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Property Bindings

Michael Hladky edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 7 revisions

List of Property bindings

Label Modifier

labelText: string (Optional)
The text next to the stars.
Default: undefined

<star-rating-comp [labelText]="'My text!'"></star-rating-comp>

labelPosition: starRatingPosition (Optional)
The position of the label
Options: top, right, bottom, left
Default: left

<star-rating-comp [labelPosition]="'top'"></star-rating-comp>

Style Modifier

starType: starRatingStarTypes (Optional)
The type of start resource to use.
Options: svg, icon Default: svg

<star-rating-comp [starType]="'icon'"></star-rating-comp>

staticColor: starRatingColor (Optional)
Possible color names for the stars.
Options: default, negative, ok, positive
Default: undefined

<star-rating-comp [staticColor]="'positive'"></star-rating-comp>

size: starRatingSizes (Optional)
The height and width of the stars.
Options: small, medium, large
Default: medium

<star-rating-comp [size]="'small'"></star-rating-comp>

space: starRatingStarSpace (Optional)
If the start use the whole space or not. Options: no, between, around Default: no

<star-rating-comp [space]="'around'"></star-rating-comp>

speed: starRatingSpeed (Optional)
The duration of the animation in ms.
Options: immediately, noticeable, slow
Default: noticeable

<star-rating-comp [speed]="'slow'"></star-rating-comp>

direction: string (Optional)
The direction of the stars and label.
Options: rtl, ltr
Default: rtl

<star-rating-comp [direction]="'ltr'"></star-rating-comp>

disabled: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled, colors are transparent
Default: false

<star-rating-comp [disabled]="true"></star-rating-comp>

Control modifier

rating: number (Optional)
The actual star rating value
Default: no

<star-rating-comp [rating]="3"></star-rating-comp>

step: number (Optional)
The step interval of the control
Default: 1

<star-rating-comp [step]="0.5"></star-rating-comp>

numOfStars: number (Optional)
The possible number of stars to choose from
Default: 5

<star-rating-comp [numOfStars]="6"></star-rating-comp>

showHalfStars: boolean (Optional) To show half stars or not
Options: true, false
Default: false

<star-rating-comp [showHalfStars]="true"></star-rating-comp>

readOnly: boolean (Optional)
The click callback is disabled
Default: false

<star-rating-comp [readOnly]="true"></star-rating-comp>

id: string (Optional)
The html id attribute of the star rating
Default: undefined

<star-rating-comp [id]="'my-id'"></star-rating-comp>

getColor: Function (Optional)
Calculation of the color by rating.
Params: rating, number,numOfStars and staticColor
Return: color name

<star-rating-comp [getColor]="ctrl.getColor(rating, numOfStars, staticColor)"></star-rating-comp>

getHalfStarVisible: Function (Optional)
Calculation for adding the "half" class or not, depending on the rating value.
Params: rating
Return: boolean

<star-rating-comp [getHalfStarClass]="ctrl.getHalfStarClass(rating)" [rating]="3.2"></star-rating-comp>