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Increase of Cancelation Fees

This proposal is supposed to remove an attack vector that allows to spam the network for free by placing orders and canceling them if they are not filled (partially or completely).


The reason for this attack vector has been identified and is caused by the recent protocol upgrates that allow market makers and liquidity providers to reclaim their transaction fee from the order creation operation. The motivation for this update was to incentivize market making and improve liquidity.


To close this attack vector, we apply a slight cancelation fee.


Three proposals have been created:

  • 1.10.68: Cancelation fee: 1 BTS
  • 1.10.69: Cancelation fee: 0.1 BTS
  • 1.10.70: Cancelation fee: 0.01 BTS

The committee members are asked to at least approve 1.10.70 and also approve others in increasing fee order if they want a higher cancelation fee.

This procedure has been chosen to make sure that the attack vector is closed and still have a means to allow discussion and disagreements within the committee.

The proposals have been created by xeroc with a python script.