages section in the biopandas/docs/mkdocs.yml file.

2. Building the API documentation

To build the API documentation, navigate to biopandas/docs and execute the file from this directory via

~/github/biopandas/docs$ python

This should place the API documentation into the correct directories in biopandas/docs/sources/api.

3. Building static HTML files of the documentation

Build the static HTML files of the biopandas documentation via

~/github/biopandas/docs$ mkdocs build --clean

To deploy the documentation, execute

~/github/biopandas/docs$ mkdocs gh-deploy --clean

Uploading a new version to PyPI

1. Creating a new testing environment

Assuming we are using conda, create a new python environment via

$ conda create -n 'biopandas-testing' python=3 pandas

Next, activate the environment by executing

$ source activate biopandas-testing

2. Installing the package from local files

Test the installation by executing

$ python install --record files.txt

the --record files.txt flag will create a files.txt file listing the locations where these files will be installed.

Try to import the package to see if it works, for example, by executing

$ python -c 'import biopandas; print(biopandas.__file__)'

If everything seems to be fine, remove the installation via

$ cat files.txt | xargs rm -rf ; rm files.txt

Next, test if pip is able to install the packages. First, navigate to a different directory, and from there, install the package:

$ pip install code/biopandas/

and uninstall it again

$ pip uninstall biopandas

3. Deploying the package

Consider deploying the package to the PyPI test server first. The setup instructions can be found here.

$ python sdist bdist_wheel upload -r

Test if it can be installed from there by executing

$ pip install -i biopandas

and uninstall it

$ pip uninstall biopandas

After this dry-run succeeded, repeat this process using the "real" PyPI:

$ python sdist bdist_wheel upload

4. Removing the virtual environment

Finally, to cleanup our local drive, remove the virtual testing environment via

$ conda remove --name 'biopandas-testing' --all