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ExTensor An Accelerator for Sparse Tensor

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57 lines (40 loc) · 2.35 KB

Paper title:

ExTensor: An Accelerator for Sparse Tensor Algebra



Problem to solve:

  1. The percentage of non-zero elements in tensor kernels ranges from 10-6% to 50%. Many tensor kernels are extremely sparse.

  2. Proposed accelerators for sparse liner algebra deal with relatively dense data (e.g. deep neural network) or specific kernels (e.g. sparse matrix vector multiply).

  3. General purpose platform such as CPUs and GPUs cannot reach peak performance when accumulating sparse tensor algebra kernels.

Major contribution:

They propose the first accelerator for general and sparse tensor algebra called ExTensor.

The key idea of ExTensor is to find the coordinate intersection between input tensors and select tensors according to those coordinates to accumulate. Input tensors are stored in compressed format such CSR or CSF and look up via metadata.

They propose an architecture to find the coordinates of intersection called the Coordinate. The input of the Coordinate is subtensors with these coordinates. Sequencer in the Coordinate is configured by tensor kernel. Sequencer is responsible for sending Iterate() command required by the tensor kernel to the Scanner. Scanner consist of a metadata storage and a Finite State Machine (FSM) to control the storage. Metadata storage receive input coordinates.

When evaluating sparse-sparse problems (both tensors are sparse), Extensor perform intersection as described previously. When evaluating a sparse-dense problem, intersection is degenerate as all coordinates of the sparse operand are effectual and those coordinates are used (as positions) to access the values of the dense operand. For dense-dense, intersection is disabled.

Finally, Compared with MKL, SPMSPM(two sparse matrix multiplication) and SPMM(a dense matrix multiple sparse matrix) speed up 3.4× and 1.3×. Compared with TACO, TTV, TTM and SDDMM(three tensor kernels) speed up 2.8×, 24.9×, and 2.7×.

Lessons learnt:

  1. This paper pre-process the dimensions of tiled tensors in tree format, which guarantees different dimension tensors are send into acceleration in a same format.

  2. The core of the paper is to find out whether the coordinates of the two trees in the input tensor are intersecting.

  3. Tensors are broken into tiles in different memory hierarchy.