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562 lines (403 loc) · 14.5 KB

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562 lines (403 loc) · 14.5 KB
layout title description nav_order parent has_children permalink image main_classes
Visual examples of formatting options available for content authors.
Contribute to guide

{% include picture.html image = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/formatting.jpg" retina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/formatting@2x.jpg" mobile = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/formatting-mobile.jpg" mobileRetina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/formatting-mobile@2x.jpg" alt-text = "Abstract page layout illustration" width = 1600 height = 800 layout = "full-width" %}


This page showcases the various formatting and layout options available for content. Note that there is a [separate page]({{ '/guide/contribute/formatting/media/' | relative_url }}) for formatting images, videos, animations and prototypes. This allows editors to better understand their toolbox and access reference code. It also allows designers to see the design system in one place.

The design source file is a public Figma community file you can find here. To improve the design, please start with the Figma file and make a proposal in Discord or Github before implementing.

- [Text](#text-formatting) - [Headers](#headers) - [Blockquotes](#blockquote) - [Links](#links) - [Lists](#lists) - [Tables](#tables) - [Code](#code-embedding) - [Tips & recommendations](#tips--recommendations) - [Facts](#facts) - [Do's and don'ts](#dos-and-donts) - [Footnotes](#footnotes) - [Media]({{ '/guide/contribute/formatting/media/' | relative_url }})

Basic markdown formatting

We use Markdown when writing content. Markdown is a plain-text formatting syntax that helps us better prepare our text for the web. Below you can find an overview of commonly used syntax elements.

Text formatting

Text can be bold, italic, or strikethrough.


There should be whitespace between paragraphs.


# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6

h1 header

h2 header

h3 header

H4 header

h5 header
h6 header


> The details are not the details. They make the design.
> <cite>By <a href="">Charles Eames</a></cite>

The details are not the details. They make the design.

By Charles Eames


External Links

[Link to another page](

Link to another page

Internal links

[Linking]({{ '/guide/getting-started/why-bitcoin-is-unique/' | relative_url }})

[Linking]({{ '/guide/getting-started/why-bitcoin-is-unique/' | relative_url }})

Button links

[Filled button link]({: .button}
[Outline button link]({: .button.-outline}

Filled button link{: .button} Outline button link{: .button.-outline}


Breaking down content into lists is useful for readability. Here are examples of different list types.

Unordered list:

*   Item foo
*   Item bar
*   Item baz
*   Item zip
  • Item foo
  • Item bar
  • Item baz
  • Item zip

Ordered list:

1.  Item one
1.  Item two
1.  Item three
1.  Item four
  1. Item one
  2. Item two
  3. Item three
  4. Item four

Nested list

- level 1 item
  - level 2 item
  - level 2 item
    - level 3 item
    - level 3 item
- level 1 item
  - level 2 item
  - level 2 item
  - level 2 item
- level 1 item
  - level 2 item
  - level 2 item
- level 1 item
  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
      • level 3 item
      • level 3 item
  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
  • level 1 item

Nesting an ol in ul in an ol

- level 1 item (ul)
  1. level 2 item (ol)
  1. level 2 item (ol)
    - level 3 item (ul)
    - level 3 item (ul)
- level 1 item (ul)
  1. level 2 item (ol)
  1. level 2 item (ol)
    - level 3 item (ul)
    - level 3 item (ul)
  1. level 4 item (ol)
  1. level 4 item (ol)
    - level 3 item (ul)
    - level 3 item (ul)
- level 1 item (ul)
  • level 1 item (ul)
    1. level 2 item (ol)
    2. level 2 item (ol)
    • level 3 item (ul)
    • level 3 item (ul)
  • level 1 item (ul)
    1. level 2 item (ol)
    2. level 2 item (ol)
    • level 3 item (ul)
    • level 3 item (ul)
    1. level 4 item (ol)
    2. level 4 item (ol)
    • level 3 item (ul)
    • level 3 item (ul)
  • level 1 item (ul)

Task list

- [ ] Hello, this is a TODO item
- [ ] Hello, this is another TODO item
- [x] Goodbye, this item is done
  • Hello, this is a TODO item
  • Hello, this is another TODO item
  • Goodbye, this item is done

Definition list

Typically used for lists of terms and descriptions.

{% raw %}

{% include dl/open.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html color="red" %}

“You will be shown your recovery phrase on the next screen”

{% include dl/item-middle.html color="red" %}

Prepares a user for what they are about to **see**.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include dl/open.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html color="red" %}

“You will be shown your recovery phrase on the next screen”

{% include dl/item-middle.html color="red" %}

Prepares a user for what they are about to see.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html color="orange" %}

“Your recovery phrase is a group of 12 random words”

{% include dl/item-middle.html color="orange" %}

Explains to users what a recovery phrase is.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html color="yellow" %}

“Your recovery phrase is the only way to access your wallet if your phone is lost or stolen.”

{% include dl/item-middle.html color="yellow" %}

Explains to users what the purpose of a recovery phrase is and why it’s important.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html color="green" %}

“If you lose your recovery phrase, you will no longer be able to access your wallet. Never share your recovery phrase with anyone. Anyone who has it can access your funds.”

{% include dl/item-middle.html color="green" %}

Explains to users what the consequences of their behavior are, and how it can affect the safety of their funds.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/item-open.html %}

“We recommend writing these words down in order on a piece of paper and storing it somewhere safe that you will remember.”

{% include dl/item-middle.html %}

Guides and gives users actionable items on how to safely handle their recovery phrase.

{% include dl/item-close.html %}

{% include dl/close.html %}


| head1        | head two          | three |
| ok           | good swedish fish | nice  |
| out of stock | good and plenty   | nice  |
| ok           | good `oreos`      | hmm   |
| ok           | good `zoute` drop | yumm  |
head1 head two three
ok good swedish fish nice
out of stock good and plenty nice
ok good oreos hmm
ok good zoute drop yumm

Code embedding

// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
var fun = function lang(l) {
  dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l)
  return true;
# Ruby code with syntax highlighting
GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version|
  s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}")

Single-line code blocks

Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.
Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.

There's a horizontal rule below this.

* * *

Tips & recommendations

For additional useful information, but does not fit into the main flow of the content. This component has two presets, but can also be customized. Here are the presets:


{% raw %}

{% include tip/tip.html %}

Sed in lacus vitae turpis lobortis ultrices. Aenean hendrerit nec elit in sagittis. Nulla mi ante, luctus vitae tincidunt ut, rhoncus ac ex. Morbi sit amet mauris est.

{% include tip/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include tip/tip.html %}

Sed in lacus vitae turpis lobortis ultrices. Aenean hendrerit nec elit in sagittis. Nulla mi ante, luctus vitae tincidunt ut, rhoncus ac ex. Morbi sit amet mauris est.

{% include tip/close.html %}


For highlighting moments when we think there is a particular approach or solution that the reader should strongly consider following.

{% raw %}

{% include tip/recommendation.html %}

Most bitcoin products should use HD Wallets with Native Segwit addresses (unless focusing on maximum backwards compatibility).

{% include tip/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include tip/recommendation.html %}

Most bitcoin products should use HD Wallets with Native Segwit addresses (unless focusing on maximum backwards compatibility).

{% include tip/close.html %}

Custom use

You can also customize which color, title and icon the component should display with the following template. Available colors are red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.

{% raw %}

{% include tip/open.html color="green" icon="check" label="My title" %}

Most bitcoin products should use HD Wallets with Native Segwit addresses (unless focusing on maximum backwards compatibility).

{% include tip/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include tip/open.html color="green" icon="check" label="Do this" %}

Most bitcoin products should use HD Wallets with Native Segwit addresses (unless focusing on maximum backwards compatibility).

{% include tip/close.html %}

{% include tip/open.html color="red" icon="forbid" label="Don't do this" %}

Most bitcoin products should use HD Wallets with Native Segwit addresses (unless focusing on maximum backwards compatibility).

{% include tip/close.html %}


A table that provides specific descriptions based on standardized properties. Variations available are:

  • fact/pros.html
  • fact/cons.html
  • fact/dos.html
  • fact/donts.html
  • fact/variations.html
  • fact/products.html

{% raw %}

{% include fact/pros.html %}

Can provide higher resistance to loss from theft and negligence.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include fact/pros.html %}

Can provide higher resistance to loss from theft and negligence.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% include fact/cons.html %}

Require precise coordination of key-shares when signing, few advantages over multi-key setups with Schnorr signatures, individual implementations not interoperable.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% include fact/dos.html %}

When the target audience is knowledgeable, and risk of theft is higher than negligence.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% include fact/donts.html %}

When Schnorr signatures are available enabling multi-key setups.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% include fact/variations.html %}

Number of signatures required, location and distribution of pieces, signing procedure.

{% include fact/close.html %}

{% include fact/products.html %}

Bitcoin wallet, BTC wallet, BeeTeeCee Wallet

{% include fact/close.html %}

Do's and don'ts

This component allows for visual display and comparison of good and bad design implementations. The component consists of open, middle and close tags, between which regular markdown can be used.

{% raw %}

{% include do/open.html label="Do" icon="check" color="green" %}

Provide clear error messages that tell users how to solve the problem.

{% include image.html
   image = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/example-image-square.jpg"
   retina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/example-image-square@2x.jpg"
   alt-text = "Example image"
   width = 400
   height = 400

{% include do/middle.html label="Don't" icon="forbid" color="red" %}

Write overly complex error messages that require deep technical knowledge.

{% include image.html
   image = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square.jpg"
   retina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square@2x.jpg"
   alt-text = "Example image"
   width = 400
   height = 400

{% include do/close.html %}

{% endraw %}

{% include do/open.html label="Do" icon="check" color="green" %}

Provide clear error messages that tell users how to solve the problem.

{% include image.html image = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square.jpg" retina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square@2x.jpg" alt-text = "Example image" width = 400 height = 400 %}

{% include do/middle.html label="Don't" icon="forbid" color="red" %}

Write overly complex error messages that require deep technical knowledge.

{% include image.html image = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square.jpg" retina = "/assets/images/guide/contribute/formatting/media/example-image-square@2x.jpg" alt-text = "Example image" width = 400 height = 400 %}

{% include do/close.html %}


With footnotes, you can add notes and references without them appearing on page.

Here's a simple footnote[^1]

Here's a simple footnote1

[^1]: "Footnote with a caption"

Let's look at including images, videos, animations and prototypes in [formatting media]({{ '/guide/contribute/formatting/media/' | relative_url }}).

{% include next-previous.html previousUrl = "/guide/contribute/illustration-guidelines/" previousName = "Illustration guidelines" nextUrl = "/guide/contribute/formatting/media/" nextName = "Media" %}


  1. "Footnote with a caption"