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Patch Notes (2.0)

HZ991 edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 9 revisions

🚀 What's new?

Release 2.0 18/10/2022
Authors: Breanna Jury, Howard Jiang


Better buttons!
All buttons now have a consistent design and logical placement.

Avatar updates!
Avatars now cost different amounts of tickets, so you have to work harder to earn some of them. Fixed a couple of issues with some avatars not being possible to be bought. Added descriptive text so you know which avatars you already own.

You can now gain tickets by getting over a certain score in each game. These tickets allow you to buy more avatars.

game-over screen!
After you complete each game, a game-over screen will display your own score for each game! Here, you can choose to replay the game via the [play again] button or return to the main menu via the [menu] button.

Invader updates!
Big updates to Invader! Both player and enemy ships will get power up when reach a higher level, Also UI change to highlight the Level changes

Bug Fixes

Invader Fix
Fixed the problem where the score does not reset when the game is over

Snake Fix
Fixed the problem where food can spawn within the snake's body/tail


Global variables
A file has been added to hold all global variables, such as window resolution and fps. All classes that require this information now reference the settings file rather than local variables. Why? Modifiability! Now if you want to change the screen size you only have to look in one place, the settings file, rather than combing through dozens of different files and classes.

Reformat Code to improve readability