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Towards Memory Friendly Long-Short Term Memory Networks(LSTMs) on Mobile

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90 lines (69 loc) · 4.41 KB

Paper title:

Towards Memory Friendly Long-Short Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) on Mobile GPUs



Problem to solve:

With the continuously improved performance of mobile GPUs, local processing has become a promising solution to the large data transmission and privacy issues induced by the cloud-centric computations of IPAs. However, LSTMs exhibit quite inefficient memory access pattern when executed on mobile GPUs due to the redundant data movements and limited off-chip bandwidth.

Major contribution:


    1. The Irrelevance Between Two LSTM Cells

In LSTM, the activation functions are sigmoid and tanh. This paper finds that when the input is in the range of [−2, 2], its output is nearly linear to the input, they refer it as sensitive area. On the other hand, its output is insensitive to the input within the range of [−∞,−2] and [2,+∞], they refer it as insensitive area.

According to the computing equation of LSTM, this paper finds that when the input is in the insensitive area, the previous cell’s output ht−1 can be considered as irrelevant to the current cell’s output ft, it, ct, and ot, thus, having no impact to the current cell’s computation. In other words, there is no context link between these two cells.

  1. LSTM Layer Division

Based on the above observation that the context links between every two cells are not uniform throughout the LSTM layer, they propose the LSTM layer division scheme which breaks the context link between cells with no or quite weak link so that a LSTM layer is divided into multiple independent


  1. LSTM Layer Reorganization

Tissue Formation: Given the independent LSTM sub-layers, they parallelize them via fusing cells from the sub-layers into tissues. One cell will be selected per sub-layer, and the selected cells together form a tissue. Ideally, when there are more sub-layers and more cells are fused into a tissue, there will be fewer tissues in the layer and thus, fewer re-loads for the weight matrices and performance are improved as well. However, they observe that keeping increasing the tissue size would even hurt the performance. Further increasing the tissue size would cause the kernel re-configuration at the compilation time to ensure that the on-chip bandwidth utilization is below 100%.

Tissue Alignment: Since the tissue formation mechanism simply combines multiple cells into tissues but ignores the MTS, it may generate both fat and thin tissues. Fat tissues have more cells than MTS leading to the over-utilized share-memory bandwidth, while thin tissues have quite few cells and are unable to effectively reuse the weight matrix. To maximize the performance, they explore the tissue alignment mechanism to well balance the tissue size by moving cells from the fat tissues to thin tissues, e.g. moving cell7 and 8 from Tissue0 and Tissue1 to Tissue1 and Tissue2, respectively.


Besides the redundant data movements across cells, the off-chip memory bandwidth is the other major performance limitation for each LSTM cell. Since weight matrix Uf,i,c,o is the largest input data for one cell, it is important to shrink it, hence addressing the bottleneck inside the LSTM cell.

Noticing that weights in LSTM are processed in the row order, and especially, the elements from different rows are totally irrelevant. They leverage this unique feature to propose the row-level weight compression technique, called dynamic row skip, which compacts weights in the matrix at the row level without affecting the output accuracy. To be specific, they dynamically skip those irrelevant rows in the weight matrices Uf , Ui, Uc whose computations have trivial contribution to the cell output vector ht. By doing this, the skipped rows will not be loaded and their computations are ignored as well, leading to both performance and energy optimizations.

Lessons learnt:

This paper aims to explore the memory friendly LSTM on mobile GPUs by hierarchically reducing the off-chip memory accesses. The observation of sensitive and insensitive area is quite interesting, and guides them to explore sub-layer division.