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Replicating results

After having presented the technical details of how the different pipelines are implemented, this section provides a more practical approach with snippets on how to run experiments to replicate our results.


To execute the snippets in this section you need to install our package and its dependencies. See Installation for details on how to do that and download the datasets as well.


We provide a ready-made script to execute all the proposed implementations. Below more details on the parameters that you need to specify, but the main one are

  • the dataset
  • the training method aka the strategy

For a more specific description of how are strategy used inside our framework see The trainer wrapper.

For a more theorical perspective on said strategies, see instead our presentation.

Here we report just a brief summary of all the available strategies that you can ask our framework tu run:

  • one_shot

    Most basic implementation. Allows to train a standard VAE, AAE, or Supervised AAE on a single domain

  • baseline

    Implements the method reported as baseline, with a first stage (meant for image domains) with a discriminator on the labels. The second stage has the discriminator as well and uses an anchor loss when available, on paired datasets.

  • baseline_1stage

    Meant for datasets that do not include an image domain. Only executes the second stage of the baseline explained above

  • joint_estimator

    Our first proposed variation; to avoid the need for an anchor loss to match the latent space, tries to estimate in a first stage a distribution conditioned on the label; and then to impose that distribution in a second stage separately per each domain/omic, using the framework of Adversarial AEs.

  • joint_double_discr

    Same principle of the previous one, but instead of using AAEs uses a discriminator to impose a common distribution.

  • distribution

    Apply principles from domain adaptation to ensure that the different domains get encoded on a common distribution. Possible to specify a weighted combination of MKMMD, HAFN, SAFN losses. Includes a first stage of pretraining, meant for image domains.

  • distribution_1stage

    Same as above but without the first stage of pretraining

Run the script

A script to easily replicate all the reported results is provided at scripts/ It does not add anything to the proposed framework, and it is provided for convenience of the external user to take care of the argument parsing and config specification.

The high level parameters are passed to the command line, such as the dataset path, the strategy, logging folder. Instead for the more specific details, a config file is needed. Config files ae represented as .ini files with different sections, one for each of the different aspects to configure. All the config files for the reported experiments are provided under configs, ready for you to try them out.

Here is a summary of the command line argument:

usage: [-h] --fold FOLD --log_dir LOG_DIR --strategy STRATEGY --config_path CONFIG_PATH

-h, --help                  show this help message and exit
--fold FOLD                 dataset path
--log_dir LOG_DIR           directory to store the log files
--strategy STRATEGY         strategy to perform the training
--config_path CONFIG_PATH   path of the configuration file

In our configs folder, you find more files than the ones mentioned in the snippet below. For the usage of any of them, the filename is very explicative, containing the dataset, the methodology, and any additional infromation such as additional losses (e.g. kld ) and preprocessing techniques (e.g. smote)

Reproducing baseline results

Below we report the command to reproduce the results applying the baseline method and models to all the 3 datasets.

  • CD4 :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/cd4_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline \
            --config_path configs/CD4/cd4_baseline.ini
  • A549 :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/a549_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline_1stage \
            --config_path configs/A549/a549_baseline.ini
  • GDC :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/gdc_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline_1stage \
            --config_path configs/GDC/gdc_baseline.ini

Joint Training with Adversarial AEs and double discriminator

This snippets are to run experiments with our proposed variation - 2 stage Joint Training, with a double discriminator.

  • CD4 :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/cd4_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline \
            --config_path configs/CD4/cd4_baseline.ini
  • A549 :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/a549_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline_1stage \
            --config_path configs/A549/a549_baseline.ini
  • GDC :
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/gdc_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy baseline_1stage \
            --config_path configs/GDC/gdc_baseline.ini

Training with losses from Domain adaptation:

These snippets are to execute experiments with our proposed variations that utilizes techniques from Domain adaptation. Use either one of the proposed losses on either one of the datasets:

  • CD4 and MKMMD:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/cd4_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution \
            --config_path configs/CD4/cd4_mmd_kld_no_smote.ini
  • CD4 and HAFN:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/cd4_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution \
            --config_path configs/CD4/cd4_hafn_no_smote.ini
  • A549 and MKMMD:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/a549_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution_1stage \
            --config_path configs/A549/a549_mmd.ini
  • A549 and SAFN:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/a549_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution_1stage \
            --config_path configs/A549/a549_safn.ini
  • GDC and MKMMD:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/gdc_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution_1stage \
            --config_path configs/GDC/gdc_mmd_no_smote.ini
  • GDC and HAFN:
    python scripts/ --fold /your/path/to/gdc_folder \
            --log_dir /where/you/will/find/logs \ 
            --strategy distribution_1stage \
            --config_path configs/GDC/gdc_hafn_no_smote.ini

Plot latent spaces

It may be useful to take a look inside your model and plot what is happening inside your latent space. We provide a utility to do conveniently do so. Take a dataset, a model (hopefully trained previously), and the function will plot the different domains in the dataset, choosing a main color to each label, and then assign a gradient of that color to each domain. Ideally if the domain translation has been successfull, you should see that different gradients of each color (e.g. samples from different domains and same label) are overlapped in a common distribution.

Below we report examples for all the datasets, calling the main function provided in scripts/

  • CD4

    from visualizer import main
    main(dataset_name='cd4', dataset_folder='dataset_nature',
  • A549

    from visualizer import main
    main(dataset_name='a549', dataset_folder='dataset_nature_atac-rna',
  • GDC

    from visualizer import main
    main(dataset_name='gdc', dataset_folder='dataset_breast',